In 2021, the scale of people from flexible employment industry in China will reach more than 200 million, among which leasing and business services, wholesale and retail, and information transmission, software and information technology services are the most active in the flexible employment market, accounting for 36.4%, 21.1% and 10.1% of the flexible employment and recruitment industries respectively.First of all, the government has introduced a series of policies to strengthen the implementation of social security subsidy policies while recognizing the status of the labor industry.Second, China's GDP in 2020 will reach 10,1598.6 trillion yuan, up 2.3% year on year and a record high. Among them, the added value of the tertiary industry accounted for 54.5%. At the same time, 1.66 million fewer urban job opportunities are available in 2020 than the figure in the past. As the proportion of the tertiary industry in China's GDP continues to increase, the demand for labor will to continue to grow. But the decline in the number of workers is obvious, which creates opportunities for the development of flexible labor industries.In the future, the flexible employment industry will continue to develop. Under the condition of strengthening the existing industrial norms in taxation, social security and other aspects and launching tax requirements, more flexible employment methods will be explored, more "spillover effects" will be generated, and more contributions will be made to the balanced development among domestic regions, while a better flexible employment environment will be created.It will lay a solid foundation for attracting more flexible workers in the future.In addition, the industry will gradually become specialized and mature, accumulate human resources, customer resources and reputation, cover every step of the production process and different ranks of career development path, and improve the bargaining power of the industry companies.At the same time, specialization will also help expand the coverage of the industry, from the original mainly technical and general talents to gradually covering strategic talents, providing more choices for workers, and enabling enterprises to benefit from flexible employment and specialization and reasonable resource allocation.艾媒报告|2020年中国就业创业市场现状与趋势发展分析报告
2020年3月20日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国就业创业市场现状与趋势发展分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国就业创业环境进行分析。并且,本报告对1377名求职者和370名招聘方展开问卷调研,分析2020年中国就业创业市场以及对受新冠疫情影响程度进行预判。艾媒咨询分析师认为,2019年中国CIER指数低于去年水平,显示就业竞争较为激烈,就业信心较低。城镇新增就业人数、就业困难人员就业人数等数据都呈现同比下降趋势。与此同时,2019年裁员潮愈演愈烈。这是由于一方面,2019年大环境不景气,许多企业都减少了招聘的数量,开始进行不同规模的裁员,不少企业甚至倒闭。另一方面,高校毕业生等人数不断增加,适龄劳动力不断涌入就业市场。
The downturn in the big environment in 2019, many companies have reduced the number of hiring, began to lay off employees of different sizes, and many companies even closed down. The outbreak in 2020 further increased employment pressure, making the employment situation even more severe. Under the active guidance of government policies, it is believed that the subsequent economy will gradually recover, the entrepreneurial environment will improve, new business opportunities will be continuously explored, and the industry may enter a period of historical opportunities.