随着中国新式茶饮市场空间逐渐饱和,行业进入存量竞争阶段,品牌内卷程度加剧。除了采取降价策略,各企业通过开拓品类、创新营销、品牌出海等多元手段寻求破局。截至2023年9月末,蜜雪冰城海外门店已有4000家;2024年7月,喜茶、霸王茶姬陆续亮相巴黎,为奥运助力,借助国际赛事营销提升全球影响力。2024年8月,茶颜悦色在长沙开出首家零食生活杂货店,零售生意成为新式茶饮品牌竞争的新阵地。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计未来几年中国新式茶饮市场规模将维持小幅但稳定的增长态势,到2028年有望突破4000亿元。
With the gradual saturation of China's new tea drink market, the industry has entered the stage of stock competition, and brand competition has intensified. In addition to price cuts, companies seek changes by developing new products, innovative marketing, and going to sea. By the end of September 2023, MIXUE has 4,000 overseas stores; In July 2024, HEYTEA and CHAGEE appeared in Paris to enhance their global influence with the help of Olympic marketing. In August 2024, CHAYANYUESE opened a snack grocery store, and the retail business has become a new frontier in the competition for new tea brands. iiMedia Research data show that it is expected that in the next few years, the size of China's new tea market will maintain a small growth, and is expected to exceed 400 billion yuan by 2028. -
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:喜茶,蜜雪冰城,奈雪的茶,茶颜悦色,一点点,贡茶,CoCo都可,鹿角巷,ChaTime,一杯茶,Boba Time,茶太,Tea Station,伴伴堂,Cup of Joy,益禾堂,快乐柠檬,古茗,沪上阿姨,书亦烧仙草,乐乐茶,喜小茶,卡旺卡
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,超过六成新式用户年龄位于26-40岁, 33.8%的用户每周消费一次新式茶饮,16.0%每天消费一次,新式茶饮逐渐成为中青年群体的高频消费品,这也推动了新式茶饮市场快速发展。截至2021年2月11日,喜茶门店超过700家,一点点门店超过4000家,蜜雪冰城门店超过11000家,可见新式茶饮品牌行业品牌众多,竞争异常激烈,但行业尚未定局,仍有变化的可能。
According to the data of iimedia research, more than 60% of the new customers are 26-40 years old. 33.8% of them consume new tea once a week and 16.0% consume it once a day. New tea has gradually become a high-frequency consumer goods for young and middle-aged people, which has also promoted the rapid development of new tea market. As of February 11, 2021, there are more than 700 Xicha stores, more than 4000 yidiandian stores and more than 11000 mixue Bingcheng stores. It can be seen that there are many new tea brands in the industry, and the competition is extremely fierce. However, the industry is still uncertain, and there is still the possibility of change. -
螺蛳粉的不断普及,不仅成就了好欢螺、嘻螺会等螺蛳粉品牌,还吸引了网红品牌(如李子柒)、零食品牌(如三只松鼠)及餐饮品牌(如肯德基)入局,行业竞争愈发激烈。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年,中国螺蛳粉消费者购买产品的渠道分布中,网上商城以51.54%的比例居于首位。艾媒咨询分析师认为,淘宝、天猫等网络购物平台上的螺蛳粉产品种类丰富、口味多样,消费者的可选择性更大。
Data show that in the first half of 2020, the output value of bagged snail flour in Liuzhou reached 4.98 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 9 billion yuan in 2020. Under the new model of live broadcast and delivery, snail noodles became a new online celebrity food, and sales increased significantly during the epidemic. Driven by the snail powder, the industrial chain has also begun to develop, providing new impetus for the industrial development of Liuzhou. -
2020年5月15日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1中国新式茶饮行业发展现状与消费趋势调查分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对新式茶饮整个行业,特别是行业的商业模式、盈利能力、用户消费行为等进行全面分析,并且结合喜茶、奈雪の茶、茶颜悦色等企业案例分析,判断2020-2021年中国茶饮行业的发展趋势。艾媒咨询研究发现,随着互联网渗透率提高,外卖在国民消费中的作用进一步凸显,国民对外卖的需求增长,外卖产业整体发展态势良好,且仍有巨大的增长潜力。作为新式茶饮行业的下游产业,外卖产业渗透率的快速提高也给新式茶饮的终端需求带来了增长点。
In the competitive new tea industry market, several major head brands have been through cross-border joint development, social media marketing, scene marketing and other differentiated strategies to seize a part of the market share, consolidate the leading position. In this case, in order to seek differentiated development, other brands will be considered from various factors, the most suitable for their own development of the sub-track, which is the current development of the new tea brand the greatest opportunity.