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On the one hand, the disposable income of residents' consumption has been improved, the awareness of health management has been improved, and the demand for weight management products has been increased; on the other hand, the food production technology has been improved, the substitute food products have been continuously iterated, and the well-known cross-border enterprises such as Master Kong, Xicha and Nestle have entered the market, as well as the rise of start-ups such as wangsatin and fit8, the supply of substitute food market has increased. Driven by both supply and demand, China's catering market continues to expand, with the market size increasing to 47.62 billion yuan in 2020. The market structure of catering substitute industry is mainly composed of cereal, meal substitute powder, protein bar and meat products. According to the data, more than 70% of the interviewees preferred cereal, followed by meal substitute powder, accounting for 45.4%, and the development opportunities of meal substitute market were ushered in.
有您的支持,我们的分析师会做的更好 !
1. 中国代餐概念定义及特征介绍
2. 中国代餐行业发展历程及其特点分析
3. 中国代餐行业需求侧分析:购买力上升
4. 中国代餐行业需求侧分析:健康管理意识提升
5. 中国代餐行业需求侧分析:减肥需求
6. 中国代餐行业供给侧分析:产品迭代
7. 中国代餐行业供给侧分析:企业跨界入局
8. 2020-2021年中国代餐行业网络热度分析
1. 2017-2022年中国代餐行业市场规模分析及预测
2. 2013-2021年中国代餐行业企业数量分析
3. 2021年中国代餐行业商情数据监测分析
4. 2020年中国代餐行业融资动态分析(一)
5. 2020年中国代餐行业融资动态分析(二)
6. 2021Q1中国代餐行业细分品类市场调研数据
7. 代餐行业细分领域分析:代餐粉
7.3 2021Q1中国代餐粉市场消费动机调研分析
7.4 2021Q1中国代餐粉市场销售渠道偏好分析
7.5 2021Q1中国代餐粉市场用户消费潜力分析
8. 代餐行业细分领域分析:麦片
8.3 2021Q1中国麦片市场产品功能需求点调研分析
8.5 2021Q1中国麦片市场用户对产品关注点调研分析
9. 代餐行业细分领域分析:鸡肉制品
9.3 2021Q1中国鸡肉制品用户购买动机调研数据
9.4 2021Q1中国鸡肉制品市场产品成分调研数据
9.5 2021Q1中国鸡肉制品市场用户消费潜力调研分析
10. 代餐行业细分领域分析:蛋白棒
10.3 2021Q1中国蛋白棒市场用户群体基本画像
10.4 2021Q1中国蛋白棒市场产品功能需求调研分析
10.5 2021Q1蛋白棒市场痛点及改进建议调研数据
10.7 2021Q1中国蛋白棒市场发展前景调研分析
1. 代餐行业典型企业WonderLab:公司介绍
2. 代餐行业典型企业WonderLab:用户画像
3. 代餐行业典型企业WonderLab:营销策略
4. 代餐行业典型企业WonderLab:品牌传播
5. 代餐行业典型企业WonderLab:商情舆情
6. 代餐行业典型企业康宝莱:企业介绍
7. 代餐行业典型企业康宝莱:盈利能力
8. 代餐行业典型企业康宝莱:经营分析
9. 代餐行业典型企业康宝莱:销售市场
10. 代餐行业典型企业康宝莱:科研能力
11. 代餐行业典型企业康宝莱:商情舆情
12. 代餐行业典型企业ffit8:企业介绍
13. 代餐行业典型企业ffit8:企业介绍
14. 代餐行业典型企业ffit8:融资历程
15. 代餐行业典型企业ffit8:产品介绍
16. 代餐行业典型企业ffit8:营销策略
17. 代餐行业典型企业ffit8:商情舆情
18. 代餐行业典型企业雀巢:企业介绍
19. 代餐行业典型企业雀巢:盈利能力
20. 代餐行业典型企业雀巢:入局代餐
21. 代餐行业典型企业雀巢:产品介绍
22. 代餐行业典型企业雀巢:商情舆情
1. 中国代餐行业发展挑战分析:假冒伪劣
2. 中国代餐行业发展挑战分析:虚假宣传
3. 中国代餐行业发展机遇:潜在用户
4. 中国代餐行业发展趋势:规范化发展
5. 中国代餐行业发展趋势:消费需求及场景不断拓宽
6. 中国代餐行业发展趋势:集中度提升空间大
图表1: 2014-2020年中国居民可支配收入
图表2: 2020年中国国民生活习惯对提升免疫力的影响认知分布
图表3: 2020年我国超重肥胖人口年龄分布
图表4: 2019-2020年巨头企业跨界代餐行业事件
图表5: 2020-2021年2月中国“代餐”网络热度指数、网络口碑及情感比例
图表6: 2017-2022年中国代餐市场规模及预测
图表7: 2013-2021年2月中国代餐行业企业数量
图表8: 2021年1月中国“代餐”词云图及用户地域分布
图表9: 2020年中国代餐行业融资事件(一)
图表10: 2020年中国代餐行业融资事件(二)
图表11: 2021Q1中国消费者偏好代餐类产品分布
图表12: 2021年1月天猫热销五谷粉类产品TOP10(按销量)
图表13: 2021Q1中国代餐粉消费者购买动机分布
图表14: 2021Q1中国代餐粉消费者购买渠道
图表15: 2021Q1中国受访用户购买代餐粉月均支出
图表16: 2021Q1中国代餐粉消费者偏好口味
图表17: 2020年3月9日-3月24日“京东早餐节”期间麦片相关商品销量去年同比增速
图表18: 2021Q1中国麦片消费者偏好代餐功能
图表19: 2021Q1中国代餐消费者偏好麦片包装方式
图表20: 2021Q1中国代餐消费者偏好麦片食用方式
图表21: 2021Q1中国代餐消费者购买麦片考虑因素
图表22: 2020年中国健身用户规模
