本报告涉及企业/品牌包括:中国工商银行、中国建设银行、中国银行、中国农业银行、中国交通银行、中国招商银行、中国兴业银行、上海浦东发展银行、天猫、京东、苏宁、亚马逊、唯品会、当当、小红书、聚美优品、拼多多、淘宝、支付宝、PayPal中国、易宝支付、付费通、翼支付、财付通、快钱、连连支付、腾讯、拉卡拉、银联在线、乐刷、BLUE Mobile、Airwallex、易思汇、利楚扫呗、PingPong、Worldpay、八达通、万事达、富达国家信息服务公司、蚂蚁金服、愉悦资本、DST Global、Horizons Ventures、腾讯、高瓴、红杉中国、Square Peg Capital、戈壁、信中利资本、高文投资、富友集团、华睿投资、CBC宽带资本、赛伯乐投资、鸥翎投资、普罗资本、易正天道、丽水琛石
In March 2019, the trend of China's technological finance industry, including the trend of China government, CBRC, China Banking Association and other institutions, included 6 policy information, and the issuance of bank wealth management products increased by 18.79% month-on-month. In turns of banking, investment product yield fell to 4.3%。Major Banks reported higher net profit for 2018, with China Merchants Bank posting the highest growth rate at 14.8%. In terms of e-commerce, the monthly active users of Taobao reached 368.439 million, far higher than other shopping platforms and Pinduoduo and JD released their 2018 financial reports. In terms of electronic payment, in March 2019, Airwallex, a cross-border payment service provider, received an investment of 100 million dollars, and Easy Transfer received an investment of RMB 100 million from ChinaEquity Group.