艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年全球及中国信息流广告市场发展状况与消费行为数据分析报告
信息流广告一种依据社交属性,对用户喜好和特点进行智能推广的广告形式。随着目前短视频等快餐式娱乐软件的流行,信息流广告市场得到了一定的发展。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023-2024年全球及中国信息流广告市场发展状况与消费行为数据分析报告》数据显示,2018至2023年间,中国网络广告支出从1001.3亿美元稳步上升至2023年的1543.0亿美元。
Information flow advertising is a form of advertising that intelligently promotes user preferences and characteristics based on social attributes. With the popularity of fast food entertainment software such as short video, the information flow advertising market has been developed to a certain extent. The latest "2023-2024 Global and China Information Flow Advertising Market Development and Consumer Behavior Data Analysis Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, shows that from 2018 to 2023, China's online AD spending has risen steadily from $1001.3 billion to $154.30 billion in 2023.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that with the development of Internet technology, China's information flow advertising market will usher in a broader market.中国品牌杂志社X艾媒咨询|2024年中国品牌营销创新与消费趋势洞察报告
2024年5月7日,备受瞩目的第八届中国品牌发展论坛系列活动在北京盛大举行。本次活动由《中国品牌》杂志社与中国品牌网共同主办,聚焦中国品牌在新时代下的创新与发展,探讨中国品牌在转型升级、中国品牌及品牌国际化等方面的新经验和新做法。艾媒咨询分析师受邀出席本次活动,并与《中国品牌》杂志社携手发布了备受瞩目的《2024中国品牌营销创新与消费趋势洞察报告》。随着经济的不断发展与互联网产业、数据科学的进步,市场消费趋势与品牌营销模式都在逐渐发生转变,AI技术、大数据科学等前沿技术为品牌营销提供了强效助力。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,品牌营销模式逐渐向细分人群、精准定位的方向转变,2023年中国移动广告市场规模为4646.6亿元,同比增长2.7%,预计2025年市场规模有望突破4800亿元。2024年,54.1%的消费者会在除生活必需品外的其他支出中购买兴趣爱好相关产品,且61.4%的消费者通过短视频平台了解国货品牌信息,简约风和国潮风的广告最受消费者青睐。随着国民人均收入的提高,越来越多消费者愿意为个人兴趣买单,青年消费者已走在时代前列。未来,AI赋能品牌营销、大数据精准营销以及多形式、多类别的全覆盖式营销策略将成为品牌营销发展新趋势。
On May 7th, 2024, the high-profile 8th China Brand Development Forum series of activities was held in Beijing. This event, co-sponsored by China Brand Magazine and China Brand Network, focuses on the innovation and development of Chinese brands in the new era, and discusses the new experience and new practices of Chinese brands in transformation and upgrading, Chinese brands and brand internationalization. Imedia Consulting analysts were invited to attend this event, and jointly released the high-profile "China Brand Marketing Innovation and Consumption Trend Insight Report in 2024" with "China Brand" magazine. With the continuous development of the economy and the progress of the Internet industry and data science, market consumption trends and brand marketing models are gradually changing, and cutting-edge technologies such as AI technology and big data science provide a strong boost for brand marketing. iiMedia Research data show that the brand marketing model gradually to the direction of segmentation, accurate positioning, 2023 China's mobile advertising market size of 464.66 billion yuan, an increase of 2.7%, is expected to 2025 market size is expected to exceed 480 billion yuan. In 2024, 54.1% of consumers will purchase hobby related products in addition to daily necessities, and 61.4% of consumers will understand domestic brand information through short video platforms, and simple style and national tide style advertisements are the most favored by consumers. With the increase of national per capita income, more and more consumers are willing to pay for personal interests, and young consumers have been in the forefront of The Times. In the future, AI enabled brand marketing, big data precision marketing and multi-form, multi-category full coverage marketing strategies will become a new trend in the development of brand marketing.艾媒咨询|2024年中国大学生消费行为调查研究报告
大学生群体对互联网的深度参与使得大学生成为最具潜力和活力的消费主体之一,挖掘大学生群体的消费需求有利于品牌创新营销策略触达目标群体。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国大学生消费行为调查研究报告》数据显示,中国在校大学生数量呈增长趋势,2023年中国高等教育在学总规模达到4763万人,41.1%的大学生月均收入在1501-2000元,预计2024年中国在校大学生的年度消费规模约为8500亿元,消费潜力大。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着社会的发展和时代的变迁,当代大学生的精神文化需求日益多样化和个性化。当物质生活得到基本满足后,他们会更加注重精神层面的追求和满足,因而对运动健身、游戏、密室逃脱和剧本杀等娱乐休闲项目表现出较高的兴趣。
