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目前高考考生持续增加及高等院校数量相对较少的供需不平衡差异,催生了高考志愿报考行业,特别是网络知识付费等产业的兴起令知识付费的观念被普遍接受令高考志愿填报付费行业开始兴起。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年高考志愿填报付费市场规模预计将达到5.9亿元,付费用户将达到46.8万人。然而,目前只有18.3%考生表示会选择报考辅导,59.7%的中国高考关注者仍是通过学校招生简章获取院校和专业信息。另据iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据调查,有59.5%的高考考生对高考志愿填报有意向,可以发展为潜在客户。艾媒咨询分析师认为,高考考生大多将有后续的职业教育、资格证考试、出国留学等其他需求,可以作为教育类企业吸纳用户的重要切入点。
The number of candidates in the college entrance examination continues to increase and the number of colleges and universities is relatively small. The imbalance between supply and demand has spawned the college entrance examination volunteering industry. In particular, the rise of industries such as online knowledge payment has made the concept of knowledge payment generally accepted, so that the college entrance examination volunteers to fill the paid industry. Rise. According to iiMedia Research, the 2019 college entrance examination volunteers will report that the paid market will reach 590 million yuan, and the number of paying users will reach 468,000. However, only 18.3% of candidates currently choose to apply for counseling, and 59.7% of Chinese college entrance examination followers still obtain college and professional information through the school admissions brochure. Besides, iiMedia Research finds that 59.5% of the college entrance examination candidates have the intention to fill out the college entrance examination, and can develop into potential customers. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that most of the college entrance examination candidates will have follow-up vocational education, qualification examinations, study abroad and other needs, which can be an important entry point for educational enterprises to absorb users.
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