随着市场竞争的激化,茶叶市场入局者开始探索行业品类细分化的市场需求,不断打造新场景、新产品、新需求,未来的行业格局将会是多品牌共同发展的状态。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国茶叶产业发展及消费者洞察行业报告》数据显示,中国茶叶行业市场规模保持连年增长态势,2023年市场规模达到3511.8亿元,预计2028年可达到5309.6亿元。随着健康养生观念的加深,42.49%受访消费者表示会选择喝茶来达到保健的目的。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在现代社会,随着人们对健康生活的追求日益增强,茶作为一种天然、健康的饮品,其健康属性愈发受到消费者重视,消费者对于茶叶的品质和口感的要求也越来越高,这为茶叶产业的发展提供了广阔的市场空间。
With the intensification of market competition, tea market entrants have begun to explore the market demand for industry categories, and continue to create new scenes, new products, and new demands. The future industry pattern will be a state of multi-brand common development. According to the latest "Research on China Tea Industry Development and Consumer Insights Report from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, the market size of China's tea industry has maintained a continuous growth trend, and the market size will reach 351.18 billion yuan in 2023, and is expected to reach 530.96 billion yuan in 2028. With the deepening of the concept of health and wellness, 42.49% of the surveyed consumers said they would choose tea to achieve the purpose of health care. Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that in modern society, with the increasing pursuit of healthy life, tea as a natural and healthy drink, its health attributes are increasingly valued by consumers, and consumers have higher and higher requirements for the quality and taste of tea, which provides a broad market space for the development of tea industry.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国新式茶饮行业发展现状与消费趋势调查分析报告
随着中国新式茶饮市场空间逐渐饱和,行业进入存量竞争阶段,品牌内卷程度加剧。除了采取降价策略,各企业通过开拓品类、创新营销、品牌出海等多元手段寻求破局。截至2023年9月末,蜜雪冰城海外门店已有4000家;2024年7月,喜茶、霸王茶姬陆续亮相巴黎,为奥运助力,借助国际赛事营销提升全球影响力。2024年8月,茶颜悦色在长沙开出首家零食生活杂货店,零售生意成为新式茶饮品牌竞争的新阵地。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计未来几年中国新式茶饮市场规模将维持小幅但稳定的增长态势,到2028年有望突破4000亿元。
With the gradual saturation of China's new tea drink market, the industry has entered the stage of stock competition, and brand competition has intensified. In addition to price cuts, companies seek changes by developing new products, innovative marketing, and going to sea. By the end of September 2023, MIXUE has 4,000 overseas stores; In July 2024, HEYTEA and CHAGEE appeared in Paris to enhance their global influence with the help of Olympic marketing. In August 2024, CHAYANYUESE opened a snack grocery store, and the retail business has become a new frontier in the competition for new tea brands. iiMedia Research data show that it is expected that in the next few years, the size of China's new tea market will maintain a small growth, and is expected to exceed 400 billion yuan by 2028.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国茶饮料行业发展及消费洞察报告
随着经济的不断发展与健康消费理念深入人心,消费者对茶饮的需求逐渐从传统调味包装茶转向无糖茶、养生茶等。消费者对产品附加值及健康化的需求,以及茶饮市场产品构成变革共同促进了茶饮料行业的发展。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国茶饮料行业发展及消费洞察报告》数据显示,2023年中国新式茶饮市场规模达3333.8亿元,同比增长13.5%;养生茶饮市场规模为411.6亿元,同比增长27.3%;无糖饮料市场规模达401.6亿元,同比增长101.2%,随着健康消费趋势凸显,茶饮料相关产品市场规模将进一步扩大。2024年,49.3%的中国茶饮料消费者通过内容分享平台了解包装茶饮品牌,46.9%的消费者偏好零糖零卡零脂类包装茶饮。随着健康消费趋势凸显,无糖低糖产品受到众多消费者青睐,无糖茶将进一步扩充市场容量,为茶饮料行业提供新增量。
With the continuous development of the economy and the concept of healthy consumption, consumers' demand for tea drinks has gradually shifted from traditional flavored packaged tea to sugar-free tea and health tea. Consumers' demand for added value and health of products, as well as changes in the composition of tea market products, have jointly promoted the development of tea beverage industry. According to the latest Research Report on the Development of China Tea Beverage Industry Development and Consumption Insight Report from 2024 to 2025 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, the market size of China's new tea drink will reach 333.38 billion yuan, an increase of 13.5% in 2023. The market size of health tea drink was 41.16 billion yuan, an increase of 27.3%; Sugar-free beverage market size reached 40.16 billion yuan, an increase of 101.2%, with the health consumption trend highlighted, tea beverage related products market size will further expand, is expected to 2025 new tea market size of 374.93 billion yuan. In 2024, 49.3% of Chinese tea beverage consumers learned about packaged tea brands through content sharing platforms, and 46.9% of consumers preferred zero-sugar, zero-calorie and zero-fat packaged tea drinks. With the prominent trend of healthy consumption, sugar-free and low-sugar products are favored by many consumers, and sugar-free tea will further expand the market capacity and provide new additions to the tea beverage industry.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国方便食品市场发展及消费能力洞察报告
