艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国电商“双十一”消费大数据监测报告
“国补”政策与 “双十一”大促周期拉长,共同激发了2024年“双十一”消费热潮。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构 iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国电商“双十一”消费大数据监测报告》数据显示,2024年参与“双十一”活动的消费主力为26-29岁年轻群体,占比34.1%;“双十一”活动中购买量最多的TOP3商品类别为生活日化、服装鞋帽和美妆护肤,“悦己消费”、消费分层等需求趋势凸显;延时发货(44.0%)和假优惠(42.7%)是消费者“双十一”消费体验中的短板。2024年双十一周期提前,旨在抢占市场先机,但也导致消费者购物疲劳和商家物流压力的增加。电商平台竞争从价格战转向经营战,通过细分人群与购物场景,升级服务支持商家。未来,竞争态势和策略调整还将继续深化和演变。
The "National Subsidy" policy and the extended "Double Eleven" promotion period have jointly stimulated the consumer fervor for "Double Eleven" in 2024. According to the latest " China's e-commerce "Double Eleven" consumption big data monitoring report in 2024" released by iiMedia Research (a third-party data mining and analysis institution for the global new economy industry), the main consumers participating in the 2024 "Double Eleven" event were young people aged 26-29, accounting for 34.1%. The top three product categories purchased during the "Double Eleven" event were daily necessities, clothing and footwear, and beauty and skincare products, highlighting trends such as self-indulgent consumption and consumption segmentation. Delayed delivery (44.0%) and fake discounts (42.7%) were the weak links in consumers' "Double Eleven" shopping experience. The 2024 "Double Eleven" cycle started earlier to seize market opportunities, but it also led to increased shopping fatigue among consumers and logistical pressures on merchants. Competition among e-commerce platforms shifted from price wars to operational battles, upgrading services to support merchants through audience segmentation and shopping scenarios. In the future, the competitive landscape and strategic adjustments will continue to deepen and evolve. -
随着国民消费观念和消费方式不断升级,追求健康生活方式已是大势所趋。无糖化、低糖化渐成全球健康饮食新标准,无糖饮料行业得到快速发展。2023年中国无糖饮料市场规模已达401.6亿元,预计2028年有望达815.6亿元。产业链分布上,上游的茶叶、咖啡豆等原料需求激增,消费旺盛。中游市场上头部企业竞争优势突出。下游渠道上,即时零售业态风起,成为无糖饮料品牌商的新增长渠道。健康属性成为无糖饮料受消费者青睐的主要原因,全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国无糖饮料行业研究及消费者洞察报告》数据显示,45.5%的消费者在购买无糖饮料时注重其健康、减脂效果。目前,线上商超、电商平台为无糖饮料主要购买渠道,即时零售成全渠道发展新增量。未来,无糖饮料市场将朝着“大健康化”的消费方向发展。相关品牌应建立自身技术壁垒,突出产品的差异化和功能化优势,从而满足消费者日趋多元的需求。
As the national consumption concept and methods continue to upgrade, the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle has become an irresistible trend. Sugar-free and low-sugar diets are gradually becoming the new global standard for healthy eating, and the sugar-free beverage industry is developing rapidly. In 2023, the market size of sugar-free beverages in China has reached 40.16 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 81.56 billion yuan by 2028. In terms of industry chain distribution, the demand for raw materials such as tea leaves and coffee beans in the upstream has surged, and consumption is vigorous. In the midstream market, leading companies have a prominent competitive advantage. In the downstream channels, instant retail formats are emerging, becoming a new growth channel for sugar-free beverage brands. Health attributes have become the main reason for sugar-free beverages to be favored by consumers. The latest "2024-2025 China Sugar-Free Beverage Industry Research and Consumer Insight Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economic industry, shows that 45.5% of consumers pay attention to the health and fat reduction effects when purchasing sugar-free beverages. At present, online supermarkets and e-commerce platforms are the main channels for purchasing sugar-free beverages, and instant retail has become an additional volume for the development of all channels. In the future, the sugar-free beverage market will develop towards the direction of "big health" consumption. Relevant brands should establish their own technical barriers, highlight the differentiation and functional advantages of products, so as to meet the increasingly diverse needs of consumers. -
中国家清产品市场规模在2015至2023年间整体呈上升趋势,2023年已达556.1亿元,预计2028年达到700.3亿元。经济快速发展带来消费升级,数字化转型拓宽了消费者获取信息和购买渠道,中国家清产品市场展现出一个动态、多元且具有一定潜力的景象。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国家清产品消费趋势洞察报告》数据显示,随着消费者对健康、安全及环保的要求不断提高,安全性已成为57.4%的消费者在选择家居清洁产品时的首要考量,其次是气味和环保性。面对消费者对可持续生活方式的追求,中国家清产品企业根据消费者需求对产品进行细分和品牌创新,在继续提供优质传统服务的基础上,加速迈入绿色革命时代,致力于在生产流程中融入节能减排的环保理念,以抢占市场先机。
