According to the data, from 2016 to 2020, the five-year average growth rate of the market scale of China's medical and American industry was 12.8%. At the same time, the user scale of China's medical and American market increased by more than four times. Under the combined effect of the improvement of people's living standards, the improvement of the acceptance of medical beauty by the younger generation, the regulation of the medical beauty industry by the government regulators and the improvement of medical beauty consumer confidence, it is expected that the scale of China's medical beauty market will reach 223.2 billion yuan in 2022. With the improvement of the technical level of medical beauty products and instruments and the popularization of medical beauty knowledge, people's concept of plastic beauty is changing to a positive attitude. In the process of the expansion of the whole industry, light medical beauty has a wide audience, low threshold and high repurchase rate, which is more likely to improve the overall penetration rate of the market and become the main incremental market of China's medical beauty industry.艾媒咨询|2021年中国化妆品用户调研与发展预判研究报告
2021年5月31日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询) 发布《2021年中国化妆品用户调研与发展预判研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对中国化妆品产业进行了全面分析,并分别对护肤品和美妆进行了超过2000名的用户调研,并提出了趋势预判。
On May 31, 2021, iiMedia Research, a world-renowned third-party data mining and analysis organization for the new economy industry, released the "2021 China Cosmetics User Survey and Development Pre-judgment Research Report." Based on the basic data of iiMedia Data Center, iiMedia Consulting Business Intelligence Database, and iiMedia Business Opinion and Public Opinion Data Monitoring System, the report conducted a comprehensive analysis of the Chinese cosmetics industry, and conducted a survey of more than 2,000 users of skincare and beauty products. Propose trend prediction.艾媒咨询|2021年中国养生美容市场研究报告
On September 4, 2021, "2021cibe China Health and beauty conference" will be held in the exhibition hall of Guangzhou • Canton Fair. With the theme of "health preservation and beauty", starting from the development status and future trend of the health preservation industry, the conference explores the balance between health preservation and beauty industry, excavates advanced and characteristic projects of health preservation and beauty, widens the choice of incremental tracks of the beauty industry, constructs all-channel contacts of health preservation and beauty, and gathers platforms, brands, high-quality chains Industry experts and other guests discussed and promoted the development and progress of the industry.Today, the competition of the US industry is not only the competition of products and services, but also the competition of big data. Zhang Yi, CEO and chief analyst of AI media consulting, was invited to attend the conference and will release the Research Report on China's health and beauty market in 2021. He will use the data mining results of AI media's big data decision-making and intelligent analysis system to gain insight into consumer demand and the current situation of China's health and beauty market.艾媒咨询|2020年中国人工智能商业化应用专题研究报告
中国的人工智能行业起步于上世纪70年代末,在技术不断成熟、政策持续推动、企业用工成本不断提高等多方面因素作用下,人工智能行业发展迅速。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2000年以后,人工智能核心产业规模进入快速增长期,预计2020年达到1500亿元,到2025年可以达到4000亿元。人工智能的专利数量稳步增长,2015年以后,人工智能逐步上升为国家战略,并成为“新基建”行业之一。与此同时,人工智能在金融、安防、智能家居、医疗、娱乐等多个行业逐渐落地,并整体呈现出复杂化和综合化的应用趋势。未来,作为人工智能的前沿技术之一的脑机交互技术将会显著提高人机交互带宽和设备的反应速度,同时依靠其独特的脑电波感应技术为人工智能的应用提供新的内容,促进人工智能在多个行业的商业化进程。
China's artificial intelligence industry started in the late 1970s. Under the influence of various factors, such as the continuous maturity of technology, the continuous promotion of policies, and the continuous increase of enterprise labor costs, the artificial intelligence industry has developed rapidly. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, after 2000, the scale of artificial intelligence core industry has entered a period of rapid growth. It is estimated that the scale of artificial intelligence core industry will reach 150 billion yuan in 2020 and 400 billion yuan in 2025. The number of artificial intelligence patents has increased steadily. After 2015, artificial intelligence has gradually become a national strategy and become one of the "New Infrastructure" industries. At the same time, artificial intelligence is gradually landing in many industries, such as finance, security, smart home, medical treatment, entertainment and so on, and presents a trend of complex and comprehensive application. In the future, brain computer interaction technology, as one of the cutting-edge technologies of artificial intelligence, will significantly improve the bandwidth of human-computer interaction and the response speed of equipment. At the same time, relying on its unique brain wave induction technology, it will provide new content for the application of artificial intelligence, and promote the commercialization process of artificial intelligence in many industries.艾媒咨询|2020上半年中国在线直播行业研究报告
