随着经济的不断发展,消费者对食品安全和健康饮食的关注度日益提升,多元化的营养健康需求为中国方便食品行业的发展提供了巨大的机遇。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国方便食品市场发展及消费洞察报告》数据显示,2023年中国方便食品市场规模已达6736亿元,预制菜赛道异军突起,方便食品的产品品类得以扩充,预计2026年中国方便食品行业市场规模有望突破万亿元。2024年,消费者最常购买的方便食品为方便面、方便米饭等,占比达63.1%;网上商城(58.3%)是消费者购买方便食品的主要渠道;成分安全、无添加剂(51.2%)是多数方便食品消费者对产品的期望发展方向。随着中国居民消费水平的提升,消费者在食品方面的消费支出也随之增加,营养价值、产品安全以及口味成为了消费者关注的重要因素。随着更多地域特色的方便食品、自热食品及预制菜的涌现,方便食品行业越发细分化和多元,品类日趋丰富。
With the continuous development of the economy, consumers are increasingly concerned about food safety and healthy diet, and diversified nutrition and health needs provide huge opportunities for the development of China's convenience food industry. According to the latest China Convenience Food Market Develop-ment and Consumption Insight Report from 2024 to 2025 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, the size of China's convenience food market has reached 673.6 billion yuan in 2023, the prepared food track has emerged, and the product categories of convenience food have been expanded. It is expected that the market size of China's convenience food industry is expected to exceed one trillion yuan in 2026. In 2024, the most frequently purchased convenience foods are instant noodles and instant rice, accounting for 63.1%; Online shopping mall (58.3%) is the main channel for consumers to buy convenience food; Ingredient safety and no additives (51.2%) are the expected development direction of most convenience food consumers. With the improvement of Chinese residents' consumption level, consumers' consumption expenditure on food has also increased, and nutritional value, product safety and taste have become important factors for consumers to pay attention to. With the emergence of more regional characteristics of convenience food, self-heating food and prepared dishes, the convenience food industry is becoming more differentiated and diversified, and the categories are becoming more and more rich.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国头皮疗养行业发展趋势分析报告
随着现代生活节奏加快、压力增大,头皮问题逐渐增多,消费者对于头皮疗养产品的需求日益增长。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国头皮疗养行业发展趋势分析报告》数据显示,2023年中国护发产品市场规模达到620.90亿元,同比增长3.4%,预计2025年将达691.07亿元。随着居民对头皮健康问题的日益重视,头皮疗养行业有望得到新的发展。
With the acceleration of the pace of modern life and the increase of pressure, scalp problems are gradually increasing, and the demand of consumers for scalp therapy products is growing. According to the latest "Analysis report on the development trend of China's scalp therapy industry from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market size of China's hair care products will reach 62.09 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 3.4%. It is expected to reach 69.11 billion yuan by 2025. With the increasing attention of residents to scalp health problems, scalp therapy industry is expected to get new development.艾媒咨询|2023年中国专业干眼护理行业消费洞察报告
近年来,随着老龄化进程的加速、电子产品的过度使用以及不良的用眼习惯,中国干眼发病率持续攀升,干眼护理治疗需求不断增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2023年中国专业干眼护理市场规模为66.8亿元,预估2026年中国专业干眼护理市场规模将突破百亿元。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调研数据显示,95.9%的受访者会选择医生开具的专业干眼护理产品。一些非专业的护理产品可能含有刺激性成分,或是配方不合理,使用后可能会加重干眼症状,甚至引发其他眼部问题。患者在选择护理产品时,会倾向于选择那些经过专业医学研究和认证的产品,以确保产品的安全性和有效性。