The market size of China's household cleaning products showed an overall upward trend from 2015 to 2023, reaching 55.61 billion yuan in 2023, and is expected to reach 70.03 billion yuan by 2028. Rapid economic development has led to consumption upgrades, and digital transformation has broadened consumer access to information and purchasing channels. The market for China's household cleaning products presents a dynamic, diverse, and potentially promising landscape. According to the latest Research Report Insight Report on the Consumption Trends of Household Cleaning Products in China in 2024 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, as consumers' demands for health, safety, and environmental protection continue to rise, safety has become the top factor for 57.4% of consumers when choosing household cleaning products, followed by scent and environmental friendliness. In the face of consumers' pursuit of a sustainable lifestyle, China Jiaqing products enterprises carry out product segmentation and brand innovation according to consumer demand, and accelerate into the era of green revolution on the basis of continuing to provide high-quality traditional services, and is committed to integrating energy saving and emission reduction environmental protection concepts in the production process to seize market opportunities. -
2015年至2023年,中国月饼市场销售规模呈上升趋势,2023年达271.3亿元,预计2025年中国月饼销售规模达332.8亿元。随着居民收入水平的提升和消费观念的转变,月饼作为传递亲情、友情与商务情谊的载体,其市场需求日益旺盛。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国月饼行业创新发展研究报告》数据显示,随着消费者对食品口味需求更加多样化,口味成为43.2%的消费者购买月饼时最关注的因素,超7成消费者认为香港月饼口味多元、创新。面对消费者日益多元且个性化的消费需求,月饼行业在传统口味的基础上,不断推出新口味并研发具有健康养生功能的月饼以适应市场变化,通过线上商城、直播带货等数字化手段实现品牌与消费者的直接互动和销售,拓宽了月饼的市场范围。
From 2015 to 2023, the sales scale of the Chinese mooncake market showed an upward trend, reaching 27.13 billion yuan in 2023, and it is expected to reach 33.28 billion yuan by 2025. As residents' income levels increase and consumption concepts evolve, mooncakes, as carriers of family affection, friendship, and business sentiments, are seeing increasingly robust market demand. According to the latest "Research Report on Innovative Development of China's Mooncake Industry in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, as consumers' demands for food flavors become more diversified, flavor has emerged as the most critical factor for 43.2% of consumers when purchasing mooncakes. Over 70% of consumers perceive Hong Kong mooncakes as diverse and innovative in flavor. In response to consumers' increasingly diverse and personalized needs, the mooncake industry has continued to introduce new flavors based on traditional tastes and develop mooncakes with health and wellness benefits to adapt to market changes. Through digital means such as online malls and live streaming sales, the industry achieves direct interaction and sales between brands and consumers, thereby broadening the market scope of mooncakes. -
2023年中国零食集合店市场规模为809亿元,预计2027年有望达到1547亿元。其中,赵一鸣零食成为高知名度品牌,截至2024年6月,赵一鸣零食门店数量已超过6000家。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《赵一鸣零食店消费行为洞察及行业趋势报告(2024)》数据显示,商品品质好(56.6%)和商品种类多(49.2%)是消费者选择赵一鸣零食的主要原因;赵一鸣零食店的消费者在购买零食时展现出多样化的偏好,熟食特产以64.9%的购买率位居榜首,其次是调味面制品(46.5%);此外,消费者指出赵一鸣零食店存在店内知名品牌零食较少(60.8%)和店面分布过于集中(59.4%)的问题。通过直供模式与数智化仓配体系,赵一鸣零食能够快速响应市场变化。但面对品牌扎堆的市场环境,赵一鸣零食正面临同质化竞争和价格战等多重严峻挑战,需在激烈竞争中寻找差异化定位,加强品牌建设。
The market size of China's snack aggregator stores reached RMB 80.9 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach RMB 154.7 billion by 2027. Among them, Zhao Yiming Snack has emerged as a highly recognized brand, with over 6,000 stores as of June 2024. According to the latest "Insight into Zhao Yiming's Snack Shop Consumer Behavior and Industry Trends Report (2024) " released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, high-quality products (56.6%) and a diverse range of products (49.2%) are the primary reasons why consumers choose Zhao Yiming Snacks. Consumers at Zhao Yiming Snacks stores exhibit diverse preferences when purchasing snacks, with cooked food specialties topping the list at a purchase rate of 64.9%, followed by seasoned noodle products (46.5%). Additionally, consumers have pointed out issues such as a lack of well-known brand snacks in stores (60.8%) and overly concentrated store locations (59.4%) at Zhao Yiming Snacks.Through its direct supply model and digital-intelligent warehouse and distribution system, Zhao Yiming Snacks is able to respond swiftly to market changes. However, in the face of a crowded market with numerous brands, Zhao Yiming Snacks is confronted with formidable challenges such as homogenized competition and price wars. It needs to find a differentiated positioning amidst fierce competition and strengthen its brand building efforts. -
