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随着全国各地促销费政策的持续发力,餐饮消费市场需求不断被激发,加速拓店和深入下沉市场成为各地餐饮品牌的重中之重,各餐企对餐饮服务商的需求进一步增加。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国餐饮服务商行业白皮书》数据显示,2023年中国餐饮收入达52890亿元,餐饮行业进入平稳发展期,预计2025年中国餐饮收入有望达56712亿元。餐饮服务商通过为餐企提供多元化解决方案、数智化全方位服务等助力餐饮企业降本增效,完成数字化转型。2018-2023年中国餐饮连锁率持续提升,各中大型餐企纷纷计划出海甚至已经出海,含小微型企业在内的餐饮企业对餐饮服务商的需求进一步扩大,69.0%的餐饮企业有数字化意向或计划。2024年,信息管理系统割裂(38.7%)与营销推广及运营能力较弱(36.1%)问题成为餐饮企业实施数字化布局的主要难题;餐饮企业倾向选择行业通用的数智化产品服务商与注重产品服务便携性和成本控制的服务商。随着数字化进程不断加快,餐饮服务商正加速布局一体化服务,行业已涌现多家头部企业。此外,国内餐饮市场逐渐饱和倒逼餐企和餐饮服务商寻求第二增长曲线,“出海”成为新发展机遇。
With the continuous force of the promotion fee policy across the country, the demand for food and beverage consumption market has been continuously stimulated, accelerating the expansion of stores and deepening the sinking market has become the top priority of catering brands around the country, and the demand for catering service providers has further increased. According to the latest Research Report on the Development of China's catering service Provider Industry White Paper from 2024 to 2025 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, the income of China's catering industry will reach 5,289 billion yuan in 2023, and the catering industry will enter a period of stable development. It is expected that the income of China's catering industry will reach 5,671.2 billion yuan in 2025. Catering service providers help catering enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency by providing diversified solutions and all-round services of digital intelligence for catering enterprises, and complete digital transformation. From 2018 to 2023, China's restaurant chain rate continues to increase, and medium-sized and large restaurant enterprises have planned to go to sea or even have gone to sea, and catering enterprises including small and micro enterprises have further expanded their demand for catering service providers, and 69.0% of catering enterprises have digital intentions or plans. In 2024, the fragmentation of the information management system (38.7%) and the weak marketing promotion and operation ability (36.1%) have become the main problems in the implementation of digital layout of catering enterprises; Catering enterprises tend to choose the service providers of digital intelligent products that are common in the industry and those that pay attention to the portability of products and services and cost control. As the digitization process continues to accelerate, catering service providers are accelerating the layout of integrated services, and a number of leading enterprises have emerged in the industry. In addition, the gradual saturation of the domestic catering market has forced catering companies and catering service providers to seek a second growth curve, and "going to sea" has become a new development opportunity.






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