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美国将幽门螺杆菌被列为明确致癌物后,幽门螺杆菌在中国受到了极大的关注。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2021年中国幽门螺杆菌检测市场规模73.1亿元,预计2022年将达到86.6亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着大众的健康意识逐渐加强,幽门螺杆菌自测产品将成为必需品,幽门螺杆菌检测市场发展空间广阔。而幽门螺杆菌自测产品的上市,有助于推动居家检测。(《艾媒咨询|2022年中国幽门螺旋杆菌检测市场专题调查报告》完整高清PDF版共23页,可点击文章底部报告下载按钮进行报告下载)
After the United States Department of Health & Human Services listed Helicobacter pylori as a definitive carcinogen, Helicobacter pylori received great attention in China. According to data from iiMedia Research, the market size of Helicobacter pylori testing in China will be 7.31 billion yuan in 2021 and is expected to reach 8.66 billion yuan in 2022. With increasing health awareness, Helicobacter pylori self-test product is necessary for people. The market for Helicobacter pylori self-test product is vast. The launch of Helicobacter pylori self-test products helps to promote home testing.(“iiMedia Report |Investigation Report on The Market of Helicobacter Pylori Testing in China in 2022”full version has 23 pages, please click the Browse HD Report button on the right side of the article to browse the report) -
在众多社会服务中,夜间用药成为人们最关注的夜间社会服务之一,近年来,各地相关行政管理机构也陆续出台相关扶持政策,鼓励商家上线夜间送药平台、发展24小时药店,提供夜间送药服务,推动解决“夜间买药难”问题。近日,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布《2021年中国夜间用药年度观察报告》,基于2021年初至2021年末的监测数据,对中国夜间用药市场持续追踪。报告显示,年初有61.2%的用户夜间生病选择忍,而年底这一数字降至52.1%,据推算年末夜间用药受益群体新增约4000万人。报告指出,日渐成熟的中国外卖送药平台,成为解决夜间用药的重要参与者。通过一年的发展,在美团买药“小黄灯”计划等24小时药店惠民工程的推动下,线上24小时药店数量增加、夜间买药配送速度更快、服务保障更加成熟,用户知晓度有了较大提升,夜间买药难的问题得到有效缓解。
Among many social services,night medication has become one of the night social services that people pay most attention to. In recent years,relevant administrative agencies around the country have also successively issued relevant support policies to encourage businesses to launch night medication delivery platforms,develop 24-hour pharmacies,provide night medication delivery services, and promote the solution of the problem of "difficulty in buying drugs at night". Recently, iiMedia Research released the annual observation report on nighttime medication in China in 2021,which continuously tracks China's nighttime medication market based on the monitoring data from the beginning of 2021 to the end of 2021. The report shows that at the beginning of the year, 61.2% of users chose to tolerate illness at night,while at the end of the year,the figure fell to 52.1%. It is estimated that about 40 million people will benefit from night medication at the end of the year.The report points out that the increasingly mature Chinese takeout delivery platform has become an important participant in solving the problem of night medication. Through one year's development,driven by the 24-hour pharmacy benefit project such as the "small yellow light" plan of meituan drug purchase, the number of online 24-hour pharmacies has increased,the speed of drug purchase and distribution at night is faster,the service guarantee is more mature,the user awareness has been greatly improved,and the problem of difficult drug purchase at night has been effectively alleviated. -
Data show that in the third quarter of 2020, Chinese Herbal Medicine Price Index ushered in an upward cycle. iiMedia Research believe that by a small number of animals and other species pull the impact of October 2020-november Chinese herbal medicine index is expected to continue to rise, but stable in December. According to the survey, the vast majority of businesses in the 2021 will pay close attention to industry-related policies, prudent management, to reduce speculation and other business practices. As a result, the Chinese herbal medicine market is expected to see a wave of rising prices in the peak season at the end of 2020. However, as the peak season ends, prices will fall back early next year, and as the epidemic becomes more normal, chinese medicinal materials market is expected to be cyclical fluctuations in the situation. -
