随着中国逐步迈入老龄化社会,老年人的衣食住行行业逐渐得到了社会广泛的关注和政府的扶持。发展银发经济是解决中国老年人衣食住行,提升其生活品质的重要途径之一,同时亦有助于带动中国经济发展。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国银发经济投资前景分析报告》数据显示,2023年中国养老产业市场规模为12.0万亿元,同比增长16.50%,预计2024年中国养老产业市场规模为13.9万亿元,2027年市场规模有望达20万亿元以上。
With China gradually entering the aging society, the clothing, food, housing and transportation industry of the elderly has gradually received extensive social attention and government support. Developing the silver economy is one of the important ways to solve the problem of clothing, food, housing and transportation of the elderly in China, improve their quality of life, and also help to promote China's economic development.According to the latest "Analysis Report on Investment Prospects of China's Silver Economy from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, in 2023, the market size of China's pension industry will be 12.0 trillion yuan, an increase of 16.50%. It is expected that the market size of China's pension industry will be 13.9 trillion yuan in 2024, and the market size is expected to reach more than 20 trillion yuan in 2027.
Analysts from iMedia Consulting believe that the new generation of middle-aged and elderly people generally have a higher education level, pay more attention to the quality of life and social needs after retirement, and are generally willing to pay for their interests and hobbies, which provides good conditions for the development of the silver economic market.艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国速冻食品行业市场消费行为洞察报告
速冻食品作为一种经过急速低温冻结处理的预包装食品,凭借其方便快捷、易于储存、品类丰富等特点,在全球食品市场中占据着重要地位。随着生活节奏的加快、消费观念的转变,以及冷链物流技术的发展,速冻食品市场近年来呈现出快速增长的态势。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国速冻食品行业市场消费行为洞察报告》数据显示,在消费者行为方面,高达 60.99% 的消费者经常购买速冻食品,这一比例表明速冻食品已深度融入中国消费者的日常生活,有着较高的接受度和频繁的消费频次,其方便快捷的特性契合了大众快节奏的生活方式。从产品品类偏好来看,其他速冻米面制品独占鳌头,占比达 43.24% ,其中速冻水饺、煎饺这类传统米面制品深受消费者喜爱,这既体现出传统美食的强大吸引力,也反映出消费者对熟悉口味和品类的依赖。这对速冻食品行业而言,在持续扩大市场份额时,一方面要巩固传统米面制品的优势,不断优化品质和口味;另一方面,可基于消费者对速冻食品的高接受度,拓展更多创新品类。艾媒咨询分析师认为,速冻食品市场作为食品行业的重要细分领域,具有广阔的发展前景和巨大的市场潜力。尽管目前面临着一些挑战,但随着技术的进步、市场的成熟,以及行业的规范发展,速冻食品市场将迎来新的发展机遇。速冻食品企业应抓住机遇,积极应对挑战,通过不断创新产品、提升品质、优化渠道、加强品牌建设等方式,提高企业的市场竞争力,实现可持续发展。
Quick-frozen food, as a kind of pre-packaged food that has undergone rapid cryogenic freezing treatment, occupies an important position in the global food market by virtue of its convenience, easy storage and rich categories. With the acceleration of the pace of life, the change of consumption concept and the development of cold chain logistics technology, the frozen food market has shown a rapid growth trend in recent years. According to the latest "Insight report on China frozen food industry market consumer behavior in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, as high as 60.99% of consumers often buy frozen food in terms of consumer behavior. This proportion indicates that frozen food has been deeply integrated into the daily life of Chinese consumers, with high acceptance and frequent consumption frequency, and its convenient and fast characteristics fit the fast-paced lifestyle of the public. In terms of product category preference, other frozen rice and noodle products take the lead, accounting for 43.24%, among which frozen dumplings and fried dumplings such traditional rice and noodle products are favored by consumers, which not only reflects the strong appeal of traditional food, but also reflects consumers' dependence on familiar tastes and categories. This for the frozen food industry, in the continuous expansion of market share, on the one hand to consolidate the advantages of traditional rice products, constantly optimize the quality and taste; On the other hand, more innovative categories can be expanded based on consumers' high acceptance of frozen foods. Imedia Consulting analysts believe that the frozen food market, as an important segment of the food industry, has broad development prospects and huge market potential. Although it is currently facing some challenges, with the progress of technology, the maturity of the market and the standardized development of the industry, the frozen food market will usher in new development opportunities. Frozen food enterprises should seize opportunities, actively respond to challenges, through continuous product innovation, improve quality, optimize channels, strengthen brand building and other ways to improve the market competitiveness of enterprises, to achieve sustainable development.艾媒咨询|2021年中国电子签名行业年度发展研究报告
