城市化发展令城市聚集了相对较多的流动人口,公寓租赁成为这一群体的必要需求;特别是白领阶层中,有43.0%的白领人士表示可以接受一直租房而不买房的生活方式。特别是一线城市的长租公寓市场已基本普及,北京、上海、广州和深圳的长租公寓入住率分别达到93.0%、89.0%、95.0%和96.0%。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)研究发现,长租公寓受到资本青睐,地产开发商、地产服务中介、互联网资本和酒店服务集团纷纷进驻长租公寓行业,形成泊寓、自如、YOU+国际青年等品牌,但彼此竞争激烈。艾媒咨询分析师认为,目前长租公寓行业仍处于多种运营模式并存的探索阶段,各大品牌暂时没有形成相对固定的市场格局,性价比是长租公寓下半场争夺的重点,服务和科技会成为长租公寓未来的重要发展方向。
Urbanization has caused the city to gather a relatively large number of floating populations. Apartment leasing has become a necessary demand for this group; especially among the white-collar workers, 43.0% of white-collar workers have expressed the possibility of accepting the lifestyle of renting a house without buying a house. In particular, the long-rental apartment market in first-tier cities has been basically popularized. The occupancy rates of long-term rental apartments in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have reached 93.0%, 89.0%, 95.0% and 96.0% respectively. iiMedia Research found that long-term rental apartments are favored by capital. Real estate developers, real estate service agencies, Internet capital and hotel service groups have entered the long-term rental apartment industry, forming a brand of parking, free, YOU+ international youth. But they are highly competitive. iiMedia Research analysts believe that the long-term rental apartment industry is still in the exploration stage of multiple operating modes. The major brands have not formed a relatively fixed market structure for the time being. The price/performance ratio is the focus of the long-term rental apartment in the second half. Service and technology will become the important development direction of long-term rental apartments in the future.