From the data of the first quarter of 2020, the domestic market scale of China's home appliance industry was 117.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 36.1%. At the same time, the cumulative export scale of home appliances in the first quarter was 73.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.7%. iiMedia Research believe that with the gradual weakening of the impact of the epidemic on China and the seasonal increase in demand for air-conditioning, refrigerators and other refrigeration equipment in summer, especially the gradual maturity of home appliance live broadcast e-commerce and other forms, it is expected that the appliance industry Of domestic sales will gradually pick up, but the export situation is still not optimistic.艾媒报告|2020Q1中国智能小家电市场运行监测报告
在传统小家电行业亟需转型以及消费者对智能化产品需求日益增长的双重推动下,小家电行业正朝着智能化方向发展。近年来,智能小家电市场增长势头强劲,2020年智能音箱、智能马桶、扫地机器人细分市场的产品销量有望分别达到5910万、821万以及882万台。虽然智能小家电行业在快速成长,但市场中往往存在重噱头轻品质的现象。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示, 42.9%的受访用户表示产品质量是他们最关心的因素,而57.1%的用户在购买时主要担忧产品功能未达预期。
Driven by the transformation of the traditional small home appliance industry and the growing consumer demand for smart products, the small home appliance industry is developing in the direction of intelligence. In recent years, the smart small home appliance market has grown strongly. In 2020, the sales volume of smart speaker, smart toilet, and sweeping robot market segments is expected to reach 59.1 million, 8.21 million and 8.82 million units, respectively. Although the smart small home appliance industry is growing rapidly, the situations that some manufacturers lie and exaggerate in their advertisements come up very often. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 42.9% of the users surveyed said that product quality is the key factor that they care about most, while 57.1% of users mainly worry about the function of the product is not up to their expectations when purchasing.艾媒报告|2020“新冠疫期”中国智能制造行业社会责任感专题分析报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,疫情期间智能制造行业网络热度维持较高水平,展现出强大的成长潜力。智能制造借助无人化、智能化的技术支持和产品体系,助力我国口罩日产破亿;机器人不仅能协助医护人员缓解医院人手压力,也可以在帮助企业复工复产的同时保证生产安全与效率;工业云在协助涉疫物资供需匹配、云办公、搭建疫情防控系统等方面也有出色的表现。艾媒数据显示,疫情期间“智能制造”网络口碑值达78.5,而智能制造行业防疫表现树立公众信心,超五成网民表示对行业前景态度有所改善。智能制造在疫情期间展现出的强大生命力,将加速“中国制造”向“中国智造”的发展。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, during the epidemic, the network enthusiasm of the intelligent manufacturing industry maintained a high level, showing strong growth potential. Intelligent manufacturing uses unmanned, intelligent technical support and product systems to help China ’s daily output of masks reach 100 million yuan; robots can not only help medical staff to relieve the pressure on hospital staff, but also help enterprises resume work and resume production while ensuring production safety and efficiency; The Industrial Cloud also has outstanding performance in assisting the supply and demand matching of epidemic-related materials, cloud office, and building an epidemic prevention and control system. According to Ai Media data, the network reputation of "smart manufacturing" during the epidemic period reached 78.5, and the performance of the intelligent manufacturing epidemic has established public confidence. Over 50% of netizens said that they have improved their attitudes to the industry's prospects. The strong vitality exhibited by intelligent manufacturing during the epidemic will accelerate the development of "Made in China" towards "Chinese Intelligent Manufacturing".艾媒报告|2020中国智能硬件行业发展全景研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国智能硬件市场规模大,增长迅速,2020年市场规模预计达到10767.0亿元。随着居民人均收入和人均支出的提高、消费主力人群的变化,对智能产品的消费需求日益增加。智能家居,消费电子及智能交通等细分领域都得到了较快发展,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国智能家居2020年市场规模预计达到1820亿元,中国可穿戴设备出货量2020年预计突破1亿件,2035年全球智能汽车规模预计将达到1180万辆。目前,消费电子领域成长型产业整体渗透率不高,潜在用户规模大,发展前景广阔,将成为智能硬件行业新的增长点。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of intelligent hardware market in China is large and growing rapidly,which is expected to reach 1.0767 trillion yuan in 2020. With the increase in pre capital income and expenditure of residents, the changes in the main consumer groups, consumer have more demand for intelligent product. Intelligent home equipment, consumer electronics and intelligent transportation have achieved rapid development. As the data of iiMedia Research shows that, the scale of intelligent home equipment market in China is expected to reach 182 billion yuan in 2020,the shipment of wearable device will exceed 100 million in 2020,the scale of global intelligent vehicle is expected to reach 11.8 million in 2035. At present, the overall penetration rate of growth industries in the field of consumer electronics is not high, the scale of potential users is large, and the development prospect is broad, which will become a new growth point for the intelligent hardware industry of China.艾媒研报|石头科技:势能转换初见成效,自主发展仍待时日
在政策、经济、技术、人口等因素的驱动下,服务机器人行业快速发展,并呈现出比比工业机器人更为广阔的市场空间。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计到2020年,中国服务机器人年销售额将超过300亿元。扫地机器人在整个服务机器人市场是非常重要的一个细分领域,产品相对成熟,竞争也较为激烈。市场参与者包括新兴服务机器人公司、传统家电公司、互联网公司以及各种创业公司等,目前在国内主流电商平台上销售的智能扫地机器人品牌已近 200 个,其中头部品牌效应较为明显。石头科技作为专注于智能清洁机器人领域的科技企业,在小米集团的协助下快速发展,并于2017年开始推出自有品牌,为公司营收增长注入新动能。2018年石头科技营收30.5亿元,其中自有品牌贡献过半。虽然石头科技在业务发展方面有所调整,但想要完全脱离小米实现自主发展还需要时间。
