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艾媒报告 |2019Q1中国移动支付市场研究报告
本报告涉及企业/品牌包括:微信支付,支付宝,花呗,蚂蚁财富,芝麻信用,网商网,腾讯理财通,小微企业贷,微粒贷借钱,微众银行,网商银行,RiverPay,PayPal,亚马逊,Facebook,google ,阿联酋清算有限公司
得益于支付宝、微信支付等产品的发展成熟,中国移动支付发展成熟度在全球具有领先优势。移动支付已成为中国网民支付的主要方式。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国移动支付用户规模达到6.59亿人,每月移动支付金额占总支出比例超过75%的用户达到43.6%,“无现金时代”有望实现。目前支付宝、微信支付双寡头主导中国第三方移动支付市场,二者交易规模市场总占比超过九成。其中线下生活场景微信支付占优势,线下小额扫码支付偏好使用微信支付的用户达54.9%;线上电商场景则由支付宝占优势,线上大额扫码支付偏好使用支付宝的用户达到64.9%。发达城市与下沉城市移动支付用户需求存差异,三四线城市用户线上线下都更爱用微信支付,占比分别为58.6%和72.5%;而一二线城市用户线上支付偏好用支付宝的比例则高达72.0%。未来移动支付企业对于市场的争夺将更加聚焦于场景的争夺上,在下沉市场的竞争也是未来的关注重点。
With the maturity of products such as Alipay and WeChat payment, China Mobile payment market development maturity has a leading position in the world. Mobile payment has become the main method of payment by Chinese netizens. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the number of mobile payment users in China reached 659 million in 2018, and the monthly mobile payment accounted for 43.6% of the total expenditure. The “no cash era” is expected to be realized. At present, Alipay and WeChat payment duopoly dominate China's third-party mobile payment market, and their market transaction size exceeds 90% of total maket. Among them, WeChat payment is dominant in the offline life scene, it is 54.9% of users who prefer to use WeChat payment in the offline small scan code payment; the online e-commerce scene is dominated by Alipay, it is 64.9% of users who prefer to use Alipay in the online large amount of scan code payment. The demand for mobile payment users in developed cities and sinking cities is different. Users in third- and fourth-tier cities prefer to use WeChat payment online and offline, accounting for 58.6% and 72.5% respectively; while online payment preferences for users in first- and second-tier cities use Alipay. The ratio is as high as 72.0%. In the future, the competition for mobile payment companies will focus more on the competition for the scene. The competition in the sinking market is also the focus of the future.