艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国眼镜市场消费者需求洞察分析报告
随着电子产品在生活中的普及,消费者对眼镜的需求趋向多样化和个性化。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国眼镜市场消费者需求洞察分析报告》数据显示,近视眼镜以60.30%的占比位居第一,显示出近视人群对眼镜的高需求。中国消费者对暴龙(34.89%)品牌认知度最高,其次是海伦凯勒(29.66%)和雷朋(28.17%)。
With the popularization of electronic products in life, consumers' demand for glasses tends to be diversified and personalized. According to the latest "2024 China Eyewear market consumer demand insight analysis report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, myopic glasses occupy the first place with 60.30%, showing the high demand for glasses among myopic people. Chinese consumers have the highest brand awareness of Tyrannosaurus (34.89%), followed by Helen Keller (29.66%) and Ray-Ban (28.17%).
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that the glasses market presents a diversified trend, including variety, material, function and diversification of sales channels, while consumers have higher expectations for the fashion and health of glasses.艾媒咨询|2021年中国口腔医院产业细分领域及总趋势分析报告
In 2020, affected by the epidemic, the overall revenue of the oral medical industry decreased. In this context, the expansion momentum of national oral chain has slowed down and may sink to Tier 3 and 4 cities. At the same time, capital will gradually become rational in the layout of the dental industry, and the existing economic bubble in the dental industry will be effectively squeezed out. The overall concentration of the oral medical industry is low, and the market share of the top five institutions is low. Although the expansion of the industry chain is suspended due to the epidemic situation, with the continuous development of the industry, chain oral institutions will continue to become the focus of the development of oral medical institutions.艾媒报告|2019-2021中国口腔医院产业大数据及趋势分析报告
从产业结构看,中国口腔行业主要包括牙种植、正畸、儿科、综合等项目,艾媒咨询分析师认为,目前中国口腔医疗正处于发展上升阶段,品牌开始获得一定认可,但发展主要集中在中低端市场,后续应当进一步向高端市场发力。从机构性质看,中国口腔医疗机构大致可分为综合性医院口腔科、公立专科口腔医院、连锁民营口腔医院及诊所和个体诊所四类。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)监测发现,首都医科大学附属口腔北京医院、泰康拜博等机构的排名靠前,受到更高认可度。
From the industrial structure, China's oral industry mainly includes dental implantation, orthodontics, pediatrics, comprehensive and other projects, Ai media consulting analysts believe that China's oral medicine is currently in the stage of development and rise, the brand began to get a certain recognition, but the development is mainly concentrated in the low-end market, the follow-up should further to the high-end market. From the institutional nature, China's oral medical institutions can be broadly divided into general hospital oral medicine, public specialized oral hospitals, chain private oral hospitals and clinics and individual clinics four categories. iiMedia Research monitoring found that the Capital Medical University affiliated oral Beijing Hospital, Taikang Baibo and other institutions ranked high, received a higher degree of recognition.艾媒报告 |2019全球及中国口腔护理行业状况与发展趋势大数据分析报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:Straumann,invisalign,隐适美,美亚光电,BEGO,MISI,DENT,JUST,博恩登特,卡瓦集团,NewTom , Dentply Sirona , PLAMENCE , UEG MEDICAL, 泰康拜博口腔,北京大学口腔医院,拜瑞口腔,佳兆业健康集团,国瓷材料,土卓曼集团,牙医管家,茄子,武汉大学口腔医院,通策医疗,可恩口腔,牙博士口腔,阿里健康,一牙网,爱牙,牙医帮
In 2019, the prevalence of dental caries in Chinese 5-year-old children and 12-year-old children was 70.9% and 34.5%, respectively. Adults had severe periodontal problems, the bleeding rate of gingiva was 87.4%, and the detection rate of calculus was as high as 96.7%. Health needs to be improved. The National Health and Health Committee has established a clear indicator of oral health in 2020-2025. It is expected that the child prevalence rate will be controlled below 30.0%, and the number of remaining teeth in the elderly will reach 24. In 2010-2017, the per capita health expenditure in China rose to 3738.8 yuan. The number of specialized hospitals in China continued to rise. The stomatological hospitals had a large room for development. The number of patients in stomatological hospitals increased to 35.876 million, while the market for Chinese oral stocks was only 103.50 billion yuan. There is an incremental market with great potential. China's oral care upstream device market is expected to reach US$18.30 billion in 2022. The dental implant companies represented by Straumann, the typical orthodontic brand Invisialign and the CBCT giant Meyer all have achieved revenue growth, up 20.7% respectively. 37.8% and 36.1%. At the downstream end, the number of private dental institutions reached 65,000, accounting for 14.2% of the market. It represents the company's Taikang Baibo oral, joint commercial insurance and Internet platform, achieving one-stop service of “insurance + oral care”, as well as online and offline, the omni-channel service model, with revenue growth in 2017, reached 1.43 billion yuan.