随着经济的不断发展,消费者对食品安全和健康饮食的关注度日益提升,多元化的营养健康需求为中国方便食品行业的发展提供了巨大的机遇。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国方便食品市场发展及消费洞察报告》数据显示,2023年中国方便食品市场规模已达6736亿元,预制菜赛道异军突起,方便食品的产品品类得以扩充,预计2026年中国方便食品行业市场规模有望突破万亿元。2024年,消费者最常购买的方便食品为方便面、方便米饭等,占比达63.1%;网上商城(58.3%)是消费者购买方便食品的主要渠道;成分安全、无添加剂(51.2%)是多数方便食品消费者对产品的期望发展方向。随着中国居民消费水平的提升,消费者在食品方面的消费支出也随之增加,营养价值、产品安全以及口味成为了消费者关注的重要因素。随着更多地域特色的方便食品、自热食品及预制菜的涌现,方便食品行业越发细分化和多元,品类日趋丰富。
With the continuous development of the economy, consumers are increasingly concerned about food safety and healthy diet, and diversified nutrition and health needs provide huge opportunities for the development of China's convenience food industry. According to the latest China Convenience Food Market Develop-ment and Consumption Insight Report from 2024 to 2025 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, the size of China's convenience food market has reached 673.6 billion yuan in 2023, the prepared food track has emerged, and the product categories of convenience food have been expanded. It is expected that the market size of China's convenience food industry is expected to exceed one trillion yuan in 2026. In 2024, the most frequently purchased convenience foods are instant noodles and instant rice, accounting for 63.1%; Online shopping mall (58.3%) is the main channel for consumers to buy convenience food; Ingredient safety and no additives (51.2%) are the expected development direction of most convenience food consumers. With the improvement of Chinese residents' consumption level, consumers' consumption expenditure on food has also increased, and nutritional value, product safety and taste have become important factors for consumers to pay attention to. With the emergence of more regional characteristics of convenience food, self-heating food and prepared dishes, the convenience food industry is becoming more differentiated and diversified, and the categories are becoming more and more rich.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国咖啡市场消费行为调研报告
当前,随着生活节奏的加快与消费习惯的变化,咖啡已逐渐成为了备受欢迎的休闲饮品,广泛融入人们的休闲时光、日常学习及工作间隙。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国咖啡市场消费行为调研报告》数据显示,超过七成的咖啡爱好者每周至少享用一杯咖啡,将其视为日常生活不可或缺的一部分。在此背景下,咖啡市场迎来了众多参与者,各类咖啡产品层出不穷,其中最受消费者青睐的是星巴克、瑞幸等咖啡店现制现饮咖啡(51.93%),其次是速溶咖啡粉(41.18%)。就咖啡的功能而言,目前消费者最希望其能有效解乏解困(48.88%)、促进新陈代谢(45.23%)等。艾媒咨询分析师认为,尽管咖啡市场前景广阔,但竞争同样异常激烈。企业要想在这个市场中脱颖而出,需持续深入地洞察消费者需求,不断创新研发,推出更多符合消费者期待的咖啡产品。
At present, with the acceleration of the pace of life and the change of consumption habits, coffee has gradually become a popular leisure drink, widely integrated into people's leisure time, daily study and work. According to the latest "2024 China coffee market consumer behavior survey report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, more than 70% of coffee lovers enjoy at least one cup of coffee every week, and regard it as an indispensable part of daily life. In this context, the coffee market has ushered in a large number of participants, various types of coffee products emerge in an endless flow, of which the most favored by consumers is Starbucks, Luckin and other coffee shops made and drunk coffee (51.93%), followed by instant coffee powder (41.18%). In terms of the function of coffee, consumers most want it to effectively relieve fatigue (48.88%) and promote metabolism (45.23%). Imedia Consulting analysts believe that although the coffee market has broad prospects, the competition is also extremely fierce. In order to stand out in this market, enterprises need to continue to have in-depth insight into consumer needs, continuous innovation and research and development, and launch more coffee products that meet consumer expectations.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国无糖饮料行业研究及消费者洞察报告