Chinese enterprises accelerate the pace of their own digital transformation, and the enabling effect of electronic signature on enterprises continues to highlight, thus promoting the continuous iterative upgrading of electronic signature technology. Especially in the context of COVID-19 normalization, online office is becoming more and more popular. The degree of application of electronic signatures is gradually deepened, and the application scope and scene of electronic signature are further widened. The market scale of China's electronic signature industry will continue to rise and is expected to reach 40.42 billion yuan in 2024.艾媒咨询|2021年中国企业数字化发展研究报告
随着我国不断完善信息网络基础设施建设,为国内数字经济提供良好的发展环境,iiMedia Research( 艾媒咨询) 数据显示,2020年中国数字经济总体规模达41.4万亿元,占GDP比例为38.6%,预计2021年规模将达47.6万亿元。由于数字经济占全国GDP的比例逐年上涨,中国数字经济已经成为驱动国内经济增长的重要力量,在这种经济背景下,企业需要加快数字化转型步伐,在未来数字化、网络化及智能化的浪潮中不断增强自身的发展竞争力。iiMedia Research( 艾媒咨询) 数据显示,超过八成的企业用户表示有使用数字化系统,办公系统数字化系统的采用进一步加快了企业数字化转型的步伐,并且提升了企业业务转化、流程审批等环节的效率。
As my country continues to improve the construction of information network infrastructure to provide a good development environment for the domestic digital economy, iiMedia Research data shows that the overall scale of China's digital economy in 2020 will reach 41.4 trillion yuan, accounting for 38.6% of GDP. , The scale is expected to reach 47.6 trillion yuan in 2021. As the proportion of the digital economy in the national GDP has been increasing year by year, China's digital economy has become an important force driving domestic economic growth. Under this economic background, companies need to accelerate the pace of digital transformation in the future wave of digitization, networking and intelligence Continuously enhance its own development competitiveness. According to data from iiMedia Research, more than 80% of corporate users indicated that they use digital systems. The adoption of digital systems for office systems has further accelerated the pace of digital transformation of enterprises and improved the efficiency of business transformation and process approval.艾媒咨询|2021中国电子签约行业人力资源场景应用专题研究报告
随着数字经济的快速发展,电子签约行业迎来有利发展环境。2020年,中国电子签名合同签署次数已达到506亿次。自2020年3月人社部印发《人力资源社会保障部办公厅关于订立电子劳动合同有关问题的函》以来,北京、沈阳、山东、云南、杭州等多个省市陆续制定电子劳动合同推广计划,并进行试点研究,推广劳动合同电子化管理,纸质劳动合同正逐步进入电子化数字化时代。相比传统劳动合同,电子劳动合同具有提升效率、灵活便捷、安全性高、降低成本、数字化程度高、可远程操作的优势。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,48.9%的受访企业会在人力资源场景中使用电子签约服务,超三成受访企业在在人力资源领域的年均电子合同签署量在500-1000份之间, 52.2%的受访企业意在通过电子签约形式实现节约成本的目的,48.7%的受访企业希望能够提高合同安全性。
With the rapid development of digital economy, the electronic contract signing industry ushers in a favorable development environment. In 2020, the number of electronic signature contracts signed in China has reached 50.6 billion. Since the Ministry of human resources and social security issued the "letter of the general office of the Ministry of human resources and social security on issues related to the conclusion of electronic labor contract" in March 2020, Beijing, Shenyang, Shandong, Yunnan, Hangzhou and other provinces and cities have successively formulated electronic labor contract promotion plans and carried out pilot studies to promote the electronic management of labor contract. Paper labor contract is gradually entering the electronic digital era. Compared with the traditional labor contract, electronic labor contract has the advantages of improving efficiency, flexibility and convenience, high security, reducing costs, high degree of digitization, and remote operation. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 48.9% of the enterprises interviewed will use E-contract signing services in the human resources scene, and more than 30% of the enterprises interviewed have signed 500-1000 e-contracts in the field of human resources, 52.2% of the respondents intend to achieve the purpose of cost saving through electronic contract signing, and 48.7% of the respondents hope to improve the contract security.艾媒咨询|2020-2021中国进口跨境电商行业研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例: 行云货仓,小红书,寺库
2019年中国进口跨境电商市场交易规模达2.64万亿元,同比上升17.3%,2020年进口跨境电商市场交易规模达3.07万亿元,2021年将达3.55万亿元,交易规模增长率有望再次提高。首先是中国经济环境的稳定发展,使得居民有能力持续扩大消费。伴随着中国庞大的内部消费需求与消费意愿,居民对网络购物的依赖度和偏好也在不断提高。2020年中国网上零售额达117601亿元,占居民消费支出比例为38.7%,较2019年增长3.5%。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,67.1%的受访用户拥有在跨境电商平台购买产品的经历,主要分布在中国的华东与华南地区。随着中国进一步提高开放水平,跨境电商供应体系的渐趋完善,以及居民收入水平的提高和消费观念的转变,居民将有机会接触到更多海外地区的商品,对进口品的需求将不断提高,为中国带来新一轮消费升级。
