2020年4月30日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1中国酒店行业运行数据监测及标杆企业品牌研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对高端、中端、单体酒店和民宿等各类中国酒店行业进行全面分析,对锦江、全季、OYO、途家等品牌进行典型案例解读,以此分析直播电商的产品特性以及品牌方的发展趋势,判断2020-2021年中国酒店行业的发展趋势。受到本次疫情影响,中国酒店行业面临巨大危机,中端酒店体现了较好的灵活抗压能力,在未来的酒店消费升级市场中将具有一定的优势。而在疫情影响下,单体酒店、民宿营收严重下滑,行业或将面临重新洗牌。
Data show that in 2019, the number of domestic tourists in China increased by 8.40% year-on-year to 6,006 million. However, the new crown outbreak in 2020 will end the trend of hotel revenue growth and have a huge impact on the hospitality industry. Data show that in the first quarter of 2020, the entire hotel industry has been hit hard, the long-held small and medium-sized hotels will suffer a more severe impact.艾媒报告|2020中国直播电商入局行业及标杆品牌运行案例大数据监测报告
2020年4月26日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020中国直播电商入局行业及标杆品牌运行案例大数据监测报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对中国直播电商行业进行全面分析,分别针对食品、服装、化妆品、家电等直播电商的入局行业分析,以及对恰恰、珀莱雅等标杆品牌的典型案例解读,以此分析直播电商的产品特性以及品牌方的发展趋势,判断2020-2021年中国直播电商的行业发展趋势。受到本次疫情影响,直播电商展现的强大带货能力推动农产品、服装、汽车等传统实体行业加入直播电商,大大利好直播电商发展。艾媒咨询分析师认为,传统电商推动了消费行为的线上转移,为直播电商的发展提供了前期基础。而随着用户对视频、短视频等应用的使用时间不断增加,直播电商将会是短期内最重要的消费行为。
Affected by the epidemic, China's economy in 2020Q1 compared with 2019Q1, after excluding price change factors, actually dropped by 6.8% year-on-year, which may affect China's economic growth slowdown throughout the year. In order to cope with the problem that the epidemic affects economic development, the state actively encourages all parties in the society to develop "new tools" to stimulate market vitality. iiMedia Research believes that this policy is a new benefit for live broadcast e-commerce. The ability to bring goods will also further drive more industries into the game.艾媒报告|2019-2020中国联合办公行业白皮书
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:氪空间,优客工场,梦想加,Bee+,纳什空间,ATLAS 寰图,wework中国,WE+酷窝,SOHO 3Q,滴滴出行,字节跳动,快手,新氧美容,五粮液,中粮集团,顺丰速递,中民投,IDG资本,普思资本,前海梧桐,鸥翎,愉悦资本,M31 Management,山东国惠,丝路华创,高瓴资本,泛大西洋,景荣控股,路劲产业,全明星投资,易凯资本,龙熙房地产,IDG资本,歌斐资本,逸星资本,Ocean Link ,珠海大横琴集团
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,联合办公行业市场规模约为1267.2亿元,预计到2022年有望突破4000亿元。2019年中国联合办公行业经历深度洗牌,行业由大规模扩张转向精细化运营阶段,品牌之间呈现分化趋势,拥有精细化运营管理能力的品牌更具发展潜力。在综合竞争力方面,梦想加、优客工场、wework中国位列前三。在租户使用联合办公产品的联合调查中,66.7%的受访租户表示提升效率是主要原因;40.2%的租户因灵活便利而选择联合办公产品;30.4%的租户透露节约成本是其使用联合办公产品的主要原因。艾媒咨询分析认为,未来随着产品服务质量提高,市场接受度趋于上升,在智能技术的加持下,办公环境将走向高效智能化。
According to the data of iiMedia Research, the market size of the Joint Office Industry is about 126.72 billion yuan, and it will exceed 400 billion yuan in 2022. In 2019, the Joint Office Industry in China has undergone in-depth reshuffle. The industry has shifted from a large-scale expansion to a refined operation stage. Brands are showing a trend of differentiation. The stronger the refined operation management capabilities, the greater the brand's development potential. In terms of comprehensive competitiveness, Mydreamplus, Ucommune, and Wework China are among the top three. In the survey of the reasons for tenants using co-working products, 66.7% of the interviewed tenants stated that high efficiency was the main reason; 40.2% of the tenants chose co-working products for its flexibility and convenience; 30.4% of the tenants revealed that cost savings are the main reason for using co-working products. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that in the future, with the improvement of product and service quality, the acceptance of co-working market tends to rise. With the blessing of intelligent technology, the office environment will move towards efficient and intelligent.艾媒报告|2019年12月中国化妆品行业月度运行监测报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:丸美股份,上海家化,珀莱雅,御家汇,拉芳家化,名臣健康,完美日记,阿芙,VENUS MARBLE,自然堂,半亩花田,迪奥(DIOR),古驰(GUCCI),香奈儿(CHANEL),祖玛珑(JOMALONE),汤姆福特(TOM RORD),CALVIN KIEIN,菲拉格慕(FERRAGAMO),兰蔻(LANCOME),圣罗兰(YSL),魅可,美宝莲,雅诗兰黛,ZEESEA,卡姿兰,阿玛尼,纪梵希,WIS,膜法世家,欧莱雅,碧素堂,珀莱雅,御泥坊,欧丽源,肌琳莎,自然堂,一叶子,李佳琦,张沫凡MOMO,MK凉凉,IAMINRED口红控,潘雨润,小蛮蛮小,董子初BENNY,陈莴笋,小猪姐姐,呗呗兔
iiMedia Research believe that with the promotion of consumption upgrade, Chinese consumers' demand for high-end cosmetics has increased significantly. Judging from the total market value of China's listed cosmetics companies on December 31, 2019, Marubeni ranks first, reaching 24.07 billion yuan, surpassing Shanghai Jahwa, which has been listed for a long time. The rate surpasses Shanghai Jahwa.艾媒报告 |2019中国全域旅游产业大数据及标杆案例调查报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:携程,同程旅游,途牛,日光山谷,古北水镇,宋城集团,马蜂窝,众信旅游,去哪儿旅行,艺龙旅行,乐嘉体育,实宝来,四海一品,熊猫酒店,新派餐饮,天景稻香饮食,南岗喜宴,雅歌餐厅,滋粥楼,科尔海热,中青旅, TripAdvisor猫途鹰,百度旅游,驴妈妈旅游
2019年,政府工作报告提出“发展全域旅游,壮大旅游产业”。国家与地方政策、良好的经济环境、社会观念和社会结构的改变以及技术共同推动全域旅游的发展。2018年,中国国内旅游人数55.4亿人次,入境旅游人数1.4亿人次,中国公民出境旅游人数1.5亿人次,保持增长态势。在与全域旅游结合的典型旅游产业中,冰雪旅游、乡村旅游、海岛旅游、亲子旅游、工业旅游等具有较大的投资前景。2017-2018冰雪季,中国冰雪旅游人数达到2.0亿人次;2018中国休闲农业和乡村旅游接待人次达30.0亿人次。2019年,旅游产品逐渐从线下市场转移至线上市场。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国在线旅游市用户规模达3.6亿人,预计2019年在线旅游用户规模达3.9亿人。旅游产品逐渐从线下到线上转移。
In 2019, the government work report proposed “developing global tourism and expanding the tourism industry.“ National and local policies, a sound economic environment, changes in social attitudes and social structures, and technology work together to promote the development of global tourism. In 2018, the number of domestic tourists in China was 5.54 billion, the number of inbound tourists was 140 million, and the number of outbound tourists from Chinese citizens was 150 million, maintaining a growth trend. Among the typical tourism industries combined with global tourism, ice and snow tourism, rural tourism, island tourism, parent-child tourism, industrial tourism, etc. have great investment prospects. In the 2017-2018 snow and ice season, the number of ice and snow tourists in China reached 200 million; 2018 China's leisure agriculture and rural tourism reception reached 3 billion. In 2019, tourism products gradually shifted from offline markets to online markets. According to iiMedia Research, the number of online travel users in China reached 360 million in 2018. It is estimated that the number of online travel users will reach 390 million in 2019. Tourism products are gradually shifting from offline to online.艾媒报告|2019中国长租公寓市场现状调查与消费者行为监测报告
