随着线上娱乐发展以及音频技术的创新,以及线上音频社交的逐渐兴起,在线音频行业受到广大用户的关注。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国在线音频用户规模达5.7亿人,预计2022年整体用户规模达到6.9亿人。目前,在线音频行业正向全生态发展,内容布局也不断拓展广泛,未来在线音频行业将逐渐精细化,头部平台将更有机会提供优质资源,在未来竞争中获得先机。
With the development of online entertainment, the innovation of audio technology and the gradual rise of online audio social networking, the online audio industry has attracted the attention of the majority of users. According to iimedia research, the number of online audio users in China will reach 570 million in 2020, and the overall number of users is expected to reach 690 million in 2022. At present, the online audio industry is developing towards the whole ecology, and the content layout is also expanding widely. In the future, the online audio industry will be gradually refined, and the head platform will have more opportunities to provide high-quality resources and take the lead in the future competition.艾媒咨询|2021年中国在线音乐车载端应用价值探析专题研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国数字音乐用户规模已达到7.7亿人。在线音乐行业用户渗透率高,但整体增长缓慢。因此随着车联网市场发展加快,技术应用加强,车载场景成为头部平台重要布局方向。总体而言,车载端在线音乐用户更为成熟、月均收入更高,且对同一平台的使用粘性高,用户质量较好,因此更有利于平台挖掘其潜在的商业价值。另一方面,车载端场景导致用户在产品使用上与移动端存在差异性,因此头部在线音乐平台车载端技术应用加强也有利于提升用户体验。总体上,在线音乐车载端发展对平台及用户都具有重要价值,市场也处于不断扩大的过程中。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, User Scale of Digital Music Industry in China has reached 770 million in 2020. The overall growth of online music user scale is slow even though its penetration rate is high. Therefore, with the rapid development of the Internet of Vehicle market and the strengthening of technology application, vehicle scene has become an important layout direction of the head platforms. In general, vehicle users of online music industry are more mature, with higher average monthly income, high stickiness to the user of the same platform, and better user quality, so it is more conducive to tap the potential commercial value of the platform. On the other hand, vehicle scene lead to the different usage experience compared to the one with mobile terminals. Therefore, strengthening the application of the technology in vehicles by head online music platforms is also conducive to improving the user experience. On the whole, the development in the vehicles of online music products has important value to the platforms as well as the users, and the market is also in the process of expanding.艾媒咨询|2021年中国睡眠经济行业研究报告
According to the data of China Sleep Research Association, more than 300 million people had sleep disorders in 2021, and the incidence of insomnia in adults was as high as 38.2%. AI media consulting analysts believe that with the reduction of Chinese national sleep quality, the increase of sleep aid product supply categories and the improvement of scientific and technological level, the development potential of sleep economy is full of potential, and the market scale will continue to maintain the growth trend. It is expected that the market scale of China's sleep economy will exceed 400 billion yuan in 2021. At present, most sleeping food and drinks, sleeping services and sleeping apps on the market mostly focus on adjusting users' emotions and pressures. The product quality and sleeping effect are mixed. Promoting the reform of sleep product technology application, allowing technology to continue to support the role of sleep products on sleep, and improving product quality and experience is an important help for the mature development of sleep economy market and products.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国在线音频行业研究报告
经过多年发展,中国在线音频行业覆盖用户规模不断扩大。且基于音频的伴随性特点,在线音频平台覆盖的中高收入和年长用户群体较多。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国在线音频40岁以上用户占比11.9%,月收入在10000以上的用户比例也达到27.5%。面对该部分人群,在线音频平台需要输出更多优质内容,用户方面,目前超九成受访在线音频用户也表示有必要提升目前音频平台栏目的内容质量。面对用户诉求,现阶段主流在线音频平台积极推出优质栏目和科教文化内容,同时延伸其他载体渠道的经典IP,让用户能够在音频渠道接触更多优质内容。
After years of development, China online audio industry covers a growing number of users. Based on the accompanying characteristics of audio, online audio platform covers more high-income and elderly users. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 11.9% of China online audio users are over 40 years old, and 27.5% of the users have monthly income of more than 10000. For these users, the online audio platform needs to produce more high-quality content. In terms of users, more than 90% of the online audio users interviewed also said that it is necessary to improve the content quality of the current audio platform columns. In the face of user demands, the mainstream online audio platform at this stage actively promotes high-quality columns and scientific, educational and cultural content, and extends the classic IP of other carrier channels, so that users can contact more high-quality content in the audio channel.
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