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随着数字化转型和远程工作需求的推动,中国协同办公行业迅速发展,逐步发展为企业提升运营效率和团队协作方式的关键因素。在企业中通过协同办公行软件构建一套高效的服务框架,成为了企业日常运营中提升沟通效率、加强团队协作的重要工具。在行业竞争日趋激烈的环境下,中国协同办公行业不仅满足了国内企业对高效协作平台的需求,还逐渐将视野扩展到国际市场,成为全球企业服务市场的新动向。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国协同办公行业及标杆案例研究报告》数据显示,中国协同办公市场规模2023年已达330.1亿元,预计2025年规模将达414.8亿元。
Driven by digital transformation and the need for remote working, China's collaborative office industry has grown rapidly, gradually becoming a key factor for enterprises to improve operational efficiency and team collaboration. In the enterprise, a set of efficient service framework is built through collaborative office software, which has been becomed an important tool to improve communication efficiency and strengthen team cooperation in the daily operation of enterprises. In the increasingly competitive environment of the industry, China's collaborative office industry not only meets the needs of domestic enterprises for efficient collaboration platforms, but also gradually expands its vision to the international market, becoming a new trend in the global enterprise service market. According to the latest "2024-2025 China Collaborative Office Industry and Benchmarking Case Study Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the scale of China's collaborative office market has reached 33.01 billion yuan in 2023. It is expected that the scale will reach 41.48 billion yuan in 2025.
Analysts from IIMedia Consulting believe that in the context of globalization, Chinese collaborative office enterprises can more effectively establish cooperative relations with international enterprises and enhance brand competitiveness by integrating and applying innovative ideas and technological advantages with Chinese characteristics. -
Chinese enterprises accelerate the pace of their own digital transformation, and the enabling effect of electronic signature on enterprises continues to highlight, thus promoting the continuous iterative upgrading of electronic signature technology. Especially in the context of COVID-19 normalization, online office is becoming more and more popular. The degree of application of electronic signatures is gradually deepened, and the application scope and scene of electronic signature are further widened. The market scale of China's electronic signature industry will continue to rise and is expected to reach 40.42 billion yuan in 2024. -
艾媒咨询 | 2021年中国协同办公行业趋势及标杆案例研究
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2021年中国协同办公市场规模达264.2亿元,市场持续稳步增长。中国数字经济助推高质量发展,企业数字化转型已成定势。预计2021-2023年,中国协同办公行业将保持每年10%以上的增长率,2023年的市场规模将达330.1亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在企业降本增效诉求不断凸显的环境下,低代码和零代码开发平台迎来增量市场,互联网头部厂商纷纷入局,钉钉、360织语等平台化产品顺势而起,率先进入3.0模式,进一步推动政企数字化转型的进程,低代码、零代码成为协同办公的价值增长点。
According to the data of iiMedia research, the market size of Collaborative office in China will reach 26.42 billion yuan in 2021, and the market will continue to grow steadily. Chinese digital economy has boosted high-quality development, and digital transformation of enterprises has become a foregone conclusion. It is expected that Chinese collaborative office industry will maintain an annual growth rate of more than 10% from 2021 to 2023, and the market size will reach 33.01 billion yuan in 2023. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that in the environment where enterprises' demands for cost reduction and efficiency increase are constantly highlighted, low-code and zero-code development platforms embrace incremental market, and Internet leading manufacturers have entered the market one after another. Platform products such as DingTalk and 360Zhiyu have taken the lead in entering the 3.0 mode, further promoting the process of government and enterprise digital transformation. Low code and zero code become the value growth point of collaborative office. -
随着国内企业体量不断增多,进一步扩大了SaaS行业服务市场主体规模,而互联网技术的发展为SaaS产品带来了深刻变革,企业间相互协作也深化了对SaaS服务的需求,促使国内SaaS行业市场规模呈现稳定增长态势。在政策及社会多种因素利好下,SaaS服务商数量持续增加,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2021年中国SaaS行业市场规模达322.6亿元,预计到2023年,中国SaaS行业市场规模将达555.1亿元。行业竞争愈发激烈的环境下,产品质量和用户体验有助于提升品牌口碑,建立自身技术和服务壁垒,提升品牌价值。With the increasing number of domestic enterprises, the main body scale of SaaS industry service market has been further expanded, and the development of Internet technology has brought profound changes to SaaS products. The mutual cooperation among enterprises has also deepened the demand for SaaS services, promoting the stable growth of the market scale of domestic SaaS industry. Under the favorable policies and social factors, the number of SaaS service providers continues to increase. According to the data of iimedia research, the market scale of China's SaaS industry will reach 32.26 billion yuan in 2021. It is expected that by 2023, the market scale of China's SaaS industry will reach 55.51 billion yuan. In the environment of increasingly fierce industry competition, product quality and user experience help to improve brand reputation, establish their own technical and service barriers and enhance brand value. -
10月29日,由艾媒咨询集团(iiMedia Research)主办的“2021全球未来科技大会暨年度全球新经济卓越成就奖颁奖典礼”在广州盛大召开。
On October 29, the "2021 global future science and Technology Conference and annual global new economy Excellence Achievement Award Ceremony" hosted by iimedia research was grandly held in Guangzhou.
Zhang Yi, CEO and chief analyst of AI media consulting, released the report on the development of China's digital economy from 2021 to 2022. According to the basic data of AI media data center, AI media consulting business intelligence database and AI media business public opinion data monitoring system, focus on Digital Technology (cloud computing, intelligent manufacturing), digital commerce (joint office, recruitment digitization) and digital trade (e-commerce live broadcast in wholesale market, new retail of agricultural products), digital life (e-consumption, steam education, Internet hospital, pan entertainment experience, virtual Idol) and other fields deeply interpret the development status and difficulties of China's digital economy and predict the industrial development trend.
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