Data show that the price index of Chinese medicinal materials declined slightly from April to May 2020, and the market was generally volatile. iiMedia Research believe that since the second quarter, Chinese herbal medicines have basically not been affected by the new coronary pneumonia epidemic. The market order has stabilized, but demand is still insufficient. Basically, Chinese herbal medicines basically reduce production. The signal of reduced production gives businesses some confidence. Once consumed The situation improves, and the prices of Chinese herbal medicines will rise again. Therefore, merchants' cautious investment and active inventory preparation have taken two measures, leading to the second quarter Chinese herbal medicines market index shock. -
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:金湖“过期疫苗”事件;聊城医师“开假药” 事件;步长制药“中药注射剂安全”事件;三全水饺涉“非洲猪瘟”事件;网红食品多起事件
In line with the requirements of improving consumption quality and upgrading, we will focus on violations of consumer rights and interests in product quality, after-sales service, Internet consumption and other fields, advocate the construction of a common consumption governance mechanism that combines enterprise autonomy, industry self-discipline, government supervision and social supervision, promote the formation of a safe and secure consumption environment, and meet the needs of the people for a better life. -
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调查显示,2019年接近五成受访者购买过中药材,滋补养生和治病是购买中药材的两大目的。由于中医药应用范围广泛,中医药产业链不断扩展延伸,并加速扩展和整合。同仁堂、片仔癀、东阿阿胶等中药巨头企业纷纷布局中药材后市场,建设中药大健康产业,如植物提取物、保健食品、中药化妆品等,已成为我国生命健康产业中最具成长性的组成部分。
According to the iiMedia Research survey, nearly 50% of respondents have bought Chinese herbal medicines in 2019, and tonic sage and cure are the two main purposes for buying Chinese herbal medicines. Due to the wide range of applications of Chinese medicine, the Chinese medicine industry chain continues to expand and expand and accelerate the expansion and integration. Tongrentang, tablets, Dong'a gum and other Chinese medicine giant enterprises have laid out the chinese medicine after the market, the construction of chinese medicine large health industry, such as plant extracts, health food, Chinese medicine cosmetics, etc., has become China's life and health industry in the most growth component.
(以下为节选页,完整版共88页) -
国内经济增长以及居民消费水平的提高都刺激着中药医疗消费需求的增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调查显示,有49%的受访用户倾向中医药治疗,与西药基本持平。2018年中国中药材市场规模达1246亿元,同比增长22.40%,在巨大的需求驱动下,中药材种植面积扩大,药材产量将会持续增长。
Chinese medicinal materials mainly include upstream planting, breeding market, midstream circulation market and downstream sales market three links. At present, the production of Chinese medicine tablets and traditional Chinese medicine is the core of the Chinese medicine industry, including the processing of Traditional Chinese medicine, including Chinese medicine formula particles, Chinese medicine tablet processing, traditional Chinese medicine manufacturing. In the field of Chinese medicine tablets, the growth rate of sales revenue in the industry rebounded in 2016 and 2018, respectively, china Resources 39, Chinese medicine, Red Day Pharmaceuticals and other listed companies performed well; Chinese medicine formula particles may become a widely used product in the Chinese medicine tablet processing industry, Chinese medicine, with the implementation of the national medical reform policy, the consumption demand of traditional Chinese medicine tends to be reasonable, the production of Traditional Chinese medicine began to fall, but still at a relatively high level of production, Yunnan White Medicine, Baiyunshan, Tongrentang, Zixin Pharmaceutical and other listed enterprises performed well. -
