艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国母婴市场消费行为调查数据
当下母婴产品市场机遇与挑战并存,市场规模呈稳定增长态势。但随着消费者越来越追求科学育儿,对母婴产品和服务的需求向高品质、个性化、多元化转变,不仅关注产品功能,更看重成分、配方等专业性,还期待在消费中获得情绪价值。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国母婴市场消费行为调查数据》数据显示,母婴行业的主要消费群体是怀孕中后期和1岁以下的宝妈,合计占比超过50%。同时,消费者在怀孕及育儿过程中最关注的是科学育儿知识和孕期保健知识。母婴消费者在使用各类平台时,会更注重平台的专业性、资讯真实性和互动性。新生代妈妈引领的消费升级潮流,正重塑着市场格局。母婴产品市场将在创新与变革中持续进化,不断满足家庭对高品质育儿生活的向往,成为推动社会消费升级、助力家庭幸福的重要力量,孕育出更多商业机遇与社会价值。
Currently, the baby and maternity product market is faced with both opportunities and challenges, and the market size is showing a steady growth trend. However, as consumers increasingly pursue scientific parenting, their demands for baby and maternity products and services are shifting towards high quality, personalization, and diversification. They not only pay attention to product functions but also attach great importance to the professionalism of ingredients, formulas, etc., and also expect to obtain emotional value during consumption. According to the latest "Survey data on consumer behavior in China's maternal and infant market in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the main consumer groups in the baby and maternity industry are expectant mothers in the middle and late stages of pregnancy and mothers with babies under 1 year old, with a combined proportion of over 50%. At the same time, during pregnancy and parenting, consumers are most concerned about scientific parenting knowledge and pregnancy health care knowledge. When using various platforms, baby and maternity consumers pay more attention to the professionalism, authenticity of information, and interactivity of the platforms. The consumption upgrade trend led by new-generation mothers is reshaping the market pattern. The baby and maternity product market will continue to evolve through innovation and change, continuously meet families' yearning for a high-quality parenting life, become an important force in promoting social consumption upgrading and helping family happiness, and breed more business opportunities and social value.艾媒咨询|2021年中国婚庆行业市场及消费行为调研报告
At present, the total number of marriageable people aged 20-40 in China is about 447 million. A large number of marriageable people have added potential customers to China's wedding market. The data show that the market scale of the wedding industry decreased slightly in 2020, but with the gradual control of the domestic epidemic, the wedding market will return to the growth trend. It is expected that the market scale of China's narrow wedding industry will exceed 4 trillion yuan and the broad market scale will exceed 2.4 trillion yuan in 2022. Nowadays, "fast food" wedding preparation has become the just need of young couples. In addition, contemporary young people are more in line with their preferences. One stop and personalized theme wedding may be welcomed by young couples.
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