随着国民消费观念和消费方式不断升级,追求健康生活方式已是大势所趋。无糖化、低糖化渐成全球健康饮食新标准,无糖饮料行业得到快速发展。2023年中国无糖饮料市场规模已达401.6亿元,预计2028年有望达815.6亿元。产业链分布上,上游的茶叶、咖啡豆等原料需求激增,消费旺盛。中游市场上头部企业竞争优势突出。下游渠道上,即时零售业态风起,成为无糖饮料品牌商的新增长渠道。健康属性成为无糖饮料受消费者青睐的主要原因,全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国无糖饮料行业研究及消费者洞察报告》数据显示,45.5%的消费者在购买无糖饮料时注重其健康、减脂效果。目前,线上商超、电商平台为无糖饮料主要购买渠道,即时零售成全渠道发展新增量。未来,无糖饮料市场将朝着“大健康化”的消费方向发展。相关品牌应建立自身技术壁垒,突出产品的差异化和功能化优势,从而满足消费者日趋多元的需求。
As the national consumption concept and methods continue to upgrade, the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle has become an irresistible trend. Sugar-free and low-sugar diets are gradually becoming the new global standard for healthy eating, and the sugar-free beverage industry is developing rapidly. In 2023, the market size of sugar-free beverages in China has reached 40.16 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 81.56 billion yuan by 2028. In terms of industry chain distribution, the demand for raw materials such as tea leaves and coffee beans in the upstream has surged, and consumption is vigorous. In the midstream market, leading companies have a prominent competitive advantage. In the downstream channels, instant retail formats are emerging, becoming a new growth channel for sugar-free beverage brands. Health attributes have become the main reason for sugar-free beverages to be favored by consumers. The latest "2024-2025 China Sugar-Free Beverage Industry Research and Consumer Insight Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economic industry, shows that 45.5% of consumers pay attention to the health and fat reduction effects when purchasing sugar-free beverages. At present, online supermarkets and e-commerce platforms are the main channels for purchasing sugar-free beverages, and instant retail has become an additional volume for the development of all channels. In the future, the sugar-free beverage market will develop towards the direction of "big health" consumption. Relevant brands should establish their own technical barriers, highlight the differentiation and functional advantages of products, so as to meet the increasingly diverse needs of consumers.艾媒咨询|2024年中国养生茶饮行业现状研究及消费者洞察报告
国民健康需求的升级、养生文化的盛行、国家政策的支持与法令法规的准允,为药食同源产业的蓬勃发展提供了有力保障,也为养生茶饮的市场扩容注入了强劲动力。养生茶饮作为健康食疗的一种,结合了拥有数千年的历史底蕴与广大的群众基础的传统中医养生文化,被赋予着“寓医于食”的温和而个性化的天然优势。随着现代生活节奏加快和健康观念普及,养生茶饮成为了健康生活的新宠。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国养生茶饮行业现状研究及消费者洞察报告》数据显示,2023年中国养生茶饮市场规模为411.6亿元,同比增长27.3%;预计2028年将突破千亿元。超九成消费者在每月养生茶饮的消费支出上超过了50元,而消费者消费养生茶饮时最重视的因素为口感与口味,其比例为65.2%。在消费群体年轻化已成趋势、健康理念成消费升级新需求的大背景下,养生茶饮企业需加强产品创新与技术升级为产业提质升级,并扩宽渠道可能,同时努力开拓年轻化的健康消费市场,创新传承中医养生文化来迎合市场需求,方可扩大市场影响力,抓住赛道机遇。
The enhancement of national healthcare needs, the promotion of health culture, the backing of national policies and the enactment of laws and regulations provide a robust assurance for the dynamic growth of the pharmaceutical and food industry, as well as inject a powerful impetus for the market expansion of healthy herbal beverage industry. Healthy herbal beverage, as a form of nutritious diet, integrates traditional Chinese medicine health culture with millennia-old history and broad public support, and is endowed with the gentle and personalized natural advantages of "integrating medicine into food". With the accelerated pace of modern life and widespread adoption of health concepts, healthy herbal beverage has emerged as a new favorite in healthy living.According to the latest Research Report 2024 China Health Herbal Beverage Industry Status Research and Consumer Insight Report released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, China's healthy herbal beverage market size is projected to reach 41.16 billion yuan by 2023, representing a 27.3% increase. It is expected to surpass 100 billion yuan by 2028. Over 90% consumers spend more than 50 yuan per month on healthy herbal beverages, with taste being cited as the most important factor at 65.2%. Against this backdrop where younger consumer groups are gaining prominence and wellness concepts are driving consumption upgrades, healthy herbal beverage companies need to bolster product innovation and technological advancement to enhance quality while expanding potential channels. Simultaneously they should strive to tap into the younger demographic's interest in wellness products through innovative approaches that uphold traditional Chinese medicine culture in order to meet market demand effectively expand their influence.艾媒咨询|2024年中国蒜蓉酱行业创新及消费洞察研究报告
