艾媒报告| 2019中国化妆品电商行业监测分析及消费者行为全面调查报告(赠纸质版)
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相关企业:欧莱雅、Cosmax、娇兰、强生、丝芙兰、雅诗兰黛、如涵、千色店、丽人丽妆、诺米家居、美图公司、玉兰油、自然堂、百雀羚、一叶子、SK-Ⅱ、韩束、兰芝、佰草集、美迪惠尔、肌肤之钥、兰蔻、科颜氏、海蓝之谜、丸美、欧珀莱、迪奥、MAC、YSL、TOM FORD、香奈儿、纪梵希、美宝莲、阿玛尼、古驰、宝格丽、博柏利、祖玛珑、联合利华、资生堂、上海家化、珀莱雅、伽蓝集团、抹茶美妆、唯品会、小红书、豌豆公主
利好政策和市场需求驱动下,全球化妆品行业高速发展,中国成为全球第二大化妆品消费国。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)分析认为,目前中国化妆品行业有四大趋势:(1)“他经济”时代的到来,男士化妆品成为新兴蓝海市场;(2)社交电商的兴起将进一步带动化妆品消费的增长,61.0%的消费者表明社交媒体平台成为他们“种草”化妆品的重要阵地,其中95/00后受到“种草”的概率为76.6%;(3)跨境电商的发展成为化妆品消费的增长动力,在海淘购买商品品类调查中,洗护用品和美容彩妆分别占比50.6%、45.3%,持续受到用户欢迎,小红书、豌豆公主等跨境电商为化妆品消费提供动力支持;(4)高端化妆品市场发展前景良好,iiMedia Ranking(艾媒金榜)数据显示,雅诗兰黛是最受消费者青睐的面膜品牌和眼霜品牌,迪奥则是口红和女士香水品牌中最受消费者欢迎的。
Driven by favorable policies and market demand, the global cosmetics industry is developing at a high speed, and China has become the second largest consumer of cosmetics in the world. iiMedia Research analysis believes that China's cosmetics industry has four major trends: (1) the arrival of the “He Economy“ era, men's cosmetics become the emerging blue ocean market; (2) the rise of social e-commerce will further drive the growth of cosmetics consumption, 61.0% of consumers indicates that the social media platform has become an important position for their “grass” cosmetics, and the probability of being “grassed” after 95/00 is 76.6%; (3) the development of cross-border e-commerce has become the growth engine of cosmetics consumption. In the survey of the consumption of goods purchased by cross-border online shopping, toiletries and beauty cosmetics accounted for 50.6% and 45.3% respectively, which continued to be welcomed by users. Cross-border e-commerce companies such as Xiaohongshu and Wandougongzhu provided support for cosmetics consumption. (4) The high-end cosmetics market has good development prospects. iiMedia Ranking data shows that Estee Lauder is the most popular mask brand and eye cream brand, and Dior is the most popular among lipstick and women's perfume brands.
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