随着移动设备的普及、移动互联网用户的扩大,在线直播行业飞速发展,进入多维发展、多强并行的成熟阶段。网络直播行业在经历高速增长后经历了2018-2019年的行业沉淀阶段,而2020年在疫情期间“宅经济”的刺激行业又恢复了强势增长劲头。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2020年用户规模将有望达到5.26亿。目前,在线直播行业在模式和内容上都有很大的创新。“直播+”模式以直播媒介输出社会价值,与传统产业相结合,模式重构传统场景、创新商业模式,促进在线直播向细分领域拓展,同时也激活了社会就业生态。在内容创新上,除了UGC内容,越来越多的直播平台已经开始涉足PGC内容。数据显示,直播+渗透至各个领域,但娱乐消遣仍为主流,趣味挑战成为泛娱乐平台直播用户的偏好创新形式。未来,在线直播将发挥下沉优势,为传统企业数字化转型起助推作用。
With the popularization of mobile devices and the expansion of mobile Internet users, the online streaming industry has developed rapidly and entered a mature stage of multi-dimensional development and multi-strong parallel. After experiencing rapid growth, the online streaming industry experienced a precipitation stage from 2018 to 2019, while in 2020, the industry stimulated by the "home economy" during the epidemic period regained strong growth momentum. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of users is expected to reach 526 million in 2020. At present, the online streaming industry has made great innovations in both mode and content. The “live streaming +” model outputs social value through live broadcast media, combines with traditional industries, reconstructs traditional scenes and innovates business models, promotes the expansion of online live broadcast to subdivided fields, and also activates the social employment ecology. In terms of content innovation, in addition to UGC content, more and more live-streaming platforms have begun to set their hands on PGC content. Data show that “live streaming +” has penetrated into all fields, but entertainment is still the mainstream, and fun challenge has become the preferred innovative form of live streaming users on pan-entertainment platforms. In the future, online streaming will give full play to its sinking advantage and play a facilitating role in the digital transformation of traditional enterprises.艾媒咨询|后疫情时代中国在线教育行业研究报告
在后疫情时代下,中国在线教育的市场规模受疫情正面刺激不断扩大,中国在线青少儿英语市场规模在2020年第一季度达260亿元,用户规模约580万人,市场渗透率达22%。在线教育市场红利也吸引了大量资本,2019年融资总额达115亿元。报告显示,提升产品质量吸引用户并促进高效运营是在线教育行业的优势,同时应抓住下沉市场潜力大和技术革新的机遇来迎接挑战。在后疫情时代下,随着政策的支持和5g、AI等技术的推动,中国在线教育的市场规模进一步扩大,根据iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2020年中国在线教育市场规模将达到4858亿元。截至2020年4月,中国在线青少儿英语市场规模达260亿元,用户规模约580万人,市场渗透率达22%。经过疫情期在线教育的爆发式增长,在用户习惯不断养成的背景下,预计到2021年底,中国在线青少儿英语市场渗透率将达到37%,2022年将达51%。近年来,在线教育市场红利吸引了越来越多的投资注入,2019年,中国在线教育行业共发生融资事件150起,融资总额达115亿元。由于2020新冠疫情的正面刺激,中国在线教育行为和习惯得以普及,尤其是K12阶段和职业教育阶段两个方面市场将得到巨大的释放,展现出巨大的市场前景,2025年中国在线教育市场规模有望超8000亿元。报告分析显示,在线教育行业需提升产品质量吸引用户并促进高效运营,抓住下沉市场潜力大和技术革新的机遇,迎接中国在线教育行业发展的挑战。
During the post-epidemic period, with the support of policies and the promotion of 5G, AI and other technologies, the market scale of China's online education is further expanded. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the market scale of China's online education is expected to reach 485.8 billion yuan in 2020. By April 2020, China's online youth English market has reached 26 billion yuan, with about 5.8 million users and a market penetration rate of 22%. After the explosive growth of online education during the epidemic period, it is estimated that the penetration rate of Online English for young children in China will reach 37% by the end of 2021 and 51% by 2022 under the background of the continuous formation of user habits. In recent years, the dividend of online education market has attracted more and more investment. In 2019, China's online education industry witnessed a total of 150 financing events with a total financing amount of 11.5 billion yuan. Thanks to the positive stimulus of coVID-19 in 2020, online education behaviors and habits become more and more popular in China. In particular, the market of K12 and vocational education will be greatly released, showing a huge market prospect. By 2025, the size of China's online education market is expected to exceed 800 billion yuan. According to the analysis of the report, the online education industry needs to improve product quality to attract users and promote efficient operation, seize the opportunity of potential sinking market and technological innovation to meet the development challenges of China's online education industry.艾媒报告|2020Q1中国农货电商市场研究报告
