With the implementation of the "Healthy China 2030 Planning Outline", "Internet + Health", "Internet + Sports" and the national advocacy and implementation policy of whole-life cycle health management, the penetration rate of digital health management market is getting large. It is expected that the core market size of China's digital health management will reach 241.80 billion yuan in 2024,and its driving market size will be to exceed 1.2 trillion yuan. In addition, with the deepening integration of AI and traditional industries, the magnitude and complexity of data will also be greatly improved. In the future, the subdivision of digital health management will be able to form a sufficient soil for the development of vertical business and diversified business development through the blessing of technology.艾媒咨询|2021年中国新经济独角兽&准独角兽标杆企业研究报告
在产业数字化和政策带动经济高质量发展的前提下,新经济产业发展迅猛,培育出越来越多独角兽及准独角兽企业。在2021年中国新经济独角兽及准独角兽top200榜单中,京沪粤三地企业合计占比分别达到69.0%和72.0%。北上广深作为超一线城市,经济发达程度领先,营商环境优越,人才和资本配套充足,为优秀企业成长提供充足的动力。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,在200强名单中,企业服务领域分布了25家独角兽企业及59家准独角兽企业,体现出在新经济发展环境下,更多市场主体对企业服务存在需求,也推动更多企业服务企业跻身独角兽/准独角兽行列。
Under the premise of industry digitalization and high-quality economic development driven by policies, the new economic industry develops rapidly, and more and more unicorn and quasi Unicorn enterprises are cultivated. In the top 200 list of Unicorn and quasi unicorn in China's new economy in 2021, enterprises in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong account for 69.0% and 72.0% respectively. As a super first tier city, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have advanced economic development, superior business environment, and sufficient talents and capital to provide sufficient power for the growth of excellent enterprises. According to the data of iimedia research, in the top 200 list, 25 Unicorn enterprises and 59 quasi Unicorn enterprises are distributed in the enterprise service field, which shows that in the new economic development environment, more market entities have demand for enterprise services and promote more enterprise service enterprises to join the unicorn / quasi Unicorn industry.艾媒咨询|2021全球及中国大健康产业运行大数据及决策分析报告
Affected by the aging population and the increasing proportion of residents, the national medical expenditure is increasing, which belongs to the rigid demand; At the same time, with the continuous improvement of people's health standards and the development of internet medical technology, the big health industry will continue to grow for a long time. According to the data, the revenue of China's big health industry will exceed 7 trillion yuan in 2020, and it is expected to reach 8 trillion yuan in 2021, an increase of 8.1%. Among them, thanks to the development of big health industry and the growth of pharmaceutical demand during the epidemic period, biopharmaceuticals and medical devices have performed well, becoming China's new economy industry with high investment enthusiasm in 2020, with investment projects of 91.9 billion yuan and 27.3 billion yuan respectively.艾媒咨询|2020年中国互联网医疗行业发展专题研究报告
近年来,中国互联网医疗行业发展迅速,从萌芽期步入到高速发展期。2020年,互联网医疗受新冠疫情影响发展继续加快,5G和人工智能技术逐步落地应用也助推行业规模增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,74.4%的受访网民在疫情期间参与过互联网医疗服务,且认为其能够减轻门诊压力和避免交叉感染的网民占比也超过七成。在互联网医疗主要细分市场中,移动医疗平台借助移动互联网普及和物流水平提高,其品牌认知和市场发展较快,2020年中国移动医疗用户规模将达到6.35亿人,市场规模也将超过520亿元。
In recent years, China Internet medical industry has developed rapidly, from the embryonic stage to high-speed development period. In 2020, the development of Internet medical industry will continue to accelerate under the influence of Covid-19, and the application of 5G and AI technology will also boost the growth of the industry scale. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 74.4% of the interviewed netizens participated in Internet medical services during the Covid-19 period, and more than 70% netizens believed that it could reduce the pressure of outpatient service and avoid cross infection. In the main market segments of Internet medical industry, mobile medical platforms, with the help of the popularization of mobile Internet and improvement of logistics level, have a rapid brand recognition and market development. In 2020, the user scale of China mobile medical industry will reach 635 million, and the market size will also exceed 52 billion yuan.艾媒咨询|2020年中国新经济独角兽&准独角兽TOP200榜单解读及标杆企业研究报告
