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According to data, the sales scale of China's mooncake market in 2020 has exceeded 20 billion yuan. With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control and the masses' emphasis on traditional festivals, the demand for visiting relatives and friends will continue to recover. It is estimated that the sales scale of mooncakes in China will reach 20 billion yuan in 2021. 21.8 billion yuan. With the rapid development of the industry, market consumption has also shown new characteristics. In 2021, the demand for self-catering mooncakes in my country will increase, and the demand for gifts will relatively decrease. Ensuring the taste and quality of mooncakes will become the basis for the sustainable development of mooncake brands. From the perspective of moon cake manufacturers, there are three main types of companies: catering companies that deploy food production business, bakery companies that launch seasonal products, and cross-border brands that focus on the market. In general, driven by factors such as intensified market competition and changes in moon cake consumer demand, the Chinese moon cake market will develop in the direction of standardization, continuous innovation in taste, and localization of packaging styles.
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1. 近9成中国消费者认为中秋和月饼是团聚的象征
2. 2021中国月饼市场需求侧分析:自吃需求增加
3. 2021中国月饼市场供给侧分析:月饼推陈出新
4. 2021年中国月饼销售规模预计达218.1亿元
5. 中国月饼市场销售渠道变革分析
6. 2020年中国月饼线下市场竞争格局分析
7. 2020年中国月饼线上市场竞争格局分析
8. 2021年上半年中国月饼市场动态盘点
1. 2021年中国月饼市场消费偏好调研数据分析
1.1 2021年中国消费者偏好月饼风味分析
1.2 2021年中国消费者偏好月饼风味分析
1.3 2021年中国消费者偏好月饼口味分析
1.4 2021年中国消费者偏好月饼饼皮分析
1.5 2021年中国消费者偏好月饼包装类型分析
1.6 2021年中国消费者关注月饼包装因素分析
1.7 2021年中国消费者偏好月饼包装风格分析
2. 2021年中国月饼市场消费计划调研数据分析
2.1 2021年中国消费者获取月饼途径分析
2.2 2021年中国消费者月饼购买意愿分析
2.3 2021年中国消费者月饼购买目的分析
2.4 2021年中国消费者获取月饼信息渠道分析
2.5 2021年中国消费者购买月饼考虑因素分析
2.6 2021年中国消费者月饼相关活动偏好分析
2.7 2021年中国消费者月饼购买预算分析
2.8 2021年中国消费者计划购买品牌分析
3. 2021年中国月饼市场消费限制因素调查分析
3.1 2021年中国月饼市场发展问题分析
3.2 2021年中国消费者过度包装月饼购买分析
3.3 2021年中国消费者对月饼包装处理方式分析
3.4 2021年中国消费者剩余月饼处理分析
1. 中国月饼制作企业分类及介绍
2. 中国月饼企业典型案例分析:广州酒家(一)
3. 中国月饼企业典型案例分析:广州酒家(二)
4. 中国月饼企业典型案例分析:广州酒家(三)
5. 中国月饼企业典型案例分析:广州酒家(四)
6. 中国月饼企业典型案例分析:华美食品(一)
7. 中国月饼企业典型案例分析:华美食品(二)
8. 2021年中国月饼企业网络口碑分析
9. 跨界品牌推出月饼业务总结
1. 中国月饼市场发展趋势预判:月饼市场规范化
2. 中国月饼市场发展趋势预判:月饼规格“点心化”
3. 中国月饼市场发展趋势预判:月饼口味创新化
4. 中国月饼市场发展趋势:月饼包装设计国潮风
图表1. 2021年中国消费者中秋节食用月饼意愿调查
图表2. 2020-2021年中国月饼消费目的变化
图表3. 2015-2021年中国月饼销售额规模及预测
图表4. 2020-2021年中国月饼购买渠道变化
图表5. 2020年中秋中国月饼线下销售份额
图表6. 2020年中秋节中国月饼线上销售份额
图表7. 2020年中秋中国月饼线上旗舰店销售份额
图表8. 2021年消费者偏好月饼风味TOP5与各地区偏好情况
图表9. 2021年中国消费者月饼口味偏好
图表10. 2021年各地区中国消费者月饼口味偏好
图表11. 2021年中国消费者偏好月饼口味调查
图表12. 2021年中国消费者前四月饼饼皮偏好
图表13. 2021年中国消费者偏好月饼包装类型
图表14. 2021年中国消费者对月饼包装关注因素调研
图表15. 2021年中国消费者偏好月饼包装风格TOP4
图表16. 中国消费者过往获取月饼渠道分析
图表17. 2021年中国消费者购买月饼意愿调查
图表18. 2021年中国消费者购买月饼意愿变化
图表19. 2021年中国消费者购买月饼目的调查
图表20. 2021年中国消费者获取月饼信息渠道调查
图表21. 2021年中国消费者购买月饼时主要考虑因素调查
图表22. 2021年中国消费者购买月饼时期待商家活动调查
图表23. 2021年中国消费者购买月饼预算调查
图表24. 2021年中国消费者计划购买品牌TOP10
图表25. 2021年中国消费者对当前月饼市场问题认知调查
图表26. 2021年中国消费者对过度包装月饼购买意愿调查
图表27. 2021年中国消费者购买过度包装月饼前三原因
图表28. 2021年中国消费者的对吃完的月饼盒处理方法调查
图表29. 2021年中国消费者剩余月饼处理方法
图表30. 2020年广州酒家各类别产品主营收入占比
图表31. 2018-2020年广州酒家月饼系列产品营业收入和收入占比
图表32. 2018-2020年广州酒家各季度经销比例
图表33. 2018-2020年广州酒家门店数量(含加盟店)
图表34. 广州酒家、华美和苏州稻香村网络口碑对比
图表35. 2020年中国食品安全相关执法记录
图表36. 月饼生产相关行业标准与检测要求
图表37. 中国消费者往年中秋节月饼食用情况