Driven by factors such as policy, economy, technology and population, the service robot industry has developed rapidly and presents a broader market space than industrial robots. According to iiMedia Research, it is estimated that by 2020, the annual sales of service robots in China will exceed 30 billion yuan. Sweeping robots are a very important segment in the entire service robot market. The products are relatively mature and the competition is fierce. Market participants include emerging service robot companies, traditional home appliance companies, Internet companies, and various startup companies. Currently, there are nearly 200 smart sweeping robot brands sold on mainstream domestic e-commerce platforms, of which the head brand effect is more obvious. As a technology company specializing in intelligent cleaning robots, Roborock has developed rapidly with the assistance of Xiaomi Group. In 2017, it launched its own brand and injected new momentum into the company's revenue growth. In 2018, Roborock's revenue was 3.05 billion yuan, of which half of its own brands contributed. Although Roborock has made adjustments in its business development, it will take time to completely realize its independent development from Xiaomi.2016-2020集成电路产业全球市场态势与中国发展机遇分析预判报告
本报告涉及企业/品牌包括:杭州士兰微电子股份有限公司,立锜科技,华大半导体,晶丰明源,TRINAMIC,ROHM(罗姆),Fuji Electric(富士电机),三垦电气株式会社,飞利浦,美国NS,SGS-THOMSON意法微电子公司,深圳富满电子集团股份有限公司,深圳市茂捷半导体有限公司,圣邦微电子(北京)股份有限公司,无锡华润矽科微电子有限公司,美国国家半导体公司,恩智浦半导体公司, Maxim Integrated (MAXIM,美信),美国无线电公司,富满电子集团股份有限公司,深圳市英锐芯电子科技有限公司,苏州坤元微电子有限公司,圣邦微电子股份有限公司,美国德州仪器公司,意法半导体公司(ST Microelectronics),安森美半导体(ON Semiconductor),亚德诺半导体公司(Analog Devices),北京时代民芯科技有限公司,苏州云芯微电子科技有限公司,润石科技,上海贝岭股份有限公司,微芯科技(Microchip Technology Incorporated),亚德诺半导体技术有限公司(ADI),思佳讯(Skyworks),成都振芯科技股份有限公司,芯海科技(深圳)股份有限公司,中科芯集成电路股份有限公司,国民技术股份有限公司,北京君正集成电路股份有限公司,赛灵思(Xilinx),ESS Technology, Inc.,旭化成微电子株式会社(AKM, Inc.)
In 2018, the global semiconductor industry is showing a good trend of development. Data show that the global integrated circuit market sales in 2018 totaled about 478.4 billion US dollars, an increase of more than 10% year-on-year. In addition, in recent years, China's electronic industry continues to grow at a high speed, and the integrated circuit industry has entered a period of rapid development. In 2018, sales in the mainland China market reached 158.4 billion US dollars, up 20% year on year. The Chinese market has become one of the main driving forces for the growth of the global integrated circuit market. Promoted by all parties, the performance of China's leading IC companies has been improving in recent years. In addition, emerging technologies will become the future core products of the integrated circuit industry, and core technologies and human resources will become the sustainable development of the integrated circuit industry.艾媒报告 |2018-2019中国智能门锁产业研究与商业投资决策分析报告
随着智能家居产业的不断兴起,中国智能门锁产业开始进入爆发期。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)监测发现,2018年超过七成消费者已经购买或打算购买智能门锁,预计到2020年中国智能门锁需求将突破3200万套。目前智能门锁价格为2000-4000元,仍然高于消费者的普遍预期。特别是产业突然发展带来的泡沫效应,令智能门锁市场面临产品安全风险、行业格局混乱等问题。
With the further expansion of China's smart home industry, the consumption demand and penetration rate of smart door locks in China are increasing, more than 70.0% of consumers are using or willing to buy smart door locks. A large amount of capital is pouring into China's smart door lock market. In 2018, there were many influential financing events in the field of smart door lock, among which more than four financing events amounted to more than 100.0 million yuan. At present, the number of China's smart door lock brands has exceeded 3500, the industry is developing rapidly. The data of iiMedia shows that most of the smart door lock consumers are young male adults in first-tier cities. And consumers are most concerned about the safety of products, the acceptable price range of them is below 3,000 yuan, while the smart door lock industry is facing the problems of high product safety risk and low penetration because of high price. In the future, the smart door lock industry will further expand by strengthening security, integrating smart home ecology, launching product mix and creating high cost-effective products.艾媒报告 |2018-2019中国医疗器械产业研究与投资分析报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2017年中国医疗器械市场规模达到758.8亿美元,规模增长速度高于世界水平,在经济和技术的发展以及政策的支持下,中国医疗器械行业发展态势良好。然而,医疗器械产业拥有国产化趋势等机遇外,仍然存在企业规模普遍偏小,投资力度不足等问题。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, during the year of 2011 to 2017, the market scale of Chinese medical apparatus and instruments industry has increased at the speed of more than twice the world, but it still has a lot to do compared with the world. With the excellent economy, technology, policy and society environment, medical apparatus and instruments industry grows so well that many companies got financial investment; four Chinese companies ranked TOP 10 in a TOP 20 the most concerned medical apparatus and instruments companies ranking in the first half of 2018. Although the industry has an amount of development opportunities because of localization trend and industry upgrading, it is facing a series of problems, such as the decrease of trade surplus, the deficiency of R&D investment , the big amount of small companies and so on.