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iMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国证券APP用户规模增长迅速,从2015年的4000万人增长至2021年的1.5亿人,平均增速46.7%。2021—2022年中国互联网证券公司共拥有APP数量418个,微信公众号(不含营业部公众号)604个,微博账号139个,小程序138个。超过半数(54.8%)投资者手机上下载了2个证券APP。在证券APP的众多功能中,看K线图、资金流向等技术指标的使用率最高,31.5%的投资者表示几乎每天都会使用这一功能。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着5G、人工智能等互联网信息技术的不断升级,中国互联网证券行业将加速迭代发展赢得新的市场红利。
According to data from iiMedia Research, the number of Chinese securities APP users has grown rapidly, from 40 million in 2015 to 150 million in 2021, with an average growth rate of 46.7%. From 2021 to 2022, China Internet securities companies have a total of 418 APPs, 604 WeChat public accounts (excluding business department public accounts), 139 Weibo accounts, and 138 small programs. More than half (54.8%) of investors have downloaded two securities apps on their mobile phones. Among the many functions of the securities APP, the use of technical indicators such as K-line chart and capital flow is the highest. 31.5% of investors said that they use this function almost every day. iiMedia Research has analyzed that with the continuous upgrading of Internet information technologies such as 5G and artificial intelligence, China's Internet securities industry will accelerate iterative development to win new market dividends. -
随着数字化转型的加速和移动支付技术的发展创新,移动支付逐渐成为社会主流支付模式。数据显示,2019年中国移动支付用户规模为7.33亿人,市场渗透率不断加大,预计2020年规模将达7.90亿人。在新冠疫情的影响下,中国移动支付交易规模增速明显下降,2020年第一季度交易规模为90.8万亿元,同比增速4.8%,但长期来看消费服务线上化将促进规模持续增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国移动支付平台用户最常使用移动支付平台的三个场景分别为餐饮消费、小型实体店/便利店消费和电商平台网购,移动支付场景呈现细分多元化发展。在选择移动支付平台时,62.4%的用户优先考虑支付便捷性,提供高效便捷的服务成为移动支付平台发展的关键。
With the acceleration of digital transformation and the development and innovation of mobile payment technology, mobile payment has gradually become the mainstream payment mode in society. Data shows that in 2019, the scale of mobile payment users in China was 733 million, and the market penetration rate is increasing. It is expected that the scale will reach 790 million in 2020. Under the influence of the COVID-19, the growth rate of China mobile payment transaction scale has dropped significantly. In the first quarter of 2020, the transaction scale was 90.8 trillion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of 4.8%, but in the long run, consumption and services to online will promote continuous growth in scale. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the three most common payment scenarios of China mobile payment platform users are catering consumption, small physical store/convenience store consumption, and online shopping on e-commerce platforms. The mobile payment scenario presents a segmented and diversified development. When choosing a mobile payment platform, 62.4% of users give priority to payment convenience. Providing efficient and convenient services has become the key to the mobile payment platforms development. -
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国移动支付交易规模在2019年第三季度已经达到252.2万亿元,用户规模在年底预计超过7.3亿人,覆盖更多层级的用户,全国普及程度持续提高。中国移动支付行业正在往标准化和规范化发展,市场竞争加剧。随着人脸技术的成熟,刷脸支付加快普及,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计到2019年刷脸支付用户规模将会达到1.18亿人。未来移动支付行业会更加规范化,市场逐渐下沉,细分化的支付场景和多元盈利模式将会成为移动支付行业新的发展入口。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of China's mobile payment transactions has reached 252.2 trillion yuan in the third quarter of 2019, and the number of users is expected to exceed 730 million by the end of the year. The popularity of mobile payment in China is increasing and covering more levels of users. China's mobile payment industry is becoming more standardized, and market competition is intensifying. With the development of face perception technology, the popularity of face payment has increased, according to iiMedia Research by 2019, the number of face brush payment users will reach 118 million. In the future, the mobile payment industry will become more standardized and go towards to the market sinking. Segmented payment scenarios and diversified profit models will become the new development opporunity of the mobile payment industry. -
2019年上半年移动支付交易规模达166.1万亿,在移动支付市场规模逐渐扩大以及人脸识别技术发展渐趋成熟的背景下,刷脸支付开始崭露头角。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2022年中国刷脸支付用户规模将超7.6亿人。刷脸支付的发展以及普及,对于用户、商家以及社会有着重要价值。对于用户而言,刷脸支付省时、便捷、体验好和能实现信息与交易安全保障。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,受访用户对在流程耗时、便利程度、支付体验、交易安全和信息安全五个方面对刷脸支付的满意度分别为8.1、7.3、7.3、7.1和7.0,高于其他非现金支付方式的满意度。对于商家来说,刷脸支付赋能商家的经营发展,帮助他们改善排队效率、提高顾客好评率、提高竞争力和增加客流。九成的受访商家认可接入刷脸支付后,顾客排队效率和顾客好评的提升。刷脸支付的发展同时也带动着上下游产业的发展,促进硬件制造商、传感器制造商等新产业新职业就业的发展,为社会带来巨大价值。