The in-depth participation of college students in the Internet makes college students become one of the most potential and dynamic consumer subjects. Tapping the consumer demand of college students is conducive to the brand innovation marketing strategy to reach the target group. According to the latest "Investigation and Analysis Report on Consumption Behavior of Chinese College Students in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, the number of college students in China shows a growing trend. In 2023, the total number of college students in China will reach 47.63 million, and the average monthly income of 41.1% of college students will be between 1501 and 2000 yuan. It is expected that the annual consumption scale of college students in China will be about 850 billion yuan in 2024, with great consumption potential. Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that with the development of society and the changes of The Times, the spiritual and cultural needs of contemporary college students are increasingly diversified and personalized. When the material life is basically satisfied, they will pay more attention to the pursuit and satisfaction of the spiritual level, so they show a higher interest in sports and fitness, games, escape rooms and script killing entertainment and leisure projects.艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国外贸AI智能应用市场洞察分析报告
在全球经济一体化的大背景下,外贸行业竞争愈发激烈。随着人工智能(AI)技术的迅猛发展,其在各领域的应用不断深入,外贸行业也迎来了智能化变革的浪潮。AI 智能应用正逐渐渗透到外贸业务的各个环节,深刻改变着传统的贸易模式和运营方式,为外贸企业带来了新的机遇与挑战。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《 2025年中国外贸AI智能应用市场洞察分析报告》数据显示, 88.17% 的工作者已在使用 AI 相关工具或系统,表明 AI 在外贸领域的普及度极高,已然成为外贸工作的重要组成部分。同时,超六成中国工作者认可外贸 AI 在智能数据管理(客户信息、订单等)方面的功能优势,52.76% 的人认为提高数据分析、管理能力十分关键,这不仅凸显了数据管理于外贸业务的核心地位,也强烈预示着外贸行业未来对 AI 数据处理能力有着迫切需求。艾媒咨询分析师认为,AI 不仅已广泛融入外贸工作,其在数据处理与管理方面的能力更是备受关注,有望成为推动外贸行业发展、提升企业竞争力的关键力量。
Under the background of global economic integration, the competition in foreign trade industry is becoming more and more fierce. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, its application in various fields continues to deepen, and the foreign trade industry has ushered in a wave of intelligent change. AI intelligent applications are gradually penetrating into all aspects of foreign trade business, profoundly changing the traditional trade mode and operation mode, and bringing new opportunities and challenges to foreign trade enterprises. According to the latest "Analysis report on China's foreign trade AI intelligent application market insight in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, 88.17% of workers are already using AI-related tools or systems, indicating that AI is extremely popular in the field of foreign trade. It has become an important part of foreign trade work. At the same time, more than 60% of Chinese workers recognize the functional advantages of foreign trade AI in intelligent data management (customer information, orders, etc.), and 52.76% of them believe that it is critical to improve data analysis and management capabilities, which not only highlights the core position of data management in foreign trade business. It also strongly indicates that the foreign trade industry has an urgent need for AI data processing capabilities in the future. AI Consulting analysts believe that AI has not only been widely integrated into foreign trade work, its ability in data processing and management is more concerned, is expected to become a key force to promote the development of foreign trade industry and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年中国小屏手机市场趋势与消费行为需求研究报告
From 2011 to 2023, China's smartphone shipments increased from the initial 95 million units to 276 million units, and domestic smartphone shipments showed a steady growth trend and are expected to reach 287 million units in 2024, an increase of 3.6%. Small-screen mobile phones are favored by consumers, and more than 50% of consumers focus on small-screen mobile phones. The core advantages of small-screen mobile phones are easy to carry (73.5%), easy to operate (54.4%) and comfortable to hold (45.2%). Consumers' satisfaction with small-screen mobile phones averages 4.2 points. At present, small-screen mobile phones can basically meet the all-round requirements of consumers and have broad market prospects. With the advancement of technology and the diversification of consumer demand, small-screen mobile phones are gradually moving from the middle market to the high-end market, becoming a new bright spot in the smart phone market. Technological innovation is the key factor to promote the high-end of small-screen mobile phones. At the same time, with the progress of technology, small screen mobile phones are no longer an island, but become the core of a multi-device interconnection intelligent ecosystem, this trend not only enhances the functionality of small screen mobile phones, but also brings consumers a more rich and convenient intelligent experience.艾媒咨询|赵一鸣零食店消费行为洞察及行业趋势报告(2024)