In recent years, with the acceleration of the aging process, the excessive use of electronic products and bad eye habits, the incidence rate of dry eye in China continues to rise, and the demand for dry eye care and treatment continues to grow. According to data from iiMedia Research, the market size of professional dry eye care in China was 6.68 billion yuan in 2023, and it is estimated that the market size of professional dry eye care in China will exceed 10 billion yuan in 2026. According to research data from iiMedia Research, 95.9% of respondents would choose professional dry eye care products prescribed by doctors. Some non professional care products may contain irritating ingredients or have an unreasonable formula, which may worsen dry eye symptoms and even cause other eye problems after use. Patients tend to choose nursing products that have undergone professional medical research and certification to ensure their safety and effectiveness.艾媒咨询|2023-2024年中国机动车头盔行业商业前景分析报告
随着中国经济持续增长和城市化进程的加速,机动车已成为人们出行的主要方式之一。人们交通安全意识提高,机动车头盔作为机动车驾驶者及乘客安全的重要保障日益受到关注,相关政策亦加强对头盔佩戴的宣传和规定。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023-2024年中国机动车头盔行业商业前景分析报告》数据显示,2023年7月1日落实《摩托车、电动自行车乘员头盔》政策以来,中国头盔行业需求量急剧增长,2023年中国摩托车头盔市场规模达202.4亿元,并将保持稳定增长,预计到2025年,中国摩托车头盔市场规模将突破250亿元。消费者方面,超七成摩托车或电动车使用者表示经常或一直戴头盔,超八成被访者对《摩托车、电动自行车乘员头盔》政策有所了解。
With the continuous growth of the Chinese economy and the acceleration of urbanization, motor vehicles have become one of the main ways for people to travel. People's awareness of traffic safety has increased, and motor vehicle helmets, as an important guarantee for the safety of motor vehicle drivers and passengers, are receiving increasing attention. Relevant policies have also strengthened the promotion and regulation of helmet wearing. According to the latest "2023-2024 Business Outlook Analysis Report on China's Motor Vehicle Helmet Industry" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis agency in the global new economy industry, since the implementation of the "Motorcycle and Electric Bicycle Passenger Helmets" policy on July 1, 2023, the demand for China's helmet industry has increased sharply. In 2023, the size of China's motorcycle helmet market reached 20.24 billion yuan and will continue to grow steadily. It is expected that by 2025, the size of China's motorcycle helmet market will exceed 25 billion yuan. On the consumer side, over 70% of motorcycle or electric bike users reported frequently or consistently wearing helmets, and over 80% of respondents had some understanding of the policy on motorcycle and electric bicycle passenger helmets.
iiMedia Research analysts believe that with the continuous progress of modern helmet manufacturing technology and the increasing attention of consumers to driving safety, the motor vehicle helmet industry will usher in a new round of development.艾媒咨询 | 2023年中国辣条食品行业创新及消费需求洞察报告
在众多休闲食品中,辣条口味浓郁,具有独特的咬劲,为消费者带来愉悦和满足感,拥有一定的市场增量空间。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023年中国辣条食品行业创新及消费需求洞察报告》数据显示,2022年中国辣条食品市场规模达517亿元,2026年有望达927亿元。对健康美味的休闲食品追求,使得中国辣条消费者在购买辣条时更注重挑选。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调研数据显示,54.6%的辣条消费者偏好香辣口味的辣条;喜欢吃有嚼劲口感的辣条消费者占比达50.1%。
中国食品科学技术学会×艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年中国方便粉面食品行业发展研究报告
2023年9月4-6日,由中国食品科学技术学会主办的第二十三届中国方便食品大会暨方便食品展在北京召开。大会围绕“变局中的拓展与延伸”,探讨在内需不足的压力下,如何驱动行业向上提升。历经20余年的精心培育,方便食品大会已成为涵盖方便面(米粉、粉丝)、挂面、冷冻食品、调味面制品、自加热食品及方便休闲食品、咸味香精调味料、加工设备、冷链装备、产品包装等上下游全产业链的行业年度盛会,为中国方便食品产业的创新发展提供了强有力的科技支撑。会上,中国食品科学技术学会与iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)联合发布了《2023-2024年中国方便粉面食品行业发展研究报告》。
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