In the first half of 2019, the transaction scale of mobile payment reached 166.1 trillion yuan. In the context of the gradual expansion of the mobile payment market and the gradual maturity of face recognition technology, the face-scanning payment has begun to emerge. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, it is estimated that the scale of users of face-scanning payment in China will exceed 760 million in 2022. The development and popularity of face-scanning payment is of great value to users, corporate and society. For the user, the face-scanning payment saves time, is convenient, and ensures information and transaction security. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the respondents' satisfaction with the face-scanning payment in terms of spending time, convenience, payment experience, transaction security and information security are 8.1, 7.3, 7.3, 7.1 and 7.0, higher than other non-cash payment methods. For merchants, the face-scanning payment empowers their management, helping them improve queue efficiency, improve customer feedback, improve competitiveness and increase customer flow. Ninety percent of the surveyed merchants recognized the increase in customer queuing efficiency and customer praise after accessing the face-scanning payment. The development of the face-scanning payment also drives the development of upstream and downstream industries, and promotes the development of new occupations and employment in new industries such as hardware manufacturers and sensor manufacturers, bringing great value to the society. -
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国互联网汽车金融市场规模将超5600亿元。在利好的宏观环境和更趋规范化的市场条件下,汽车金融市场发展前景乐观,但与此同时,互联网汽车金融行业也面临着产品落地难等诸多挑战。
随着人们生活水平和消费水平的提高、互联网的发展,加上新能源汽车产业的崛起,互联网汽车金融行业步入了快速增长阶段,未来将有更多的互联网平台入局。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计在2020年,中国中国互联网汽车金融市场规模将达到5600亿元。此外,八成计划购车网民有使用互联网汽车金融产品的意愿。54.3%的用户对互联网汽车金融产品表示信任,存在隐性收费、审核及放宽效率低是潜在用户最顾虑的因素。在汽车金融互联网化发展的必然趋势下,企业品牌建设是未来竞争发展的关键。
With the improvement of people's living standard and consumption level, the development of the Internet, and the rise of the new energy automobile industry, the Internet auto finance industry has entered a stage of rapid growth, and more Internet platforms will be introduced in the future. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, China's Internet auto finance market is expected to reach 560 billion yuan by 2020. In addition, 80% of Internet users who plan to buy cars are willing to use Internet auto financing products. 54.3 percent of the users expressed trust in Internet auto financing products, and the most worrying factor for potential users was hidden fees, the low efficiency of auditing and relaxation. Under the inevitable trend of Internet development of auto finance, enterprise brand construction is the key to future competition and development. -
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国实有各类市场主体11020万户,其中个体工商户规模超7000万户,庞大的企业市场主体催生了支付机构服务B端的巨大市场。而针对B端支付的业务中,收单业务成为第三方B端支付企业重点挖掘的对象。截至2019上半年,中国联网POS机已达3287.3万台,每万人对应POS机235.6台。小微商户除了收单业务外,对于营销、财务管理等服务也具有较高的使用需求。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,85.4%的受访商户表示会关注第三方支付平台增值服务的提供情况。但受限于经营体量,它们难以开发相关业务系统或寻找适合的服务渠道。而第三方B端支付平台也开始以支付为切口,为小微商户提供增值服务,以更好地赋能商户经营。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, there were 110.2 million market entities in China in 2018, of which more than 70 million businesses were self-employed, and the huge market participants gave birth to a huge market for payment institutes to serve merchants. Among all the business for merchant payments, receipt business becomes the focus of third-party merchant payment enterprises. As of the first half of 2019, the connect POS has reached 32.873 million units, with 235.6 POS per 10000 people. In addition to receipt business, small and micro enterprises also have a high demand for marketing, financial management and other services. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 85.4% of the interviewed enterprises expressed concern about the value-added services provided by the third-party payment platforms. However, limited by their business volume, it is difficult for them to develop relevant business systems of find suitable service channels. The third-party merchant payment platform has begun to take payment as a starting point to provide value-added services for small and micro enterprises, in order to better enable enterprises to operate. -
