随着各大平台稳步推进投放布局,中国共享电单车规模不断扩大,2019年中国共享电单车数量已超过100万辆,收入规模达30亿元,预计2025年共享电单车投放车辆将超过800万辆,收入规模将达到200亿元。2019年到2025年的复合增长率将达到41.4%。自新强制性国家标准《电动自行车安全技术规范》发布以来,共享电单车行业也迎来发展机会,相较于民用电动车而言,共享电单车的安全优势逐步展现,安全管理建设体系也已逐步显现。在新基建理念引领下,5G基站建设、大数据中心、人工智能、工业互联网领域也将加速发展,伴随物联网技术的升级,中国共享电单车产业从硬件技术、服务体系上都将得到进一步智能升级、融合创新。随着共享电单车的社会接受度逐步提升,其用户规模也在不断扩大,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调研数据显示,当前共享电单车用户对共享电单车的价值认可度逐渐提高,对于共享电单车行业的持续性发展,58.7%的受访用户持积极态度。这在一定程度上折射出行业发展仍有较大的提升空间。数据同时显示,近半数的受访用户在使用共享电单车服务时,主要考虑平台的收费标准、出行距离以及使用共享电单车的便捷度,而共享电单车的使用安全以及交通管制也纳入考虑范围。通过调研分析共享电单车平台,结果显示,在用户安全建设层面,青桔电单车、美团助力车以及哈啰助力车三大平台满意度较高,为车辆硬件技术安全性TOP3,基于出行领域的多年经验,三大出行巨头在用户安全建设体系上也相对完善。
With major platforms steady promoting the distribution of major platform, the scale of Shared motorcycles in China keeps expanding. In 2019, the number of Shared motorcycles in China has exceeded 1 million, with the revenue reaching 3 billion yuan. It is estimated that in 2025, the number of Shared motorcycles will exceed 8 million, with the revenue reaching 20 billion yuan. The compound growth rate from 2019 to 2025 will be 41.4 percent. Since the release of the new mandatory national standard "Safety Technical Specification for Electric Bicycle", the sharing e-bike industry has also gain opportunities for development. Compared with the civil electric bikes, the safety advantages of sharing e-bikes have been gradually revealed, and the safety management and construction system has also gradually emerged. Under the guidance of the new infrastructure concept, 5G base station construction, big data center, artificial intelligence and industrial Internet will also accelerate their development. And China's e-bike sharing industry will get further intelligent upgrading and integrated innovation in terms of hardware technology and service system. With the gradual improvement of the social acceptance of e-bike sharing, the scale of users is also expanding. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the value recognition of e-bike users is gradually increasing. 58.7% of respondents hold a positive attitude towards the sustainable development of e-bike sharing industry. To a certain extent, this reflects that the development of the industry still has a large room for improvement. The data also showed that nearly half of the respondents mainly consider the charging standard of the platform, the travel distance and the convenience of using Shared bikes, while the use safety and traffic control of Shared bikes are also taken into consideration. Sharing platform for motorcycles, through the analysis of the research results show that In terms of user safety construction, the three platforms of Green orange bike, Mobike and Hellobike are highly satisfied, which are the TOP3 of vehicle hardware technology safety. Based on years of experience in the travel field, the three travel giants also have relatively perfect user safety construction system.艾媒咨询|2020年H1中国自行车产业市场趋势与头部企业布局研究报告
2020年6月23日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年H1中国自行车产业市场趋势与头部企业布局研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对中国自行车产业进行了全面分析,通过对中路股份、信隆健康等品牌的典型案例分析,以及新冠疫情期间自行车的出口发展热点解读,判断2020-2021年中国自行车产业的发展趋势。总体来看,中国自行车行业的需求规模越来越大,且大众对自行车也有个性化的需求,这对于中国自行车整车制造销售、以及其他衍生品和衍生服务(维修和租赁)的发展,都具有很大的促进作用。
Under the influence of the new crown epidemic, due to the needs of epidemic protection, leisure and fitness, local governments encourage citizens to travel by bicycle, China's bicycle industry exports become a hot spot. iiMedia Research believes that China has a complete bicycle production chain, with a very high competitive advantage. In particular, online shopping during the outbreak has become an important mode of consumption, cross-border e-commerce timely expansion of overseas warehouses, improve distribution efficiency, so that overseas consumers to obtain a better consumption experience.艾媒报告|2019中国电梯媒体市场发展研究报告
作为工作、生活、休闲、娱乐必经的重要场景,电梯广告开始成为都市人群接触的主要媒介之一。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,国内已登记的电梯数量突破了600万,并将持续上涨趋势,预计在2019年,电梯广告的市场规模将达到188亿元,日均覆盖人数超过2亿。电梯广告具有高关注度、高覆盖率的优势,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近五成用户日常接触电梯广告4~6次,82.5%受访用户表示愿意观看电梯广告,这种高频高触达的电梯广告有助于提高用户的转化率。尽管目前梯媒行业发展动力充足,但未来资源的竞争将加剧,行业逐渐由一二线城市下沉到三四线城市以争夺资源,因此梯媒企业应借助大数据等新兴技术,实现更加精准的广告投放,从而打造自身竞争壁垒。