图表23: 2021Q1中国健身用户健身目的及偏好代餐食品
图表24: 截至2021年2月3日典型品牌鸡胸肉产品销量
图表25: 2020年典型电商节日优形鸡胸肉类商品销售数据
图表26: 2021Q1中国消费者购买鸡肉制品动机
图表27: 2021Q1中国消费者购买鸡肉制品考虑因素
图表28: 2021Q1中国代餐消费者偏好鸡肉制品营养成分
图表29: 2021Q1中国代餐消费者购买鸡肉制品月均消费支出
图表30: 2021Q1中国受访用户购买蛋白棒月均消费支出
图表31: 2021Q1中国蛋白棒消费者对代餐的三大需求点
图表32: 2021Q1中国受访用户对蛋白棒问题感知调研
图表33: 2021Q1中国受访用户对蛋白棒产品改进方向认知
图表34: 2021Q1中国受访用户向他人推荐蛋白棒意愿调研
图表35: 2021Q1中国受访用户对蛋白棒市场发展前景态度
图表36: 2021Q1中国受访用户向他人推荐蛋白棒意愿调研
图表37: 2021Q1中国受访用户对蛋白棒市场发展前景态度
图表38: 2019-2020年关注WonderLab人群性别分布
图表39: 2019-2020年关注WonderLab人群年龄分布
图表40: 2020年WonderLab网络口碑
图表41: 2020年WanderLab情感比例
图表42: 2017-2020Q3年康宝莱营业收入情况
图表43: 2017-2020Q3康宝莱净利润情况
图表44: 2016-2019康宝莱主营业务收入情况
图表45: 2017-2020年康宝莱营业收入区域分布
图表46: 2006-2020年康宝莱专利发布国家和类别分布
图表47: 2020年康宝莱国际网络口碑
图表48: 2020年关注康宝莱媒体占比
图表49: 2020年ffit8网络口碑
图表50: 2020年ffit8主题词云
图表51: 2020年ffit情感比例
图表52: 2017-2020H1雀巢健康科学类产品收入情况
图表53: 2017-2020H1雀巢大中华区收入情况
图表54: 2020年雀巢际网络口碑
图表55: 2020年雀巢主题词云
图表56: 雀巢媒体分布走势
图表57: 2021年中国代餐行业短板用户感知情况调研
图表58: 2021年中国受访用户中未购买代餐产品人数占比及其未来购买意愿调研
图表59: 2021Q1中国受访用户对代餐行业监管方向看法调研
图表60: 2021Q1中国消费者购买代餐食品的主要功能需求分布
图表61: 2021Q1中国代餐用户消费场景分布
图表62: 2021Q1中国受访用户对代餐行业品牌认知调研
Figure1: 2014-2020 per capita disposable income, China
Figure2: 2020 Cognitive distribution of the influence of Chinese people's living habits on improving immunity
Figure3: 2020 Age distribution of overweight and obese population in China
Figure4: 2019-2020 Giant enterprises crossover meal replacement industry events
Figure5: Internet Heat Index, Internet Word-of-Mouth and Emotional Proportion of Chinese "Meal Substitute" from 2020 to in February 2021
Figure6: The scale and forecast of Chinese meal replacement market in 2017-2022
Figure7: In Feb. 2021, Top 5 factors that consumers consider when purchasing meal replacement food
Figure8: Consumer geographical distribution and word cloud of meal replacement in China in January 2021
Figure9: Financing events of Chinese meal replacement industry in 2020 (I)
Figure10: Financing events of Chinese meal replacement industry in 2020 (II)
Figure11: Distribution of Chinese consumers' preference for meal replacement products in 2021Q1
Figure12: In January 2021, Tmall sold TOP10 grain powder products (by sales volume)
Figure13: Consumers' Motivation of Meal Replacement Powder in 2021Q1
Figure14: Channels of meal replacement powder in 2021Q1
Figure15: In 2021Q1, Chinese respondents purchased meal replacement powder's average monthly expenditure
Figure16: Consumer preference of Chinese meal replacement powder in 2021Q1
Figure17: The year-on-year growth rate of sales of cereal-related products during the "JD.COM Breakfast Festival" from March 9 to March 24, 2020
Figure18: 2021Q1 Chinese cereal consumers prefer meal replacement effect
Figure19: Meal replacement consumers prefer oatmeal packaging in 2021Q1
Figure20: Meal replacement consumers prefer oatmeal consumption in 2021Q1
Figure21: Considerations for Chinese meal replacement consumers to buy oatmeal in 2021Q1
Figure22: Scale of Chinese Fitness Users in 2020
Figure23: Chinese fitness users' fitness purpose and preference for meal replacement food in 2021Q1
