中国香港正在面临劳动人口减少及产业升级挑战,身份规划服务市场呈现显著增长态势。2023年,通过各个人才引进计划,香港吸引了超过22万份新申请,其中约13.5万宗获得批准,获批率达61.3%,揭示了身份规划服务需求的强劲增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)的调研指出,该市场的主要客户群体为高学历、高收入的中青年人士,多数拥有学龄子女,其子女的年龄段大多集中在幼儿园和小学阶段。在选择服务时,客户最重视机构的专业性(61.6%)、成功案例(54.4%),以及“一站式”服务的便捷性(40.2%)。市场正向综合服务模式转变,服务机构正致力于提供涵盖税务规划、财富管理、子女教育等在内的全方位配套服务,实现真正意义上的“一站式”服务体验,推动行业服务标准升级。
Hong Kong, China, is facing the challenges of declining labor force and industrial upgrading, and the identity planning service market is showing significant growth. In 2023, Hong Kong attracted more than 220,000 new applications through various talent introduction schemes, of which about 135,000 were approved, with an approval rate of 61.3%, revealing a strong growth in demand for identity planning services. According to iiMedia Research, the main customer groups in this market are young and middle-aged people with high education and high incomes, most of whom have school-age children, and most of their children are concentrated in kindergarten and primary school. When choosing services, clients value the professionalism of the institution (61.6%), successful cases (54.4%), and the convenience of "one-stop" service (40.2%). The market is changing to a comprehensive service model, and service providers are committed to providing a full range of supporting services covering tax planning, wealth management, children's education, etc., to achieve a truly "one-stop" service experience and promote the upgrading of industry service standards.艾媒咨询|2021年中国互联网医院行业发展研究报告
随着《健康中国2030规划纲要》、“互联网+医疗健康”的国家倡导和执行方针落实,中国互联网医院的数量在2015-2020年五年间增长近1000家,2021年进入稳定上升期。iMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,自2018年起,中国互联网医院行业进入以医院主导的互联网医院占多数的发展状态。医院主导和企业主导的互联网医院各有不同竞争优势,面对国家的规范政策和市场需求增长,通过差异化定位和院企合作能有效提升各方效益。
With the implementation of the national plan for health China 2030 and Internet plus medical health, the number of China's Internet hospitals increased by nearly 1000 in 2015-2020 years and five years, and entered a stable rise in 2021. According to the data of imedia research, since 2018, China's Internet hospital industry has entered a development state in which hospital led Internet hospitals account for the majority. Hospital led and enterprise led Internet hospitals have different competitive advantages. In the face of national normative policies and market demand growth, the benefits of all parties can be effectively improved through differentiated positioning and hospital enterprise cooperation.艾媒报告|2019-2020中国费控报销行业研究报告
2019年中国费控报销行业受益于电子发票相关政策红利,增长强劲。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019市场营收规模约为7.5亿元,增速达76.1%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,中国费控报销行业仍处在发展起步阶段,且企业费控报销具有刚需属性,在经济下行压力下,企业数字化转型动力日趋强烈,叠加电子发票的普及推广,费控报销产品有望加速渗透,推动市场规模持续增长。从市场用户角度来看,职场人群费用报销痛点显著,89.1%受访者认为手工报销模式亟待改革。对于能够有效解决职场人士报销痛点,帮助企业实现费用管控的费控报销产品,市场认知度普遍偏低,表示对这类产品不了解的受访者超过半数。艾媒咨询分析师认为,当前政策、技术、资本、市场环境对费控报销行业释放出越来越多的积极信号,行业发展环境日益向好,随着企业对数字化认知度逐步加深,费控报销行业有望迎来爆发增长,中国本土费控报销品牌也将迅速崛起。
In 2019, China's expense control reimbursement industry benefited from the policy dividend related to electronic invoice, with strong growth. According to iiMedia research, the market revenue scale in 2019 is about 750 million yuan, with a growth rate of 76.1%. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that China's expense control reimbursement industry is still in the initial stage of development, and the enterprise's expense control reimbursement has the property of rigid demand. Under the downward pressure of the economy, the enterprise's digital transformation momentum is increasingly strong. With the popularization and promotion of electronic invoice, the expense control reimbursement products are expected to accelerate the penetration and promote the continuous growth of market scale. From the perspective of market users, the cost reimbursement pain point of workplace population is significant, 89.1% of respondents think that the manual reimbursement mode to be reformed. For the cost control reimbursement products that can effectively solve the pain points of reimbursement for professionals and help enterprises achieve cost control, the market awareness is generally low, and more than half of the respondents said they did not know about such products. