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随着数字经济和数字技术的蓬勃发展,数字化转型已成为各行各业转型升级的重要驱动力。数字金融作为数字经济的重要组成部分,正日益凸显其重要性。近年来,大数据、人工智能、区块链、云计算等前沿技术在证券行业得到广泛应用,加速了证券行业数字化转型,为证券行业高质量发展提供了强大助力,证券行业正迎来全面数字化转型的重要机遇期。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国证券行业数字金融业务现状及发展趋势研究报告》数据显示,2023年中国证券行业全年实现营收4059.02亿元,同比增长2.77%,向好态势进一步巩固,证券行业经营情况整体较为稳定;2023年中国数字经济市场规模达56.1万亿元,同比增长10.3%,增速明显,预计2025年达70.8万亿元。2024年,69.1%的从业者所在公司正在经历数字化转型,数字化转型程度较低和转型程度中等的公司分别占比38.9%和34.6%;近八成证券业从业者对数字金融业务的发展前景持乐观态度,近九成个人投资者持相同态度。随着生成式AI大模型等新兴技术的落地商用,证券行业能够利用新兴技术手段提升服务质量和水平,更好地服务实体经济以及满足用户的多样性、个性化需求。证券行业将加快数字化进程,逐步达成“融入产业、走进客户,提供精准、高效、便捷服务,实现集约化、平台化、数字化运营”的总目标。
With the vigorous development of digital economy and digital technology, digital transformation has become an important driving force for the transformation and upgrading of all walks of life. As an important part of the digital economy, digital finance is becoming increasingly important. In recent years, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing and other technologies have been widely used in the securities industry, and the application of cutting-edge technologies has accelerated the digital transformation of the securities industry, providing a strong boost for the high-quality development of the securities industry, and the securities industry is ushering in an important period of opportunities for comprehensive digital transformation. According to the latest Research report on the Status and Development Trend of digital financial business in China's securities Industry from 2024 to 2025 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, China's securities industry achieved annual revenue of 405.902 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 2.77%, further consolidating the good trend, and the overall operation situation of the securities industry is relatively stable; In 2023, the market size of China's digital economy will reach 56.1 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.3% year-on-year, and the growth rate is obvious, and it is expected to reach 70.8 trillion yuan in 2025. In 2024, 69.1% of practitioners work for companies undergoing digital transformation, 38.9% for companies with low digital transformation and 34.6% for companies with medium digital transformation. Nearly 80% of securities industry practitioners are optimistic about the development prospects of digital financial business, and nearly 90% of individual investors hold the same attitude. With the commercialization of emerging technologies such as generative AI large models, the securities industry can use emerging technologies to improve the quality and level of service, better serve the real economy and meet the diversity and individual needs of users. The securities industry will speed up the digitization process, and gradually achieve the overall goal of "integrating into the industry, entering the customer, providing accurate, efficient and convenient services, and realizing intensive, platform-based and digital operations".






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