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艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年中国券商自营APP竞争格局及用户行为监测报告
随着移动互联网的快速发展和金融科技的不断进步,中国券商自营APP行业迎来了迅猛的发展态势。自2010年中国首批券商自营APP上线以来,各大券商综合发力,从业务、营销、社交等多个方面扩大市场,APP的功能已从最初的股票交易和基本行情查询,扩展到了包括融资债券交易、资讯浏览等多个方面。直至目前,券商自营APP已经成为投资者进行股票交易和投资的首选途径,是连接投资者与金融市场的重要桥梁。这一转变不仅反映了技术的进步,也体现了用户行为和市场趋势的变化。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国券商自营APP竞争格局及用户行为监测报告》数据显示,中国证券APP用户规模增长迅速,2024年中国证券APP用户规模为2.4亿人。随着中国证券市场的不断成熟及投资者数量的持续增多,中国证券APP用户规模仍将保持较快增长,预计2025年有望达2.6亿人。艾媒咨询分析师认为,券商通过布局智慧型网点、APP端、PC端和客服中心四种渠道,优化渠道间的交互能力和衔接打造渠道闭环,不断构建以客户为中心的综合服务平台,保证客户的线上线下体验高度一致,提高客户粘性以占领市场。
With the rapid development of mobile Internet and the continuous progress of financial technology, China's brokerage self-run APP industry has developed in a rapid trend. Since the launch of China's first batch of securities brokerage self-run apps in 2010, major securities brokerages have made comprehensive efforts to expand the market from many aspects such as business, marketing and social networking. The functions of the APP have expanded from the initial stock trading and basic market inquiries to include financing bond trading, information browsing and other aspects. Up to now, the brokerage self-run APP has become the preferred way for investors to carry out stock trading and investment, and it is an important bridge connecting investors with the financial market. This shift reflects not only advances in technology, but also changes in user behavior and market trends. According to the latest "2024-2025 The competition pattern and user behavior monitoring report of China's brokerage self-run APP" released by iiMedia Research, Data show that the scale of China's securities APP users is growing rapidly, and the scale of China's securities APP users will be 240 million in 2024. As China's securities market continues to mature and the number of investors continues to increase, the number of Chinese securities APP users will continue to maintain rapid growth, which is expected to reach 260 million in 2025. The iiMedia consulting analysts believe that through the layout of four channels, namely intelligent network, APP, PC and customer service center, brokerages optimize the interaction ability and connection among channels to create a closed-loop channel, constantly build a customer-centric comprehensive service platform, which is ensured that customers' online and offline experiences are highly consistent, and improve customer stickiness to occupy the market. -
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,“新冠疫情”爆发,沪深股市开市首日超3600只个股下跌。央行连续投放累计1.7万亿元流动性以提振市场,随后股市表现趋于稳定。中国金融企业在疫情防控期间规范自身服务,开通线上业务,并加大信贷投入以应对疫情。同时,中国金融行业发挥金融服务的优势,在疫情期间积极践行公益,获得了超六成网友支持。艾媒咨询分析师认为,“新冠疫情”对中国经济造成的冲击是短期的,疫情过后市场经济或面临快速回升时期,这对中小金融企业而言,是一个挑战头部企业的机会。2020年新冠疫情为中国金融行业深化线上转型提供契机,疫情结束后各金融机构及企业在线上的布局将逐渐完善,金融业务线上化、科技化和数据化转型有望提速。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the novel coronavirus pneumonia broke out and the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets fell by more than 3,600 stocks on the first day of trading. The central bank continuously invested a total of 1.7 trillion yuan of liquidity to boost the market, and then the stock market performance stabilized. During the epidemic prevention and control period, Chinese financial enterprises standardized their services, opened online businesses, and increased credit investment to respond to the epidemic. At the same time, China's financial industry has taken advantage of financial services to actively implement public welfare during the epidemic, and has received support from over 60% of netizens. iiMedia consultant believes that, the impact of the novel coronavirus pneumonia on the Chinese economy is short-term. After the epidemic, the market economy may face a period of rapid recovery. This is an opportunity for small and medium-sized financial companies to challenge the top companies. This epidemic provides an opportunity for China's financial industry to deepen its online transformation. After the epidemic is over, the online layout of financial institutions and enterprises will gradually improve. The online, technological and data transformation of financial services is expected to accelerate.