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在明星带货热潮与疫情等众多因素推动下,中国网络零售额在社会消费品零售总额下降的情况下仍有11%的增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国社会消费品零售总额为391981亿元,较2019年下降3.9%,其中网络零售额达117601亿元,占社会消费品零售总额的三分之一;近年来中国批发市场交易规模增长速度放缓,2019年同比增长3.6%,批发市场进入瓶颈期;截止2021年4月,愿意选择批发电商的用户达有90%,消费者普遍认为,批发电商上的商品价格更便宜以及种类更多,其中有96%的消费者更愿意在直播电商上购物;MCN市场规模的快速增长也吸引了批发行业。为解决批发行业中的诸多痛点,越来越多批发市场开始加入直播电商的布局。
Driven the upsurge of e-commerce live streaming by famous stars and the epidemic situation, China online retail sales still have an 11% growth despite the decline of the total retail sales of social consumer goods. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the total retail sales of China social consumer goods in 2020 was 39198.1 billion yuan, a decrease of 3.9% compared with that in 2019. The online retail sales reached 11760.1 billion yuan, accounting for one-third of the total retail sales of social consumer goods. In recent years, the growth rate of transaction scale in the China wholesale market has slowed down, with a year-on-year growth rate of 3.6% in 2019, and the wholesale market has entered a bottleneck period. As of April 2021, 90% of the consumers are willing to choose wholesale e-commerce. Consumers generally believe that the prices of goods on wholesale e-commerce are lower and there are more kinds of goods, and 96% of them prefer to shop on live streaming e-commerce. The rapid growth of MCN market size has also attracted the wholesale industry. In order to solve many pain points in the wholesale industry, more and more wholesale markets begin to join live-streaming e-commerce. -
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:淘宝,京东,美拍,抖音,快手,苏宁,李佳琦,薇娅,农村淘宝,淘宝直播,YY直播,衣联网,红豆角,一件直播购,阿里巴巴1688,广州沙河万佳服装批发市场,蘑菇街,批批网,一手APP,汉小仙,小丫MOMO淘女郎demi,楚菲楚然twins,闻小哈joanne,陈洁kiki,烈儿宝贝,fashion美美搭,Heika-Z,李湘,祖艾妈,搭配师周末,大晶ada,恩佳N,青藤文化,蜂群文化,如涵,古麦嘉禾,薇龙文化,飞搏共创,无忧传媒,头条易,一号批发商城,99linda,酷儿饰品批发商城,小谷女装,档口女装批发小雪儿,大叔鞋包货仓,小刘翡翠批发,百色鸟,蜜糖小姐missgooey美甲批发,大饼女装批发,吴洒中国东方丝绸市场,常熟招商场,江阴食品城,江阴纺织市场,太仓轻纺市场,无锡招商城,徐州淮海食品城韩世市场,常州凌家塘农副产品批发市场,扬州曲江小商品市场,邳州新城农产品批发市场,义乌中国小商品城 ,绍兴中国轻纺城,浙江萧山商业城,浙江黄岩路桥小商品批发市场,宁波慈溪周巷副食品批发市场,诸暨市大唐轻纺市场,杭州环北小商品市场,杭州丝绸市场,湖州丝绸城,杭州四季青服装市场,江扬农产品批发市场,上海农产品中心批发市场,三林农产品批发市场,十八铺农产品批发市场,七宝农产品批发市场,江桥蔬菜批发市场,联嘉食用农产品批发市场,纵旺食用农产品批发市场,辉展进口水果批发市场,龙吴进口果蔬批发市场,临沂小商品批发城,碯川服装批发市场,即墨市服装批发市场,烟台市开发区彩云城,金乡凯盛国际农产品物流园,聊城永安蔬菜批发市场,寿光地利农产品物流园,滕州市农副产品物流中心,淄博东源市场,临沂华东水果批发市场,石家庄南三条小商品批发市场,石家庄新华贸易中心市场,石家庄桥西小青年街市场,石家庄正定国际小商品市场,白沟小商品批发市场,白沟箱包批发市场,唐山玉田鸦鸿桥市场,邯郸宏达小商品批发市场,邯郸市金凤禽蛋农贸批发市场,衡水市小商品批发市场,普宁流沙布料市场,兴宁东岳宫市场,广州白马服装批发市场,广州十三行服装批发街,广州沙河服装批发市场,东莞虎门富民服装批发市场,广州黄沙水产品批发市场,中山市沙溪休闲服装市场,深圳服装批发市场,广州芳村洞企石路茶叶专业街等
2020年2月5日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2019-2020年中国批发市场直播电商产业调查及发展趋势报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对中国批发行业的发展现状、产业链细分领域进行深度分析,特别关注到批发直播电商这种新兴业态,以批批网、一件等具有影响力的批发直播电商平台作为典型进行商情分析,深入探究运行模式和发展趋势。截止2018年末,中国批发业现存企业法人单位有354.2万个,从业人员2198.2万人,资产总计42.1万亿元,分别比2013年末增长102.9%、14.3%和56.0%;批发业全年实现营业收入72.3万亿元,比2013年增长44.9%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,近年来中国批发业和零售业总体规模不断扩大,行业结构持续优化,对国民经济的发展作出重要贡献。
On February 5, 2020, iiMedia Research, a world-renowned third-party data mining and analysis agency for the new economy industry, released the “2019-2020 China Wholesale Market Live Broadcast E-commerce Industry Survey and Development Trend Report”. The report conducts an in-depth analysis of the development status of China's wholesale industry, the industry chain segmentation field.Wholesale live streaming e-commerce, a new business format, uses influential wholesale live streaming e-commerce platforms such as batch approval network and one piece as a typical model to conduct business analysis, and in-depth exploration of operation modes and development trends. As of the end of 2018, there were 3.542 million existing legal entities in China's wholesale industry, with 21.982 million employees and total assets of 42.1 trillion yuan, respectively, an increase of 102.9%, 14.3%, and 56.0% over the end of 2013; the wholesale industry realized operating income throughout the year 72.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 44.9% over 2013. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that the overall scale of China's wholesale and retail industries has continued to expand in recent years, and the industry structure has continued to optimize, making an important contribution to the development of the national economy.