As an important scene for work, life, leisure and entertainment, elevator advertising has become one of the main media for public. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of elevators registered in China has exceeded 6 million and will continue to rise. It is estimated that in 2019, the market scale of elevator advertising will reach 18.8 billion yuan, with an average daily coverage of more than 200 million people. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, nearly 50% of users contact elevator ads 4-6 times a day, and 82.5% of users are willing to watch elevator ads. The high-frequency and high touch elevator ads can help improve the conversion rate of users. Although the development momentum of elevator advertising industry is sufficient at present, the competition for resources will intensify in the future. The industry will gradually sink from the first and second tier cities to the third and fourth tier cities to compete for resources. Therefore, elevator advertising enterprises should use emerging technologies such as big data to achieve more accurate advertising, so as to create their own barriers to competition.艾媒报告 |2019中国汽车金融行业现状剖析及发展前景预判分析报告
中国汽车行业、金融行业以及政府政策共同保障并推动着汽车金融业的发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国汽车金融业务贷款余额稳定上升,规模为由2013年的3倍增长到2017年的4倍以上且保持增长趋势。受奔驰汽车金融服务费事件的影响,汽车金融成为全社会关注的焦点,相关部门开始着手汽车金融行业整顿。目前,中国的汽车金融产业链基本完善,参与主体主要为汽车金融公司、融资租赁公司、互联网汽车金融公司、商业银行。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,汽车金融用户较多选择汽车金融公司金融产品,约占比66.6%,汽车金融公司居市场主体地位。未来,汽车金融行业的发展趋势将体现在业务模式多元化、资金构成多元化以及技术手段多样化。
China's auto industry, financial industry and government policies jointly guarantee and promote the development of the auto finance industry. iiMedia Research data shows that the balance of China's auto finance business loans has steadily increased, and the scale has increased from 3 times in 2013 to 2017. More than 4 times of the year and keep growing. Affected by the Mercedes-Benz auto service fee incident, auto finance has become the focus of the whole society, and relevant departments have begun to rectify the auto finance industry. At present, China's auto finance industry chain is basically perfect, and the main participants are auto finance companies, financial leasing companies, Internet auto finance companies, and commercial banks. iiMedia Research data shows that auto finance users choose auto finance companies. Financial products accounted for approximately 66.6%, and auto finance companies were dominant in the market. In the future, the development trend of the auto finance industry will be reflected in the diversification of business models, the diversification of funds and the diversification of technical means.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国短交通行业市场研究报告
2017年至2023年,中国两轮电动车的产量从最初的3106.9万台增长至5561.7万台,销量从2919.8万台增长至5881.1万台。居民消费观念转变带动短交通产品需求的增长,科技进步推动短交通产品的升级,短途交通工具的使用人群正不断拓展。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国短交通行业市场研究报告》数据显示,公交、两轮电动车、地铁仍是用户短距离出行时常用的交通工具,其中两轮电动车排在第二名。从年轻用户短距离出行青睐的交通工具来看,除了市场上常见的主流交通工具外,新型短距离交通工具如电动平衡车(16.4%)和电动滑板车(14.7%)也占据了一定的比例。消费者对于智能两轮电动车的舒适性提升(62.2%)和性能优化(54.1%)有着迫切的需求,消费者重视短途交通工具的实用性和适应性。随着科技的飞速发展和消费者对智能化产品需求的日益增长,短交通工具正迅速迈向智能化时代,此外,随着国际贸易环境的不断优化和跨境电商等新兴渠道的兴起,出海正逐步成为推动中国短交通产品产业发展的新引擎。
From 2017 to 2023, the production of two-wheeled electric vehicles in China increased from the initial 31.069 million units to 55.617 million units, and the sales volume increased from 29.198 million units to 58.811 million units. The change of residents' consumption concept has driven the growth of demand for short transportation products, scientific and technological progress has promoted the upgrading of short transportation products, and the user population of short-distance transportation vehicles is constantly expanding. According to the latest "Market Research Report on China's Short-Distance Transportation Industry in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, public transportation, two-wheeled electric vehicles, and subway are still the most frequently used means of transportation for short distance travel by users, of which two-wheeled electric vehicles rank second. From the perspective of the transportation favored by young users for short-distance travel, in addition to the mainstream transportation commonly found on the market, new short-distance transportation vehicles such as electric balance vehicles (16.4%) and electric scooters (14.7%) also account for a certain proportion. Consumers have an urgent need for comfort improvement (62.2%) and performance optimization (54.1%) of intelligent two-wheeled electric vehicles, and consumers attach importance to the practicality and adaptability of short-distance transportation. With the rapid development of science and technology and the increasing demand of consumers for intelligent products, short transportation vehicles are rapidly moving towards the era of intelligence, in addition, with the continuous optimization of the international trade environment and the rise of emerging channels such as cross-border e-commerce, the sea is gradually becoming a new engine to promote the development of China's short transportation products industry.
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