因羊奶粉拥有小分子、易吸收、不易致敏、不易长胖的天然优势,越来越多消费者开始将目光转向营养丰富的羊奶粉产品。在居民健康营养观念升级、羊奶粉市场监管规范化、以及银发一族的需求日益增长的大背景下,羊奶粉市场发展迅速升温,各大乳企龙头纷纷布局欲抢占先机。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2023年中国羊奶粉市场规模为167.1亿元,同比增长12.7%;预计2028年将突破350亿元。各年龄段羊奶粉消费类型呈现差异化,成人羊奶粉消费者中,41-60岁的中老年消费者占比更高,为69.9%;而婴幼儿配方羊奶粉消费者更多为23-40岁的中青年,占比37.5%。矿物质、维生素多与营养丰富成羊奶粉产品优势共识,54.4%消费者认为羊奶粉优势在于富含矿物质和维生素,47.9%消费群体看中羊奶粉的营养丰富。羊奶粉赛道市场扩张迅速,行业竞争激烈,产品全年龄段覆盖率加深,品类逐渐多元化。在中国老龄化已成趋势、消费者品质需求升级大背景下,奶源地的建设与供应链的完善,是企业在未来羊奶粉市场的竞争中领先致胜的关键与核心。
Due to the natural advantages of goat milk powder, such as small molecules, easy absorption, low allergenicity, and low likelihood of causing weight gain, an increasing number of consumers are turning their attention to nutrient-rich goat milk powder products. Against the backdrop of an upgrade in residents' health and nutrition concepts, standardization in the goat milk powder market regulation, and a growing demand from the elderly population, the goat milk powder market is rapidly heating up. Leading dairy enterprises are actively positioning themselves to seize first-mover advantage.According to data from iiMedia Research , the size of China's goat milk powder market was 16.71 billion yuan in 2023, representing a year-on-year growth rate of 12.7%. It is projected to exceed 35 billion yuan by 2028. Consumption patterns for goat milk powder vary across different age groups: among adult consumers, those aged between 41-60 account for a higher proportion at 69.9%, while young and middle-aged consumers aged between 23-40 make up 37.5% of consumption.Minerals and vitamins are widely recognized as key strengths contributing to the nutritional richness of goat milk powder products; with approximately 54.4% of consumers acknowledging its mineral and vitamin content as advantageous factors while around 47.9% value its overall nutritional richness.The rapid expansion in the competitive landscape within the goat milk powder market has led to fierce industry competition with product coverage expanding across all age groups and categories gradually diversifying.In light of China's aging population trend and rising consumer demands for quality upgrades, it is imperative that companies focus on establishing dairy sources and enhancing supply chains as critical components for leading future competition within the goat milk powder market.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国银发经济投资前景分析报告
随着中国逐步迈入老龄化社会,老年人的衣食住行行业逐渐得到了社会广泛的关注和政府的扶持。发展银发经济是解决中国老年人衣食住行,提升其生活品质的重要途径之一,同时亦有助于带动中国经济发展。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国银发经济投资前景分析报告》数据显示,2023年中国养老产业市场规模为12.0万亿元,同比增长16.50%,预计2024年中国养老产业市场规模为13.9万亿元,2027年市场规模有望达20万亿元以上。
With China gradually entering the aging society, the clothing, food, housing and transportation industry of the elderly has gradually received extensive social attention and government support. Developing the silver economy is one of the important ways to solve the problem of clothing, food, housing and transportation of the elderly in China, improve their quality of life, and also help to promote China's economic development.According to the latest "Analysis Report on Investment Prospects of China's Silver Economy from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, in 2023, the market size of China's pension industry will be 12.0 trillion yuan, an increase of 16.50%. It is expected that the market size of China's pension industry will be 13.9 trillion yuan in 2024, and the market size is expected to reach more than 20 trillion yuan in 2027.