城市化发展令城市聚集了相对较多的流动人口,公寓租赁成为这一群体的必要需求;特别是白领阶层中,有43.0%的白领人士表示可以接受一直租房而不买房的生活方式。特别是一线城市的长租公寓市场已基本普及,北京、上海、广州和深圳的长租公寓入住率分别达到93.0%、89.0%、95.0%和96.0%。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)研究发现,长租公寓受到资本青睐,地产开发商、地产服务中介、互联网资本和酒店服务集团纷纷进驻长租公寓行业,形成泊寓、自如、YOU+国际青年等品牌,但彼此竞争激烈。艾媒咨询分析师认为,目前长租公寓行业仍处于多种运营模式并存的探索阶段,各大品牌暂时没有形成相对固定的市场格局,性价比是长租公寓下半场争夺的重点,服务和科技会成为长租公寓未来的重要发展方向。
Urbanization has caused the city to gather a relatively large number of floating populations. Apartment leasing has become a necessary demand for this group; especially among the white-collar workers, 43.0% of white-collar workers have expressed the possibility of accepting the lifestyle of renting a house without buying a house. In particular, the long-rental apartment market in first-tier cities has been basically popularized. The occupancy rates of long-term rental apartments in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have reached 93.0%, 89.0%, 95.0% and 96.0% respectively. iiMedia Research found that long-term rental apartments are favored by capital. Real estate developers, real estate service agencies, Internet capital and hotel service groups have entered the long-term rental apartment industry, forming a brand of parking, free, YOU+ international youth. But they are highly competitive. iiMedia Research analysts believe that the long-term rental apartment industry is still in the exploration stage of multiple operating modes. The major brands have not formed a relatively fixed market structure for the time being. The price/performance ratio is the focus of the long-term rental apartment in the second half. Service and technology will become the important development direction of long-term rental apartments in the future.艾媒报告 |2019年中国酒店行业发展监测与商业投资决策分析报告
2018-2019年,中国酒店业在数量规模和档次上保持着金字塔形的市场结构。iiMedia Reserach(艾媒咨询)大数据监测显示,服务大众市场的比例达到92.6%,体现了酒店业服务大众消费的民生属性。这一时期,以旅游为主要场景的在线短租平台也逐渐获得消费者青睐。酒店行业结构将逐步完善成熟,投资者应针对不同档次酒店的发展特点,考虑酒店对市场投入的差异策略等因素进行投资。
The 2017 hotel industry's profit rate was only 1%, down 9.1% from the previous year, and the hotel industry is building new business and transforming into a large accommodation industry. iiMedia Reserach Big data monitoring shows that in 2018, the overall supply of Chinese hotels in the room growth rate reached 10.2%, the mid-end hotel rooms with 15.7% supply growth rate of the first hotel in all grades. At the same time, tourism as the main scene, Airbnb as the representative of the online short-rent platform gradually won the favor of consumers. At present, mid-end hotel has become the main body of development, the development of high-end hotels will pay more attention to the subdivision of personal consumption needs, to provide personalized and high-quality services. At the same time, the residential sharing model with Chinese characteristics will continue to innovate and develop. Investors should be in view of the development characteristics of different grades of hotels, consider the hotel on the market input of the difference strategy and other factors to invest.
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