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中国餐饮行业一直保持着良好的发展状态,虽然2020上半年遭遇新冠疫情影响,整体收入规模同比下降32.8%,但随着国内疫情影响放缓,餐饮业复苏速度加快,下半年到店餐饮有望迎来反弹。餐饮行业在发展过程中愈发重视数字化转型,线上线下结合适应新的需求变化。而到店餐饮服务平台在支持协同餐饮商家发展的过程中发挥的作用也越来越大。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,超过五成的受访者了解和选择餐厅的主要方式是通过在线生活服务平台,而在这些平台上,用户普遍进行店铺查询、查看评价、购买套餐、点单等全方位功能使用。未来到店餐饮头部平台将持续发挥良好的综合服务能力来帮助更多商家实现提升,同时扩大自身知名度和客户满意度,巩固竞争优势地位。
China Catering Industry has been maintaining a good development state. The industry encounter the impact of COVID-19 on the first half of 2020 and its income scale dropped by 32.2% YoY. However, as the impact of the domestic epidemic slows down, the recovery of the in-store dinning industry will accelerate on the second half of 2020. During the development, the catering industry pays more and more attention to digital transformation, and combines online and offline business to adapt to new demand changes. At the same time, the in-store dinning service platform plays an increasingly important role in supporting the development of collaborative catering businesses. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, more than 50% of the interviewees get to know and choose restaurants mainly through online life service platforms. With the platform, users generally use all-round functions such as store query, viewing the comments of other customers, purchasing set meals and ordering. In the future, head in-store dinning service platforms will continue to play a good comprehensive service ability to help more business achieve improvement. And they can consolidate competitive advantage by expanding their own popularity and customer satisfaction.
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