艾媒报告 |2019全球与中国医药电商市场与发展趋势研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:天猫医馆,七乐康,京卫大药房,阿里健康大药房,京东大药房,健客, 1药网,360好药,八百方,818医药网,CVS,Walgreens ,RiteAid ,开心人网上药店,药房网,药材买卖网,珍材网,中药材天地网,商康网,科欣医药,医药在线,我的医药网,药品交易网,药品终端网,药师帮,海王晨星,快方送药,药给力,搜药送,药急送,U医U药,叮当送药,健客网上药店,康爱多掌上药店,问药,好药师,111集团,中宏保险,医联,腾讯,仁和药业,浙江扁鹊,漱玉平民,华人健康,一树药业,德生堂
2019中国医药电商主要形成了B2C、B2B、O2O三种模式,B2C模式体量稳定在6%左右,规模呈增长趋势,预计2019年的市场交易额将达到554.6亿元;B2B模式下,西药类产品的需求比例较高,达87.1%,中药材、传统药品和第三方交易等都形成了专属B2B平台;而近几年兴起的O2O模式,主要通过“引流-转化-消费-反馈”等实现盈利,但区域覆盖度和消费者的信任度需要提高。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)大数据监测显示,目前1药网、健客网上药店、康爱多掌上药店的的综合实力排行较强。
2019 China's pharmaceutical e-commerce mainly formed three modes of B2C, B2B and O2O. The volume of B2C model is stable at around 6%, and the scale is increasing. It is expected that the market transaction volume in 2019 will reach 55.46 billion yuan; in B2B mode, western medicine The demand ratio of products is relatively high, reaching 87.1%. Chinese herbal medicines, traditional medicines and third-party transactions have formed a proprietary B2B platform. In recent years, the O2O model has emerged mainly through “drainage-conversion-consumption-feedback”. Achieve profitability, but regional coverage and consumer trust need to be improved. iiMedia Research (Ai Media Consulting) big data monitoring shows that the current comprehensive strength of 1 drug network, Jianke online pharmacy, Kang Aiduo pharmacy is strong. -
艾媒报告 |2019年中国生物医药产业发展及舆论焦点分析报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌包括:Takeda、GSK、Sanofi、Celgene、Novartis、宝洁、CVC Fund VII、Shire、诺华OTC、Bioverativ、Juno Therapeutics、AveXis、Impact Biomedicines、Tesaro、Ablynx、默克OTC、Recordati控股公司FIMEI、复星医药、海正药业、康弘药业、泰合健康、齐鲁制药、复宏汉霖、信达生物、张江生物、恒瑞医药、三生国健、嘉和生物、百奥泰、深圳龙瑞、天坛生物、华兰生物、博雅生物、上海莱士、卫光生物、辽宁成大、智飞生物、康泰生物、沃森生物、利德曼、交大昂立、华润双鹤、力生制药、海欣股份、联环药业、白云山、中源协和、普洛药业
随着生物医药技术不断突破,中国生物医药产业快速发展,2018年,单抗、血液制品、疫苗等生物医药相关领域多家头部上市企业营收均超亿元,实现同比增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)监测发现,生物医药产业网络言值指数为49.7,网民评价态度偏向正面,上海网民对生物医药产业的关注度最高。未来,随着中国生物医药行业上市公司数量增多,行业与企业间竞争将更加激烈。
The scale of China's bio-pharmaceutical industry continues to grow, and the proportion of bio-pharmaceutical output in the pharmaceutical industry continues to rise. In 2017, the total output value of the bio-pharmaceutical industry in China's park was about 1.5 trillion yuan. At present, China's biomedical industry has formed three major clusters, including the Bohai Rim region, the Yangtze River Delta region and the Pearl River Delta region, and the industrial agglomeration effect is outstanding. China's bio-pharmaceutical industry is in a stage of rapid development. In 2018, many head-to-head listed companies in biomedical related fields such as monoclonal antibodies, blood products and vaccines all exceeded 100 million yuan, achieving year-on-year growth. According to iiMedia Research, netizens in Shanghai are most concerned about the biomedical industry, and 40.9% of netizens surveyed support the application of transgenic technology in the pharmaceutical field. Among the heads of monoclonal antibodies, blood products and vaccines, Fuhong Hanlin as well as Weiguang Bio and Lidmanthe has the best online reputation,iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that in the future, the combination of artificial intelligence with new drug research and the fierce competition among head enterprises is an important trend in the development of China's biomedical industry.
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