艾媒报告 |2019中国知识产权产业运行数据监测与创新案例研究报告
随着全球对知识产权的重视程度提高,中国近几年知识产权发展势头迅猛。2018年汽车制造业成为诞生最多知识产权竞争力百强企业的行业,其次为计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业。北京、广东占绝对优势,分别拥有25.8%和16.7%的百强企业,中国知识产权发展有区域集中化趋势。同时,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,83.7%的中国企业研发支出集中在500万元以下,超70%的企业研发占比低于10%,中国知识产权发展仍有较大发展空间。艾媒咨询分析师认为,以前是资助驱动、奖励驱动等知识产权以外的因素在推动IP市场,随着人工智能、大数据的不断发展,以后会逐渐过渡到技术驱动、创新投资驱动、内需驱动等内在因素驱动。
With the increasing emphasis on intellectual property worldwide, China's intellectual property development has developed rapidly in recent years. In 2018, automobile manufacturing industry became the industry which had the highest number of top 100 intellectual property companies in China, followed by computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industries. Beijing and Guangdong have absolute advantages, having 25.8% and 16.7% of the top 100 intellectual property companies respectively. The development of China's intellectual property has a regional concentration trend. According to data from iiMedia Research, 83.7% of Chinese companies' R&D expenditures are below 5 million yuan, and over 70% of the companies’ proportions of R&D is less than 10%. There is still much room for development of China's intellectual property. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that factors such as subsidy and reward used to promote the market greatly. With the continuous development of artificial intelligence and big data technology, innovative investment, and domestic demand will become important elements to improve the market.艾媒报告|2019中国企业图片字体版权纠纷专题研究报告
2019年4月视觉中国因黑洞及国旗国徽图片导致的版权维权争议事件,引发了公众对“版权碰瓷”这一企业行为的关注。事件发生后,视觉中国品牌形象一落千丈。艾媒大数据商情舆情监测系统数据显示,视觉中国的言值指数由4月10日的44.3降至4月16日的8.2,网络口碑呈现一面倒的负面态势。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,78.8%的受访企业认为,视觉中国的维权方式属于敲诈。而超过四分之三的受访企业解决版权纠纷耗时在3个月以上,且69.0%的受访企业认为处理“版权碰瓷”纠纷已对企业造成负担。企业滥用维权导致“版权碰瓷”现象愈加频繁,对于社会秩序已造成严重干扰,这类企业缺乏社会责任感的行为也引来公众愤慨之情,72.4%的受访网民认为行业频发的版权纠纷问题是涉事企业故意而为,38.3%的受访网民认为该类行为已触及公众底线。
In April 2019, the controversy over copyright protection of VisualChina caused by pictures of black holes and of national flag and emblem has triggered public concern about the corporate behavior of copyright infringement. After the dispute, the brand image of VisualChina fell sharply. As the data of iiMedia Public Opinion Monitoring System showed, the Yanzhi Index of VisualChina dropped from 44.3 on April 10th to 8.2 on April 16th, and its comments on the Internet showed a negative trend. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 78.8% of the interviewed enterprises believed that the way of rights protection acts of VisualChina was blackmail. More than three quarters of the interviewed enterprises took more than three months to resolve copyright disputes, and 69.0% of the interviewed enterprises believed that dealing with copyright infringement disputes had caused a burden on enterprises. The abuse of rights of copyright protection by enterprises leads to the phenomenon of copyright infringement becoming more and more frequent, which has caused serious interference to social order. The lack of social responsibility of such enterprises has also aroused public outrage. 72.4% of the interviewed netizen think that the frequent copyright disputes in the industry are deliberately caused by the enterprises involved. 38.3% of the interviewed netizen think that such acts have touched the bottom line of the public.艾媒报告 |2019年中国直销行业发展状况与政策舆论环境监测报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌包括:权健、华林酸碱平、无限极、然健环球、康宝莱、天狮、佳莱、绿之韵集团、铸源、和治友德、康婷、清晨、玫琳凯、金诃藏药、炎帝生物、NATURES SUNSHINE、安利、完美、隆力奇、尚赫
2018年,权健、无限极、康宝莱等负面舆情频发令直销行业再次成为舆论焦点。2019年1月1日,国家将继续加大直销行业处罚力度,15家直销企业被商务部勒令整改。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,直销违规事件影响了69.6%消费者的相关选购需求,其中,30.4%消费者表示再也不会购买涉案企业商品。短期看来,直销行业持牌企业增长率将放缓,同时直销行业中的母婴、保健品类产品监管将加强。
The latest data of the State Administration for industry and Commerce show that in 2017, the National Chamber of Commerce, industry and market supervision total 52 cases of direct sales violations, a fine of 32 million yuan. Among them, false publicity has become the most common business problem in the operation of direct selling enterprises. 2018 to Quanjian, Infinity, Compaulay, health Global, waring acid and alkali equality of a number of direct sales enterprises suspected of violations, contusion the purchase confidence of 69.6% of consumers. Among them, abandoning the purchase of all products involved in the Enterprise (30.4%) and abandoning the purchase of direct selling industry involved in the category (41.3%) became the choice of the majority. In the future, the regulatory environment will be further tightened, with the growth of licensed companies slowing. At the same time, the reform of direct selling enterprise management mode becomes an inevitable requirement.