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that the current policy, technology, capital and market environment have released more and more positive signals to the expense control reimbursement industry, and the industry development environment is becoming better and better. With the gradual deepening of the digital awareness of enterprises, the expense control reimbursement industry is expected to usher in an explosion and growth, and the domestic expense control reimbursement brands will also rise rapidly.艾媒报告|2020年中国TWS无线耳机专题研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计到2020年,中国TWS无线耳机销量将超三千万件,虽然受疫情影响,2020年市场销售规模增长将全面降速,但基于整体市场初步的发展阶段,销售量仍将维持正向增长,市场前景普遍受看好。同时,包括智能终端无孔化趋势、蓝牙技术、芯片技术的不断提升,也将进一步加快TWS无线耳机的产品普及。另外,根据iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,41.8%的受访受访者能够接受500元以下的TWS无线耳机价格, TWS无线耳机中低端市场仍有较大用户群可挖掘。
According to the data of iiMedia Research, it is estimated that by 2020, the sales volume of TWS wireless earphones in China will exceed 30 million. Although affected by the epidemic situation, the growth of the market sales scale in 2020 will be slowed down in an all-round way, based on the preliminary development stage of the overall market, the sales volume will maintain a positive growth and the market prospect will be generally optimistic. At the same time, it will further accelerate the popularization of TWS wireless earphone products, including the trend of smart terminal non porous, the continuous improvement of Bluetooth technology and chip technology. In addition, according to the data of iiMedia Research, 41.8% of the respondents can accept the price of TWS wireless earphone below 500 yuan. There is still a large user group in the middle and low-end market of TWS wireless earphone.艾媒报告|2020中国独角兽TOP100榜单及标杆企业研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:乂学教育-松鼠Ai 1对1,每日优鲜,美菜网,微医,联影医疗,快手,云从科技,滴滴出行,小鹏汽车,菜鸟网络,苏宁金融,柔宇科技,奇安信;其他提及企业/品牌:阿里巴巴,腾讯,京东,蚂蚁金服,京东数科,橙行智动,字节跳动 ,智者天下,度小满,小桔科技,商汤科技,喜马拉雅,地平线,陆金所,云杉世界,搜车网 ,满帮集团,云从科技,深兰科技 ,威马汽车,银联商务,车和家,大疆创新,微医云,小船出海,悦易网络,微众银行,优必选,猿力教育,寒武纪元,比特大陆,柔宇科技,行吟信息,拜腾汽车,小屋信息 ,优客工场,准时达,车好多,自如,智车优行,依图科技,葆扬投资,彬讯科技,钱大妈,一起作业,呯嘭智能,涂鸦科技,奥比中光,洋码头,麒麟合盛,途家在线,密境和风,图森未来,蚂蜂窝,纳恩博,悦畅科技,特斯联,新潮传媒,优行科技,第四范式,碳云智能,同盾科技,一点网聚,云知声,随手科技,八戒网络,数梦工场,首约科技,小马智行,虫极科技,联易融,诺禾致源,魅族,博鳌纵横,找钢网,圆心科技,影谱科技,氪空间,越海全球,花旺在线,快跑信息,丰巢科技,医云科技,淘友天下,华云数据,沪江教育,酒仙网,易动纷享,羽扇智,适赫物流,辣妈帮,贝贝集团,斑马网络,初速度,汇通天下,连尚网络
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国独角兽TOP100企业中,地域方面,北京、上海和深圳分别出现39、20和15家独角兽企业,总占比达74%;行业领域方面,人工智能与电商零售领域的独角兽企业发展较为迅速,上榜企业达33家。受益于新兴技术以及庞大的消费人群,与大众消费相关的独角兽企业发展较快,数量占到46%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在2020年新冠疫情的影响下,中国宏观经济下行压力加剧,独角兽企业也将面临全新的机遇和挑战,一方面不少独角兽企业将受益于国家新老基建投资以及内需扩容提质等政策刺激快速发展,另一方面在全球经济增速放缓的情况下独角兽企业也将面临更激烈的竞争,生存发展压力加剧。
Among the unicorn TOP100 companies in China in 2020, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen have 39, 20, and 15 unicorn companies accounted for 74% of the total; in the field of industry, unicorn companies in the field of artificial intelligence and e-commerce retail developed rapidly, with 33 companies on the list. Benefiting from emerging technologies and a large consumer population, unicorn companies related to mass consumption have developed rapidly, accounting for 46% of the total. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that under the influence of the new crown epidemic in 2020, China's macroeconomic downward pressure will increase, and unicorn companies will also face new opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, many unicorn companies will benefit from national infrastructure Policies such as investment and domestic demand expansion and quality spur rapid development. On the other hand, with the global economic growth slowing down, unicorn companies will also face more intense competition and intensify the pressure on survival and development.艾媒报告|2020年中国手机APP隐私权限测评报告
APP违规索权仍比较普遍,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,97.0%的APP默认调用相机权限,35.0%的APP默认调用读取联系人权限。其中,移动社交类和短视频类APP调用联系人读取权限情况较为突出、移动理财读类APP调用拨打电话权限用情况较为严重。