2月26日,艾媒咨询分析师受邀出席由中焙糖协和Bakery China主办的【焙烤新国潮×礼好端午】春季节令糕点产业发展论坛,并在活动现场发布了《2024年中国春季节令糕点及粽子消费趋势分析报告》。随着节日庆祝常态化,中国消费者对于礼物消费的态度和观念逐渐改变,更加重视日常生活中情感实质的传达,礼物消费正从集中走向分散。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国春季节令糕点及粽子消费趋势分析报告》数据显示,2023年中国礼物经济产业市场规模为12998亿元,同比增长6.0%,预计2027年将突破16000亿元。随着年轻人对传统文化的重视和消费能力的提高,中式糕点凭借“颜值”“仪式感”等因素,逐渐成为了春节、中秋节等庆典期间的消费热点,51.5%的消费者表示购买中式糕点的目的是送礼。未来,随着国潮点心热度的攀升,中式糕点的消费将趋于日常化、社交化。
On February 26, Imedia Consulting analysts were invited to attend the Spring Festival Pastry Industry Development Forum hosted by the China Pei Sugar Association and Bakery China, and released the "Analysis Report on the Consumption Trend of Chinese Spring Festival Pastry and Zongzi in 2024" at the event. With the normalization of festival celebrations, Chinese consumers have gradually changed their attitude and concept of gift consumption, paying more attention to the communication of emotional substance in daily life, and gift consumption is moving from centralized to decentralized. According to the latest "Analysis Report on the Consumption Trend of Chinese Spring Pastry and Zongzi in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market size of China's gift economy industry in 2023 will reach 1,299.8 billion yuan, an increase of 6.0%. It is expected to exceed 1.6 trillion yuan by 2027. With young people's emphasis on traditional culture and the improvement of consumption power, Chinese pastry has gradually become a hot consumption spot during the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and other celebrations by virtue of factors such as "appearance level" and "ritual sense". 51.5% of consumers said that the purpose of buying Chinese pastry is to give gifts. In the future, with the rise of the popularity of national tide dim sum, the consumption of Chinese pastries will tend to be daily and social. -
Data show that in 2023, China's online retail sales of agricultural products will reach 590 billion yuan, an increase of 11.0%. In 2023, rural online retail sales will reach 2,490 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14.7%, and it is expected that its online retail sales will reach 2,871.1 billion yuan in 2025. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that in recent years, China's rural development growth momentum is obvious, under a series of measures such as accelerating the complement of rural logistics facilities and service shortcomings, rural e-commerce has flourished, and has achieved remarkable results in agricultural product production and marketing docking and agricultural transformation and upgrading. At present, in China's social media platforms, the "social + e-commerce" model is easier to achieve content diversion, customer retention and transformation. Because of its unique creative content and strong interaction, short video platform is easier to get consumers' attention, thus driving the rapid development of rural digital economy. In response to the complex use of digital agricultural apps, the government should encourage software developers to develop popular and commonly used apps for farmers, so that mobile phones become an important "new farm tool" in the development of agricultural digital transformation. -
Research data shows that the market size of China's warehousing member supermarket industry has remained above 20 billion yuan from 2012 to 2023, with a year-on-year growth of 8.7%. In 2022, the market size of China's convenience store industry reached 423.7 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 10.5%; The market size of China's snack collection stores in 2023 was 80.9 billion yuan. As of October 2023, the number of snack collection store stores in China has exceeded 22000.