2019上半年中国移动支付交易规模达到166.1万亿元,较2018年上升24.2%,增长势头重回正轨。中国移动支付市场竞争格局主要分为两个梯队,第一梯队是支付宝和财付通,因其先发优势占据市场;第二梯队以苏宁支付、云联闪支付为代表,其产品格局特点,具有忠实用户群体。C端支付市场区域饱和,逐渐朝向场景垂直化、服务多元化精细化方向发展,而B端市场竞争加剧。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国实有各类市场主体11020万户,其中个体工商户7328.6万户,大量市场主体对于移动支付B端服务的需求,带动移动支付B端市场的发展。移动支付平台主要从大数据云计算等基础能力、平台发展运营能力和金融能力三方面赋能商家。受访商家偏好接入的移动支付产品主要是支付宝和微信支付两大巨头产品,具有银联背景的云闪付排名第三,占比达35.6%。主流支付平台不仅赋能B端,更进军海外市场,支付宝、微信支付、苏宁支付纷纷布局跨境支付市场。未来,跨境业务发展成必然趋势,移动支付开始向全球发展。
In the first half of 2019, the scale of China mobile payment transactions reached 166.1 trillion yuan, up 24.2% from 2018, and the growth momentum is back on track. China mobile payment market competition pattern is mainly divided into two echelons, the first tier is Alipay and Tenpay, because of its first advantage to occupy the market; the second tier is represented by Suning Pay and cloud joint flash payment, and its product pattern features have a loyal user group. The ‘To C’ payment market is saturated in the region, and gradually tends to verticalize the scene and refine the service diversification, while the ‘To B’ market competition intensifies. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, there are 11.2 million market entities in China in 2018, including 73.286 million individual businesses entities. A large number of market entities' demand for mobile payment ‘To B’ services drives the development of mobile payment B-terminal market. Mobile payment platform mainly includes three aspects: basic capabilities such as big data cloud computing, platform development and operation capabilities and financial capabilities. The mobile payment products that the respondents preferred to access were mainly the products of the two giants, Alipay and WeChat Pay. The Yunshanfu with the UnionPay background ranked third, accounting for 35.6%. The mainstream payment platform not only empowers the merchants, but also goes overseas, and Alipay, WeChat Pay and Suning pay have arranged the cross-border payment market. In the future, cross-border business will become an inevitable trend, and mobile payment will begin to develop globally. -
艾媒研报 |2019H1富途证券运行状况与商业趋势研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:富途证券、富途控股、Futu MooMoo、腾讯、老虎证券、盈透证券、富途安逸(FUTU I&E)、小米、泛大西洋投资、红杉资本、富途牛牛、经纬中国、红杉资本中国
在移动互联网技术不断进步、新生代投资者群体逐渐扩大、资产全球化配置需求增加的大背景下,证券市场线上业务蓬勃发展。数据显示, 2018年全球证券市场线上交易额接近40万亿美元,其中美国证券市场线上交易额为11.6万亿美元,香港证券市场线上交易额为2.1万亿美元。随着互联网渗透程度进一步加深,证券市场线上交易额有望持续上涨。与此同时,中国个人投资者通过线上渠道加速向境外证券市场渗透,2018年,中国内地个人投资者在香港证券市场的线上交易额达0.14万亿美元,同比增长47.6%;中国内地个人投资者在美国证券市场线上交易额为0.29万亿美元,同比增长46.1%。富途证券作为聚焦于港/美股市场的跨境互联网券商,在境外投资需求提升的推动下快速增长,并在产品技术以及境外牌照资源方面取得一定优势。但公司较头部传统券商仍存较大差距,需要不断增扩充资本和专业实力以匹配日趋多样化、复杂化的投资需求。另外,公司在中国内地的证券经营牌照问题也亟待解决。
Under the background of the continuous progress of mobile Internet technology, the gradual expansion of the new generation of investors and the increasing demand for global asset allocation, the online business of the securities market has developed vigorously. Data show that in 2018, the global stock market online trading volume is close to 40 trillion US dollars, of which US stock market online trading volume is 11.6 trillion US dollars, and Hong Kong stock market online trading volume is 2.1 trillion US dollars. With the further penetration of the Internet, the online trading volume of the securities market is expected to continue to rise. Meanwhile, Chinese individual investors have accelerated their penetration into overseas securities markets through online channels. In 2018, the online trading volume of mainland Chinese individual investors in Hong Kong securities market reached $0.14 trillion, an increase of 47.6% compared with the same period last year. The online trading volume of mainland Chinese individual investors in the United States securities market was $0.29 trillion, compared with the same period last year. The increase was 46.1%. As a cross-border Internet securities firm focusing on the Hong Kong/US stock market, Futu has grown rapidly under the promotion of overseas investment demand, and has gained certain advantages in product technology and overseas licence resources. However, there is still a big gap between the company and the traditional securities firms. It is necessary to continuously expand the capital and professional strength to match the increasingly diversified and complex investment needs. In addition, the issue of the company's securities licence in China needs to be solved urgently.
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