The illegal claims of app are still common. According to the data of iiMedia Research, 97.0% of APP calls camera permission by default, and 35.0% of APP calls read contact permission by default. Among them, the access of mobile social and short video app to call contacts is more prominent, and the access of mobile financial reading app to call calls is more serious.Although the awareness of privacy protection of mobile Internet users in China has been improved,more than half of the mobile Internet users take the initiative to identify app permission calls, they are relatively passive in terms of APP privacy terms. iiMedia Research analysts believe that, while speeding up the implementation of the regulations, users need to pay attention to the management of mobile phone privacy rights and interests, timely maintain personal privacy rights and interests, and operators also need to pay attention to data security and user privacy management.艾媒报告|2020中国职场新春居家办公行为状态调查研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,截至2月9日,73.7%的受访职场者表示其所在企业仍未复工,其中已经复工的企业多数集中在互联网/电子商务/IT/通讯行业,且主要采取居家办公模式。在居家办公的受访者当中,41.1%表示其日均办公时长延长;34.7%认为自身工作效率有所提升;76.8%透露其所在企业在新春办公期间尝试了新型在线办公软件。艾媒咨询分析师认为,此次“新冠肺炎”会促使大众对居家办公模式产生更深刻的认知,同时激发大量在线办公软件需求。中国在线办公软件市场发展尚未成熟,疫情的偶发性虽然为在线办公软件市场带来曙光,但用户需求的刚性和粘性仍需要进一步培养。
According to iiMedia Research data, as of February 9, 73.7% of the interviewed workers said that their companies have not resumed work, and most of the companies that have resumed work are concentrated in the Internet / e-commerce / IT / communications industry, and the home office model is mainly adopted. Among the respondents from home office, 41.1% said that their average daily office hours were extended; 34.7% thought that their work efficiency had improved; 76.8% revealed that their company tried new online office software during the Spring Festival office. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the “new crown pneumonia” will promote the public to have a deeper understanding of the home office model, while stimulating a large number of online office software needs. The development of China's online office software market is not yet mature. Although the epidemic situation brings dawn to the online office software market, the rigidity and stickiness of user needs still need to be further cultivated.艾媒研报 |鸿泉物联:智能网联汽车产业发展提速,商用车领域率先受益
5G”时代来临,基于5G技术演进形成的车用无线通信技术(C-V2X)将极大扩充车联网行业应用场景,此外,人工智能的飞速发展进一步推动无人驾驶技术的成熟。汽车产业将朝着智能化、网联化方向快速发展。与此同时,政府颁布多项政策,为行业发展护航,车联网产业前景广阔。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国车联网市场规模为2730亿元,同比增长20.8%,在技术与政策的双轮驱动下,车联网市场规模增长提速,预计2020年中国车联网市场规模将突破4000亿元。由于商用车受监管部门政策以及运营平台商业化效率的影响更大,对产品智能化的需求更为迫切,因此车联网有望在商用车领域率先落地。鸿泉物联是国内较早从事辅助驾驶研究的企业之一,其智能网联设备等产品在商用车上被广泛使用,市场地位稳定。但受制于其相对薄弱的研发实力及对大客户的依赖,公司能否把握住行业增长的风口尚存不确定性。
With the advent of the “5G” era, the vehicle wireless communication technology (C-V2X) based on the evolution of 5G technology will greatly expand the application scenarios of the vehicle networking industry. In addition, the rapid development of artificial intelligence further promotes the maturity of driverless technology. The automotive industry will develop rapidly in the direction of intelligence and network. At the same time, the government has issued a number of policies to escort the development of the industry, and the automotive networking industry has broad prospects. According to iiMedia Research, the scale of China's car networking market in 2018 is 273 billion yuan, up 20.8% year-on-year. Under the two-wheel drive of technology and policy, the scale of the car networking market is growing faster. China's car networking is expected in 2020. The market size will exceed 400 billion yuan. As commercial vehicles are more affected by the regulatory policies and the commercialization efficiency of operating platforms, the demand for product intelligence is more urgent, so the Internet of Vehicles is expected to take the lead in the commercial vehicle field. Hopechart is one of the earliest companies engaged in assisted driving research in China. Its intelligent network equipment and other products are widely used in commercial vehicles, and its market position is stable. However, subject to its relatively weak R & D strength and dependence on large customers, there is still uncertainty about whether the company can grasp the growth of the industry.
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