在人口老龄化加速发展的背景下,国家政策从计划生育逐步转向支持生育。2021年5月31日,中共中央政治局召开会议并提出实施三孩政策。另一方面,孕妈群体开始向95后甚至00后倾斜,她们的消费理念更加前卫,无论是对于婴幼儿、孕母自身,还是家庭布局方面的消费需求,都呈现出了更加多样化的需求。在多因素推动下,中国母婴市场规模在近年都呈现快速增长的态势。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国母婴市场规模为40850亿元,预计2024年将超过76000亿元,母婴行业已成为中国消费市场的重要组成部分。
In the context of the accelerated development of population aging, national policies have gradually shifted from family planning to support for childbirth. On May 31, 2021, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting and proposed the implementation of the three-child policy. On the other hand, the group of pregnant mothers has begun to lean towards the post-95s and even post-00s. Their consumption concepts are more avant-garde. Both for infants and young children, pregnant mothers themselves, or the consumption needs of family layout, they have shown more diversified needs . Driven by multiple factors, the size of China's maternal and infant market has shown rapid growth in recent years. According to data from iiMedia Research, the size of China's maternal and infant market in 2020 is 4,085 billion yuan, and it is expected to exceed 7.6 billion yuan in 2024. The maternal and infant industry has become an important part of China's consumer market.