互联网在下沉市场的加速渗透带动了农村电商的快速发展。随着农产品触网的程度加深,农产品网络零售额迎来快速增长。截至2019年,中国农产品网络零售额达到3975亿元,同比增长72.5%。2020年新冠疫情爆发,对农产品市场的人力、物流、销售等多方面等造成影响,致使第一季度多地农货严重滞销。为帮助农户脱困,以拼多多、淘宝、京东、苏宁为代表的各大电商平台,加大了资金、资源倾斜力度,畅通农货上行通道,受到了市场的广泛认可。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,在55.3%的受访者认为电商平台“助农”系列活动可有效缓解农产品滞销问题,46.9%的受访者认为活动可帮助农户减少经济损失,认为能有效平稳农产品市场价格的受访者占37.2%;85.6%的受访者表示平台推出的“助农”活动提升了自己对平台的好感度。艾媒咨询分析师认为,农货电商是农村脱贫的重要抓手,发展前景广阔,拼多多凭借下沉领域的主场优势以及模式创新能力,不仅有效助力了农货上行,还加深了其在农货电商市场的竞争壁垒,综合实力将持续提升。
The accelerated penetration of the Internet in the sinking market has driven the rapid development of rural e-commerce. With the deepening of agricultural products hitting the Internet, the online retail sales of agricultural products ushered in rapid growth. As of 2019, China's online sales of agricultural products reached 397.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 72.5%. The outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020 has affected human resources, logistics, sales, and other aspects of the agricultural product market, which has led to serious unsales of agricultural products in many places in the first quarter. In order to help farmers get out of trouble, the major e-commerce platforms represented by PDD, Taobao, JD and SUNING have increased their capital and resource tilts, and opened up channels for agricultural products, which have been widely recognized by the market. According to data from iiMedia Research, 55.3% of the respondents think that the e-commerce platform "agriculture" series of activities can effectively alleviate the problem of unproductive marketing of agricultural products, and 46.9% of the respondents think that the activities can help farmers reduce economic losses. 37.2% of the respondents were able to effectively stabilize the market price of agricultural products; 85.6% of the respondents said that the “agricultural assistance” activities launched by the platform increased their favorability with the platform. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that agricultural e-commerce is an important starting point for poverty alleviation in rural areas, with broad development prospects. By virtue of its home field advantages and model innovation capabilities in the sinking field,PDD not only effectively helped the upward movement of agricultural products, but also deepened its barriers to competition in the agricultural e-commerce market, and its comprehensive strength will continue to increase.艾媒报告 |2019全球及中国个人洗护用品品类分析及电商市场研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:Amazon,eBay,walmart,OTTO,速卖通,天猫,淘宝,京东,Flipkart,snapdeal,Rakuten,Lazada,kakaku,Shopee,mymall,joom,资生堂,欧莱雅,宝洁,联合利华,霸王、章华,舒肤佳,玉兰油,Amway 安利,LUX 力士,蔻露薇
个人洗护电商市场在全球保持稳定发展。2019全球个人洗护电商市场销售额已达1182.6亿美元,预计至2023年这一规模达到1816.0亿美元。特别是中国方面,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示, 2018年中国个人洗护电商市场规模达到1881.9亿元人民币,增幅同比增长14.5%,其中,面部护理、身体清洁和口腔护理三类的贡献比例达到81.5%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,由于海淘、跨境电商和电商渠道的崛起,以及个人卫生支出增长、全民洗护卫生意识增强,共同推动中国个人洗护发展。企业方面,如拉芳、百雀羚等积极开拓电商渠道,联合天猫双十一、京东618等节日造势。产品方面,如牙齿美白、护发防脱洗发水等功能性洗护用品的销量增加,洗护用品的包装、气味等也都成为用户选择的主要依据。用户方面,男性个人洗护细分受到更多关注,00后、05后等开始成为个人洗护用品的新群体。
The personal care e-commerce market has maintained steady growth throughout the world. The global consumer care market in 2019 has reached US$118.26 billion, which is expected to reach US$181.60 billion by 2023. In particular, in China, iiMedia Research (Ai Media Consulting) data shows that in 2018, China's personal care and e-commerce market reached 188.19 billion yuan, an increase of 14.5%, including facial care, body cleansing and oral care. The contribution ratio reached 81.5%. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that due to the rise of Haitao, cross-border e-commerce and e-commerce channels, as well as the growth of personal health expenditures and awareness of national health care, we will jointly promote the development of personal care in China. In terms of enterprises, such as Lafang and Baique Ling, they are actively exploring e-commerce channels, and jointly launching festivals such as Tmall Double Eleven and Jingdong 618. In terms of products, sales of functional toiletries such as tooth whitening, hair care and anti-hair shampoo have increased, and the packaging and smell of toiletries have become the main basis for users' choice. On the user side, the male personal care subdivision has received more attention, and after 00, 05, etc., it has become a new group of personal care products.