图表38. 2021年中国各年龄段消费者偏好月饼口味调查
图表39. 2020年中国网民偏好购买国潮品类TOP5
figure1. Survey on consumers' willingness to eat moon cakes in Mid Autumn Festival in 2021
figure2. Changes in China's moon cake consumption objectives in 2020-2021
figure3. Sales scale and forecast of moon cakes in China from 2015 to 2021
figure4. Changes in China's moon cake consumption channels in 2020-2021
figure5. Offline sales share of Chinese mooncakes in Mid Autumn Festival of 2020
figure6. Online sales share of Chinese mooncakes in Mid Autumn Festival of 2020
figure7. Sales share of online flagship stores of Chinese moon cakes in Mid Autumn Festival of 2020
figure8. The top 5 moon cake flavor of respondents' preference in 2021 and special statistics of different regions
figure9. Chinese consumers' taste preference for moon cakes in 2021
figure10. Taste preference of different regions moon cakes users in 2021
figure11. Survey on Chinese Consumers' Preference for Mooncake Taste in 2021
figure12. Top four moon cake skin preferences of respondents in 2021
figure13. Chinese consumers prefer mooncake packaging types in 2021
figure14. Investigation on Chinese Consumers' Concerns about Mooncake Packaging in 2021
figure15. Top 4 mooncake packaging style of respondents in China in 2021
figure16. Investigation on Chinese consumers' access to moon cakes in the past
figure17. Survey on Chinese Consumers' Willingness to Buy Mooncakes in 2021
figure18. Changes in Chinese consumers' willingness to buy moon cakes in 2021
figure19. Investigation on Chinese Consumers' Purchases of Mooncakes in 2021
figure20. Access to moon cake information for users in 2021
figure21. Main factors for respondents to buy moon cakes in 2021
figure22. In 2021, Chinese consumers look forward to the survey of business activities when buying mooncakes
figure23. Investigation on the Budget of Chinese Consumers' Purchase of Mooncakes in 2021
figure24. Top ten mooncake brands among interviewed users in 2021
figure25. Survey on Chinese consumers' cognition of current moon cake market problems in 2021
figure26. Survey on consumers' willingness to buy over packaged moon cakes in 2021
figure27. Top three reasons for the consumers to buy over packed mooncakes in 2021
figure28. Survey on the processing methods of finished moon cake boxes in 2021
figure29. Consumption of moon cakes after the Mid Autumn Festival in 2021
figure30. Proportion of main business income of various types of products of Guangzhou restaurants in 2020
figure31. Operating revenue and revenue proportion of moon cake series products of Guangzhou Restaurant in 2018-2020
figure32. Distribution proportion of Guangzhou restaurants in each quarter from 2018 to 2020
figure33. Number of restaurants in Guangzhou (including franchise stores) from 2018 to 2020
figure34. Comparison of Internet Word of Mouth among Guangzhou Restaurant, Huamei and Suzhou Daoxiang Village
figure35. Law enforcement records of China's food safety in 2020
figure36. Industry standards and testing requirements for moon cake production
figure37. Chinese consumers' consumption of moon cakes during Mid-Autumn Festival in previous years
figure38. Survey on Chinese consumers' preference for moon cakes in all ages in 2021
figure39. In 2020, Chinese netizens prefer to buy the national tide category TOP5
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