随着《健康中国2030规划纲要》、“互联网+医疗健康”的国家倡导和执行方针落实,中国互联网医院的数量在2015-2020年五年间增长近1000家,2021年进入稳定上升期。iMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,自2018年起,中国互联网医院行业进入以医院主导的互联网医院占多数的发展状态。医院主导和企业主导的互联网医院各有不同竞争优势,面对国家的规范政策和市场需求增长,通过差异化定位和院企合作能有效提升各方效益。
With the implementation of the national plan for health China 2030 and Internet plus medical health, the number of China's Internet hospitals increased by nearly 1000 in 2015-2020 years and five years, and entered a stable rise in 2021. According to the data of imedia research, since 2018, China's Internet hospital industry has entered a development state in which hospital led Internet hospitals account for the majority. Hospital led and enterprise led Internet hospitals have different competitive advantages. In the face of national normative policies and market demand growth, the benefits of all parties can be effectively improved through differentiated positioning and hospital enterprise cooperation. -
艾媒报告| 2018-2023全球及中国高端保险产业运行大数据与标杆案例分析报告
In 2018, the global insurance premium (excluding health insurance) was 3.66 trillion euros, up 3.30% year on year. On the Chinese side, life insurance and property insurance are developing on a dual track. With the increase in the proportion of people with high net worth, the high-end insurance market has begun to develop. According to AI media consulting analysts, the most important concern of China's high-end insurance target customers is also the pursuit of wealth inheritance and safety. Especially in the new situation of unstable international situation, the preservation and safety of financial market and property has become one of the most concerned topics for China's high-end insurance target customers. Moreover, more than half of the interviewees said that they had already begun to prepare or were in the process of making relevant arrangements for wealth inheritance. At the same time, high-end medical insurance is also one of the important attractions of high-end insurance. -
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌包括:支付宝、财付通、Apple Pay、广发基金、平安证券、华泰证券、Betterment、理财魔方、谱蓝、NEW BANKER、诺亚财富、宜人财富、陆金所、百融金服、平安银行、度小满金融、花呗、任性贷、京东白条、任性付、苏宁金融、京东金融、蚂蚁金服、拍拍贷、融360、易鑫集团、乐信集团、点牛金融、汇付天下、维信金科、51信用卡、灿谷金服、小赢科技、品钛科技、泛华金融、360金融
2018年金融科技成为全球资本青睐的热点产业,发展进入3.0时代。数据显示,截至2018上半年,全球金融科技投资额达580亿元。金融科技在细分领域的应用也得到进一步发展,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,超六成受访用户认为在使用消费金融产品后消费频率得到提升,而对移动支付产品的覆盖场景完善度表示满意的用户也超过八成。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, over 60% of the interviewed users thought that their consumption frequency was increased after using consumer financial products. Moreover, more than 80% of the interviewed users show satisfaction for the integrity of the mobile payment products` scenario covering.
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