Analysts from iMedia Consulting believe that the new generation of middle-aged and elderly people generally have a higher education level, pay more attention to the quality of life and social needs after retirement, and are generally willing to pay for their interests and hobbies, which provides good conditions for the development of the silver economic market.艾媒咨询|2021年中老年群体触网行为研究报告
With the intensification of aging and urbanization, the empty-nest elderly continue to grow and face more life problems. There is an increasing need for network applications to solve life difficulties to a certain extent. Therefore, the mainstream APP has begun to be upgraded. Among them, WeChat, Meituan, etc. have achieved initial results in their aging upgrades.艾媒咨询|2021中国银发经济行业调研报告
随着社会福利保障机制和养老金融体系不断完善,老年群体的可支配收入来源不断增加,特别是子女付费正在撬动更大的银发市场,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2021年中国银发经济接近6万亿元。因此,养老产业的产业结构正在逐步完善,特别是健康消费产业中,形成了阿里健康、平安好医生、善诊等数字新势力。
With the continuous improvement of the social welfare guarantee mechanism and pension financial system, the disposable income sources of the elderly are increasing, especially the children's payment is inciting a larger silver hair market. According to iiMedia Research data, China's silver hair economy will reach 6 trillion yuan in 2021. Therefore, the industrial structure of the old-age care industry is gradually improving, especially in the health consumption industry, which has formed new digital forces such as Ali's health, safety, good doctors and good diagnosis.艾媒咨询|2021中国家政服务行业发展剖析及行业投资机遇分析报告
With the advancement of China's urbanization process, family miniaturization, population aging, comprehensive two-child policy and other social change factors, the domestic service industry has provided potential consumer demand. Coupled with the increase in the purchasing power of residents, the market scale of China's government industry continues to expand. The data shows , The market size of China's government industry has risen from 277.6 billion yuan in 2015 to 878.2 billion yuan in 2020. It is expected that the market size will exceed one trillion yuan in 2021. At present, the housekeeping industry has formed an industrial chain in which the upstream is housekeeping service/tool suppliers, the midstream housekeeping company/O2O platform, and the downstream is consumers. Two business models have been subdivided into employee-based and platform-based business models to promote the tertiary industry. It has high social benefits in terms of economic development and absorbing social employment, and has become one of the key service industries supported by national policies.艾媒咨询|2021Q1中国保健品及NMN市场研究报告
iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询)数据显示,随着国家人均GDP的提升,消费者在保健食品消费理念和消费意愿上都发生了根本性的转变,保健食品在消费属性上将逐渐从可选消费品向必选消费品转变,预计2021年中国保健品市场规模将增至2708亿元。在新冠疫情影响下,国民保健意识加速觉醒,居民消费观念升级,对保健品需求增加,为保健品行业带来长期利好。此外,市场对抗衰老产品需求的提升推动了NMN成分产品的走俏,预计到2023年将会以近70.25%的增速攀升至270.13亿元。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, with the increase of the country's per capita GDP, consumers' consumption concept and willingness of health food have undergone fundamental changes. The consumption attribute of health food will gradually change from optional consumer goods to compulsory consumer goods. It is estimated that the market scale of health food in China will increase to 270.8 billion yuan in 2021. Under the influence of COVID-19, the awareness of national health care has been speeded up, the consumption concept of residents has been upgraded, and the demand for health products has increased, which has brought long-term benefits to the health care products industry. In addition, the increasing demand for anti-aging products in the market has promoted the popularity of NMN products, which is expected to rise to 27.013 billion yuan with a growth rate of nearly 70.25% by 2023.艾媒咨询|2020H1中国老年人群画像及消费模式调查分析报告
The survey data shows that 66.8% of the respondents think that the reserve of pension assets within 1 million yuan is basically sufficient. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that in the context of the general contradiction between the needs of the only child to support the elderly and the pressure of the national pension insurance fund's revenue and expenditure, the nationals have a strong desire to retain pension funds, which also means that pension funds are guaranteed. The demand for the pension industry has long existed.艾媒咨询|2020年中国养老产业典型模式及城市案例数据监测分析
2020年6月5日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国养老产业典型模式及城市案例数据监测分析》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对上海、北京、重庆等养老产业进行典型案例分析,并且结合美国、日本等西方发达国家经验,对当前中国的养老产业进行全面分析,判断2020-2021年中国养老产业的发展趋势。当前全球老龄化形式严峻,未来中国老龄化程度会进一步加大。国家越来越重视养老产业的发展,发布了一系列政策,支持社区养老模式革新、医养结合深化、智慧养老推进和养老金融市场开放等多个方向改革与开发,推动了养老产业发展。
As the aging population worsens, China's old-age dependency ratio (which shows how many older people per 100 working-age people) is 19.6% in 2019, the largest increase in 11 years. In 2019, the number of provinces with deep aging increased to seven, with Shanghai the most aging.艾媒报告|2019中国互联网群体经济用户与消费行为研究报告
截至2019年6月,中国互联网普及率已经达到61.2%,网民规模突破8.5亿人,整体发展进入成熟阶段。与此同时,互联网整体人口红利基本消失,各企业开始将竞争的焦点转移至垂直群体市场。群体经济市场消费者具有同类特点,对于企业而言,其推广成本更低、收益更明显、商业模式更加清晰。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年预计她经济市场规模将达4.8万亿元、老年市场总体规模达4.6万亿元,小镇青年、Z世代、单身人群群体规模超亿人,各类群体经济均进入万亿级市场。但不同群体间需求差异也十分明显,新中产人群追求品质生活,而Z世代人群个性化消费需求则更为明显,垂直群体对产品适配性要求高,因此服务各群体市场的产品也需要更具针对性。
By June 2019, China Internet Penetration Rate has reached 61.2%, and the scale of netizens has exceeded 850 million, and the development of Internet industry has entered a mature stage. Meanwhile, the bonus of general netizens basically disappeared, and the enterprises began to shift the focus of competition to the vertical demographic-oriented market. The consumers of demographic-oriented market have similar characteristics. For enterprises, the promotion cost would be lower, the revenue would be higher, and the business model would be clearer. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in 2020, the market scale of She-conomy in China is expected to reach 4.8 trillion yuan, the overall scale of elderly market is expected to reach 4.6 trillion yuan. The population size of town youth, generation Z, and singles exceeds 100 million respectively. The economy of different demographic groups have entered the market of trillion level. However, the demand difference among different groups is obvious. The new middle class pursue quality life, while the personalized consumption demand of generation Z is more obvious. The vertical demographic groups have high requirements for product adaptability, and therefore the products serving each demographic group market also need to be more targeted.
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