在产业数字化及居民消费升级的推动下,新经济产业蓬勃发展,培育出多家独角兽及准独角兽企业。在2020年中国新经济独角兽及准独角兽两百强榜单中,分别有39.5%和42.0%的独角兽及准独角兽企业分布在华东地区,并有71.0%及75.0%的独角兽及准独角兽企业分布在北上广,体现出北上广作为超一线城市在培育独角兽企业上具有明显优势。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,在两百强名单中,企业服务领域分布了20家独角兽企业及49家准独角兽企业,体现出在新经济发展环境下,各类崭新的商业模式和领域被挖掘,同时也存在更多市场主体对企业服务存在需求,也推动更多企业服务企业跻身独角兽/准独角兽行列。
Driven by the industrial digitalization and increasing consuming power, the new economy industry is growing rapidly, and cultivated lots of unicorn and quasi unicorn enterprises. In the 2020 China New Economy Unicorn and Quasi Unicorn Enterprise Top200 List, 39.5% and 42.0% of the unicorn and quasi unicorn enterprises are located in the eastern China respectively, while 71.0% and 75.0% are located in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, which showed that as super tier one cities, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou have the clear advantage in terms of cultivating unicorn enterprises. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, within the Top200 list, there are 20 unicorn enterprises and 49 quasi unicorn enterprises in the field of enterprise service, which showed that under the growth of new economy, new types of business models and fields are discovered, and there are more market entities that have demand on enterprise services, which pushed more enterprise service enterprises into the ranks of unicorn/quasi unicorn.艾媒咨询|2020H1中国宠物经济运行现状与发展趋势研究报告
其他企业/品牌:铃铛宠物、E宠商城、小狗在家、爱宠医生、佩蒂股份、雀巢普瑞纳、天地荟、Freshpet 、JM smucker、皇家、麦富迪、比瑞吉、玛氏、伯纳天纯、ORIJEN、顽皮、珍宝、耐威克、多尼斯、中央花园和宠物、UNICHARMCORP、波奇宠物、有宠、小佩宠物、阿闻、淘宠网、萌窝。
2020年6月12日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1年中国宠物经济运行现状与发展趋势研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,并且通过草莓派数据调查与计算系统调研对中国宠物经济运行进行分析,着重分析宠物交易、宠物食品、宠物用品、宠物医疗、宠物生活服务和宠物应用App等领域,以及中宠股份、普瑞生物、新瑞鹏集团等典型案例。随着宠物地位的提高以及情感寄托的增加,在宠物食品消费外,宠物主还乐于尝试美容、摄影、寄养、保险、训练等新兴消费方式,极大地推动了宠物产业链服务市场的发展。目前,如宠物网红、宠物咖啡店、宠物主题乐园也受到年轻人追捧,新经济形式不断出现。
iiMedia Research data show that china's pet market size in 2019 reached 221.2 billion yuan, is expected to reach 295.3 billion yuan in 2020, from the proportion of all types of pet families, cats and dogs are still the main pet type. At the same time, the sales of pet supplies also have a clear upward trend, insect supplies sales line growth of more than 200% YoY, hamsters, climbing pet, rabbit supplies online sales growth of nearly 100% YoY.艾媒报告|2020年中国知识付费行业运行发展及用户行为调研分析报告
This report mainly summarizes and analyzes the current status of the development model of the knowledge payment industry in China. It monitors the background of the industry development, industry core data, and important links in the knowledge payment industry chain. Research on paid user behavior (sample size 1750), and focus on different types of knowledge payment platforms such as acquisition, fluency in English, Zhihu, Himalayan, etc. as a typical business situation analysis, interpret the overall development trend of the industry and study its business operations Model, predicting the development trend and operating model of China's knowledge payment industry in 2021.艾媒报告|2020-2021年中国医疗电商行业发展趋势及标杆企业分析报告
2020年3月9日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020-2021年中国医疗电商行业发展趋势及标杆企业分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国医疗电商产业发展进行分析。本报告主要通过医药电商和家用医疗器械两方面,对医疗电商产业上下游深入探究运行模式,并对鱼跃集团、平安好医生、爱康多等典型企业进行案例分析,以此对中国医疗电商行业发展进行趋势预判。2019年中国医药电商行业发展规模继续增大,涌现出许多新型零售方式。越来越多医药企业涌入B2B主流市场,B2C市场规模也随着消费者健康意识的提升以及网购消费习惯的固定而得到较大发展;越来越多药企也开始开展O2O业务。以药到医、“医+药”发展的模式也受到普遍认可。特别在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情影响下,医疗电商以其独特的互联网优势在抗击疫情中发挥了重要作用。在此契机下,医疗电商行业将在2020年迎来重大普及发展的历史机遇期。
In 2019, the scale of China's pharmaceutical e-commerce industry continues to increase, and many new retail methods have emerged. More and more pharmaceutical companies have entered the mainstream B2B market, and the scale of the B2C market has also grown significantly with the improvement of consumers' health awareness and the fixation of online shopping consumption habits; more and more pharmaceutical companies have begun to develop O2O business. The development model from medicine to medicine and "medicine + medicine" has also been widely recognized. Especially under the influence of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, medical e-commerce has played an important role in fighting the epidemic with its unique Internet advantage. With this opportunity, the medical e-commerce industry will usher in a period of historical opportunities for significant popularization in 2020.
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