Chinese market transaction volume of import cross-border e-commerce reached 2.64 trillion yuan in 2019, with an increase of 17.3% year-on-year. There is an increasing trend that the market transaction scale of import cross-border e-commerce will reach 3.07 trillion yuan in 2020, and 3.55 trillion yuan in 2021. The transaction scale has shown an increasing trend, and the growth rate is expected to improve further. There are several reasons to explain the phenomenon: First of all, the Chinese economic environment is very stable, which enables residents to continue to expand their consumption. Along this line, people there are likely to create huge internal consumption demand and willingness to consume, and therefore their preferences for online shopping are also increasing. The number of online retail sales reached 11,760.1 billion yuan in 2020, accounting for 38.7% of household consumption expenditure, with an increase of 3.5% over 2019. According to data from iiMedia Research, 67.1% of the participants have the experience of purchasing products on cross-border e-commerce platforms, and they are mainly from East and South China. China is improving the level of openness, and the cross-border e-commerce supply system will be gradually improved. Therefore, people are more likely to be exposed to overseas products, and the demand for imported products will continue to increase, which will create a new round of consumption upgrades for China.艾媒咨询| 2020-2021年中国电子签名行业发展现状及用户调研分析报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例: e签宝,法大大,契约锁
According to the survey data of iiMedia Research, 43.1% of electronic signature users in China choose esignature. The electronic signature industry has a high concentration, which has formed a giant effect to a certain extent. With the continuous popularization of "internet plus", electronic signature will continue to broaden the application scenarios of electronic signature, and the frequency and investment of users generally show an increasing trend. However, under the new trend of electronic signature, the industry competition will become more and more fierce, and the competitive advantages of giants such as e-sign will continue to enlarge.艾媒咨询|2020年中国跨境电商供应链专题研究报告
随着跨境电商产业的发展壮大,跨境电商供应链服务需求也随之增加。尽管疫情有短暂影响,但是在经济复苏和消费升级的长期趋势下,跨境电商市场整体依然处在上升通道。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)预计2020年中国海淘用户规模将达到1.58亿人,2021年进口跨境电商市预计将突破3万亿元。
With the development of the cross-border e-commerce industry, the demand for cross-border e-commerce supply chain services has also increased. Despite the short-term impact of the epidemic, under the long-term trend of economic recovery and consumption upgrades, the overall cross-border e-commerce market is still on an upward path. iiMedia Research predicts that by 2020, the scale of China's overseas online shopping users will reach 158 million, and the imported cross-border e-commerce market is expected to exceed 3 trillion yuan in 2021.艾媒咨询|2020上半年中国网络互助发展专题研究报告
With the support of national policies, China's network mutual assistance industry has continued to develop and has gradually become a useful supplement to medical security. In 2019, the total number of people assisted by China's network mutual assistance industry exceeded 30,000, and the total amount of industry assistance exceeded 5 billion yuan. At the end of 2019, the number of people covered by China's network mutual assistance reached 150 million. It is estimated that the coverage rate of China's network mutual assistance will reach 17.8% in 2020, and the number of network mutual assistance coverage is expected to reach 390 million in 2022, with a coverage rate of 27.8%. Through the comparison of network mutual assistance platforms, the results show that, compared with reimbursement and integrated platforms, payment and focused platforms have more advantages in terms of per capita mutual assistance, the proportion of assistance and so on. Besides, the comprehensive ability of “E HUAZHU” leads all platforms. At present, the scale effect of the network mutual assistance industry has not been found, and the platform members are expected to maintain stable spending in the future. In the future, China's network mutual assistance will enter a period of prosperity and development, and it is expected to become a "national-level" product. Professional operation and risk management will become the key development direction of the platforms. The industry will also develop from homogeneity to differentiated development in raising efficiency and amount.
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