2023年中国零食集合店市场规模为809亿元,预计2027年有望达到1547亿元。其中,赵一鸣零食成为高知名度品牌,截至2024年6月,赵一鸣零食门店数量已超过6000家。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《赵一鸣零食店消费行为洞察及行业趋势报告(2024)》数据显示,商品品质好(56.6%)和商品种类多(49.2%)是消费者选择赵一鸣零食的主要原因;赵一鸣零食店的消费者在购买零食时展现出多样化的偏好,熟食特产以64.9%的购买率位居榜首,其次是调味面制品(46.5%);此外,消费者指出赵一鸣零食店存在店内知名品牌零食较少(60.8%)和店面分布过于集中(59.4%)的问题。通过直供模式与数智化仓配体系,赵一鸣零食能够快速响应市场变化。但面对品牌扎堆的市场环境,赵一鸣零食正面临同质化竞争和价格战等多重严峻挑战,需在激烈竞争中寻找差异化定位,加强品牌建设。
The market size of China's snack aggregator stores reached RMB 80.9 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach RMB 154.7 billion by 2027. Among them, Zhao Yiming Snack has emerged as a highly recognized brand, with over 6,000 stores as of June 2024. According to the latest "Insight into Zhao Yiming's Snack Shop Consumer Behavior and Industry Trends Report (2024) " released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, high-quality products (56.6%) and a diverse range of products (49.2%) are the primary reasons why consumers choose Zhao Yiming Snacks. Consumers at Zhao Yiming Snacks stores exhibit diverse preferences when purchasing snacks, with cooked food specialties topping the list at a purchase rate of 64.9%, followed by seasoned noodle products (46.5%). Additionally, consumers have pointed out issues such as a lack of well-known brand snacks in stores (60.8%) and overly concentrated store locations (59.4%) at Zhao Yiming Snacks.Through its direct supply model and digital-intelligent warehouse and distribution system, Zhao Yiming Snacks is able to respond swiftly to market changes. However, in the face of a crowded market with numerous brands, Zhao Yiming Snacks is confronted with formidable challenges such as homogenized competition and price wars. It needs to find a differentiated positioning amidst fierce competition and strengthen its brand building efforts.艾媒咨询|2024年中国信创产业发展白皮书(完整版)
Thanks to the rapid development of China's digital economy, the scale of China's credit creation industry will reach 2096.19 billion yuan in 2023, and is expected to reach 3701.13 billion yuan in 2027. China's credit creation market has released unprecedented vitality. Iimedia Consulting data show that in 2024, China's domestic PC machine market will reach 518.23 billion yuan, and China's collaborative office market will reach 37.07 billion yuan. Xinchuang basic consumption potential is large, especially in the field of office software, office OA, editing class of domestic software has been widely used by enterprises, such as enterprise wechat, WPS, etc., has accumulated a large number of users. Under the demand driven by national information security, the application of Xinchuang products and solutions will continue to deepen the penetration in all walks of life, and the industry scale will continue to grow.
The white paper is edited by IIMedia Consulting, compiling 15 important industry data information such as chips, servers, and complete machines. The white paper, with a total of 260 pages, 68,258 words and 318 charts, is rich in content and detailed in data, and thoroughly analyzes the development status quo of China's information and innovation industry, the growth of typical segments of the industrial chain, the excellent experience of benchmarking enterprises and the future development trend, providing important reference and decision-making basis for the industry.艾媒咨询 | 2023年中国网络安全产业发展研究报告
近年来,中国持续完善网络安全行业相关制度建设,加快推进人才培养、顶层设计,网络安全行业进入发展新阶段。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023年中国网络安全产业发展研究报告》数据显示,2023年中国网络安全市场规模约为683.6亿元,同比增长8.0%,预计2027年中国网络安全市场规模有望增至884.4亿元。互联网海量信息下,网络安全问题变得更加复杂,用户对网络治理需求的多样化与主动化将进一步推动网络安全行业产品向着数智化发展。
In recent years, China has continued to improve the construction of relevant systems in the cybersecurity industry, accelerated the promotion of personnel training and top-level design, and the cybersecurity industry has entered a new stage of development. According to the latest "Research Report on China's Cybersecurity Industry Development in 2023" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the scale of China's cybersecurity market in 2023 is about 68.36 billion yuan, an increase of 8.0%. It is estimated that China's network security market is expected to increase to 88.44 billion yuan in 2027. Under the massive information of the Internet, the problem of network security becomes more complex, and the diversification and initiative of users' demands for network governance will further promote the development of network security industry products towards digital intelligence.
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