Figure24: Sales of typical brand chicken breast products as of February 3, 2021
Figure25: Sales data of excellent ready-to-eat chicken breast in typical e-commerce festivals in 2020
Figure26: Consumers' buying motivation of chicken products in 2021Q1
Figure27: Consumer buying considerations of chicken products in 2021Q1
Figure28: Chinese meal replacement consumers prefer the nutritional content of chicken products in 2021Q1
Figure29: Monthly expenditure of chicken products purchased by Chinese meal replacement consumers in 2021Q1
Figure30: Average monthly expenditure of protein bars purchased by Chinese meal replacement consumers in 2021Q1
Figure31: Three Demand of Chinese Protein Bar Consumers for Meal Substitution in 2021Q1
Figure32: A survey on the perception of protein stick problem among Chinese interviewed users in 2021Q1
Figure33: 2021Q1 Chinese Respondents' Cognition on the Improvement Direction of Protein Stick Products
Figure34: Investigation on the willingness of Chinese respondents to recommend protein sticks to others in 2021Q1
Figure35: Attitudes of 2021Q1 Chinese Respondents to the Development Prospects of Protein Bar Market
Figure36: Investigation on the willingness of Chinese respondents to recommend protein sticks to others in 2021Q1
Figure37: Attitudes of 2021Q1 Chinese Respondents to the Development Prospects of Protein Bar Market
Figure38: 2019-2020 Gender Distribution of Attention to WonderLab
Figure39: 2019-2020 Age Distribution of Attention to WonderLab
Figure40: 2020 WonderLab network reputation
Figure41: 2020 Ratio of Attitude to WonderLab
Figure42: 2017-2020 Operating Revenue of Herbalife
Figure43: 2017-2020 Net Profit of Herbalife
Figure44: Income composition of Herbalife's main business in 2020
Figure45: 2017-2020 Regional distribution of Herbalife's revenue
Figure46: 2006-2020 Distribution of Herbalife's patent issuing countries and categories
Figure47: 2020 Herbalife network reputation
Figure48: 2020 Ratio of Media attention to Harbalife
Figure49: 2020 ffit8 network reputation
Figure50: 2020 Consumer distribution of ffit8
Figure51: 2020 Ratio of Attitude to ffit8
Figure52: 2017-2020H1 Operating Revenue of Nestle HealthScience
Figure53: 2017-2020H1 Operating Revenue of Nestle Greater of China Region
Figure54: 2020 Nestlé network reputation
Figure55: 2020 WordCloud of Nestlé
Figure56: Trend of Attitude distribution of Nestlé
Figure57: Investigation on the perception of short-board users in China's meal replacement industry in 2021
Figure58: Investigation on the perception of short-board users in China's meal replacement industry in 2021
Figure59: A survey of the views of Chinese respondents on the supervision direction of the meal replacement industry in 2021Q1
Figure60: Main functional requirements of Chinese consumers purchasing meal replacement food in 2021Q1
Figure61: Consumption scenarios of Chinese meal replacement users in 2021Q1
Figure62: 2021Q1 Survey on Brand Cognition of Chinese Respondents to Meal Substitute Industry
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