iiMedia Research analysts believe that With the increasing richness of material life in society, consumers are no longer limited to the quality of their products when shopping, but gradually show an increasing demand for personalized products and services. -
随着云计算、5G等技术的不断创新,SaaS行业加速发展。大多数企业进行数字转型升级,纷纷涌入SaaS行业赛道。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国SaaS行业发展研究报告》数据显示,2023年中国SaaS行业市场规模达555.1亿元,预计2027年将超过1500亿元。
With the continuous innovation of cloud computing, 5G and other technologies, the SaaS industry is accelerating its development. Most enterprises are undergoing digital transformation and upgrading, and are flocking to the SaaS industry track.According to the latest "Research Report on the Development of China's SaaS Industry in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, the market size of China's SaaS industry reached 55.51 billion yuan in 2023, and it is expected to exceed 150 billion yuan by 2027.
iiMedia Research analysts believe that Due to the influence of social environment, the application of SaaS has become more widespread. With the continuous changes in the business model of enterprises, the business system of SaaS enterprises has diversified, driving the market size of the SaaS industry to continuously expand. -
艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024中国饰品产业发展状况与消费者行为变化监测调查报告
随着居民消费水平的提高,消费整体呈现恢复向好态势,饰品行业供需两端双向回暖。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023-2024年中国饰品产业发展状况与消费者行为变化监测调查报告》数据显示,2023年中国社会消费品零售总额累计值为47.2万亿元,同比增长7.2%。其中金银珠宝类商品零售累计值增长至3310亿元,增长率为9.8%。 在宏观经济环境和消费需求的共同影响下,我国饰品行业消费市场将继续扩大。当前,居民消费正处于持续升级阶段,国内消费市场呈现出“品质消费需求旺盛”的特点,实用性、美观性、实惠性已成为消费者购买饰品时的主要考量因素。此外,饰品行业的消费群体愈发年轻,90后乃至千禧一代已逐渐成为黄金珠宝饰品的主力消费群体,这将推动饰品行业在产品设计和营销模式方面进行升级与革新。截至2023年,众多时尚珠宝品牌纷纷推出与热门动漫游戏联名的产品,以个性潮流的设计与年轻消费者实现情感共鸣。未来,将会有更多的珠宝品牌通过联名的方式为品牌赋予更多可能性。
With the improvement of residents' consumption level, consumption as a whole has shown a positive trend of recovery, and the supply and demand of the jewelry industry have picked up in both directions.According to the latest "2023-2024 China Jewelry Industry Development Status and Consumer Behavior Change Monitoring Survey Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis agency for the global new economy industry, in 2023, the cumulative value of China's total retail sales of consumer goods will be 47.2 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.2%. Among them, the cumulative retail value of gold, silver and jewelry increased to 331 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 9.8%.Under the combined influence of the macroeconomic environment and consumer demand, the consumer market of China's jewelry industry will continue to expand. At present, residents' consumption is in the stage of continuous upgrading, the domestic consumer market presents the characteristics of "strong demand for quality consumption", practicality, aesthetics, and affordability have become the main considerations for consumers when buying jewelry. At the same time, the consumer group of the jewelry industry is getting younger and younger, and the post-90s generation and even millennials have gradually become the main consumer group of gold jewelry, which will promote the upgrading and innovation of the jewelry industry in terms of product design and marketing model. As of 2023, many fashion jewelry brands have launched co-branded products with popular anime and games, and achieved emotional resonance with young consumers with personalized and trendy designs. In the future, there will be more jewelry brands that will give more possibilities to the brand through co-branding.
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