作为工作、生活、休闲、娱乐必经的重要场景,电梯广告开始成为都市人群接触的主要媒介之一。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,国内已登记的电梯数量突破了600万,并将持续上涨趋势,预计在2019年,电梯广告的市场规模将达到188亿元,日均覆盖人数超过2亿。电梯广告具有高关注度、高覆盖率的优势,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近五成用户日常接触电梯广告4~6次,82.5%受访用户表示愿意观看电梯广告,这种高频高触达的电梯广告有助于提高用户的转化率。尽管目前梯媒行业发展动力充足,但未来资源的竞争将加剧,行业逐渐由一二线城市下沉到三四线城市以争夺资源,因此梯媒企业应借助大数据等新兴技术,实现更加精准的广告投放,从而打造自身竞争壁垒。
As an important scene for work, life, leisure and entertainment, elevator advertising has become one of the main media for public. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of elevators registered in China has exceeded 6 million and will continue to rise. It is estimated that in 2019, the market scale of elevator advertising will reach 18.8 billion yuan, with an average daily coverage of more than 200 million people. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, nearly 50% of users contact elevator ads 4-6 times a day, and 82.5% of users are willing to watch elevator ads. The high-frequency and high touch elevator ads can help improve the conversion rate of users. Although the development momentum of elevator advertising industry is sufficient at present, the competition for resources will intensify in the future. The industry will gradually sink from the first and second tier cities to the third and fourth tier cities to compete for resources. Therefore, elevator advertising enterprises should use emerging technologies such as big data to achieve more accurate advertising, so as to create their own barriers to competition.