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2022年北京冬奥会给冰雪运动的发展,包括冰雪产业的发展,提供了一个巨大的市场和增长空间。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2022年中国冰雪运动产业市场规模将突破700亿元,且得益于国家政策多重利好,冰雪运动行业的市场规模将不断扩大。此外,随着技术迭代优化以及大众健康意识的增强,跨界融合的商业方式加速冰雪产业升级,未来冰雪运动产业将会朝多元化领域方向发展。
The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics positively affects outdoor winter activities and the development of winter sport sector in China. According to the data from iiMedia Reseach, the market size of China’s winter sport industry will exceed 70 billion Yuan in 2022. Due to the multiple benefits of national policies, the market size will continue to expand. With the iterative optimization of technology and the increasing awareness of health, cross-border collaboration promotes industry upgrading, and winter sport industry will develop in different directions in the future.艾媒舆情|NBA莫雷事件舆情大数据监测报告
2019年10月5日,正随队在东京的美国NBA休斯敦火箭队总经理莫雷针对香港事态发了一条推特,上传了一张“Fight for freedom, Stand with Hongkong 为自由而战,与香港站在一起”的图片。在莫雷发布不当言论后,引发媒体和网民的关注。
On October 5, 2019, Morey, the general manager of the Houston Rockets in the United States NBA in Tokyo, tweeted about the situation in Hong Kong, uploading a “Fight for freedom, Stand with Hongkong, fighting with Hong Kong, Stand together “picture. After Morey posted inappropriate comments, it aroused the attention of the media and Internet users.艾媒报告 |2019年中国马拉松产业研究与用户分析报告
iiMedia Reserach(艾媒咨询)大数据监测显示,作为体育产业的重要环节,中国马拉松产业形成了以跑者、赛事和城市为核心的成熟的产业链,预计2020年总产值将突破1000亿元。在马拉松用品、资讯及训练等细分消费市场,不同年龄、性别的用户表现出了差异性。未来,马拉松产业链将走向专业化、精细化,“马拉松+旅游”等新兴业态也将不断发展。
The scale of China's sports industry continues to expand, the industrial population will reach 500 million people in 2025. As an important area of sports industry, marathon industry grasps the positive development of policy, economy and industry advantage. iiMedia Reserach Big data monitoring shows that the Chinese marathon has formed a mature industrial chain with runners, tournaments and cities at its core, and is expected to exceed 100 billion yuan in 2020. In the market segment of marathon supplies, information and training, users of different ages and genders showed differences. Rapid development at the same time, but also brought the event development chaos, the market operation input cost is not high, medical and hardware facilities and other ills. In the future, the marathon industry chain will continue to go to refinement, enhance the level of facilities, “Marathon + Tourism“ and other emerging industries will continue to develop.艾媒报告 |2018-2019中国足球产业研究与商业投资决策分析报告
中国足球产业正在高速发展,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国城市人口中约有1.87亿人对足球感兴趣。足球产业的发展带动了媒体权益收入的提高,2018年世界杯媒体权益收入达30亿美元。同时,互联网足球经济产业发展迅猛,知名赞助商纷纷投入国内足球赛事,BAT均正式入局足球转播市场。
The Chinese soccer industry is developing at a high speed. According to iiMedia Research data, about 187 million people in China's urban population are interested in soccer in 2018. The development of the soccer industry has boosted the media's equity income. In the 2018 World Cup, the media's equity income reached 3 billion dollars. At the same time, the Internet soccer economy industry has developed rapidly, and well-known sponsors have invested in domestic soccer matches. BAT have all entered the soccer broadcast market.