乡村大蒜产业的发展、食品工业化进程的加快、预制菜产业的迅猛发展与B端餐饮市场的不断壮大,进一步推动了调味品的需求增长,为蒜蓉酱细分市场的需求增长注入强劲动力。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)的调研指出,消费者购买蒜蓉酱的主要动机是为了增加食物风味(72.4%),有60.0%的消费者表示倾向于选择有益健康的蒜蓉酱产品;在口味偏好上,辣味蒜蓉酱(41.0%)和原味蒜蓉酱(36.3%)受到消费者的欢迎。随着消费者对蒜蓉酱产品品质、健康属性及便捷性要求的不断提升,企业可通过科技创新,推出低盐、无添加、富含天然成分的健康型蒜蓉酱,同时利用智能化生产与绿色包装技术,响应市场对便捷与可持续性的新需求,实现行业内部的精细分化与高质量发展。
The development of the rural garlic industry, the acceleration of the food industrialization process, the rapid development of the prefabricated food industry and the continuous growth of the B-end catering market, the demand for condiments has been further promoted, and the demand growth of the garlic sauce market segment has injected strong momentum. According to iiMedia Research, the main motivation of consumers to buy garlic sauce is to increase the flavor of food (72.4%), and 60.0% of consumers said they prefer to choose healthy garlic sauce products. In terms of taste preferences, spicy garlic sauce (41.0%) and plain garlic sauce (36.3%) were popular among consumers. With the continuous improvement of consumers' requirements for the quality, health attributes and convenience of garlic sauce products, enterprises can launch healthy garlic sauce with low salt, no additives and rich natural ingredients through scientific and technological innovation, and at the same time use intelligent production and green packaging technology to respond to the new market demand for convenience and sustainability, and achieve fine differentiation and high-quality development within the industry.艾媒咨询|2024年中国虚拟数字人产业发展白皮书
随着AI技术的日益成熟与广泛应用,虚拟数字人从一个遥远的概念逐渐走进了现实世界的舞台,在技术融合与产业升级中扮演至关重要的桥梁与驱动者。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国虚拟数字人产业发展白皮书》数据显示,2023年中国虚拟人带动产业市场规模和核心市场规模分别为3334.7亿元和205.2亿元,预计2025年分别达到6402.7亿元和480.6亿元,呈现强劲的增长态势。
With the increasing maturity and widespread application of AI technology, virtual digital humans have gradually entered the real world stage from a distant concept, playing a crucial bridge and driver in technology integration and industrial upgrading. According to the latest "White Paper on the Development of China's Virtual Digital Human Industry in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis firm in the global new economy industry, the market size and core market size driven by virtual humans in China were 333.47 billion yuan and 20.52 billion yuan respectively in 2023. It is expected to reach 640.27 billion yuan and 48.06 billion yuan respectively in 2025, showing a strong growth trend.
Analysts from iMedia Consulting believe that virtual human technology has the potential to provide users with highly intelligent and personalized services, reducing costs and increasing efficiency for B2B enterprises. Its market demand prospects are broad.艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年中国新消费趋势洞察报告
In 2024, China's consumer market is undergoing an unprecedented transformation. The impact of multiculturalism is constantly subverting and reshaping consumers' shopping habits. With the deepening of globalization and the advancement of international cooperation initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, more and more Chinese enterprises have begun to enter the world stage. The integration of AI technology has brought revolutionary changes to all walks of life, promoted innovation and upgrading of the industry, and brought consumers a more convenient and intelligent consumption experience. Looking back at the wave of new consumption in previous years, the transformation of China's consumer market is far from over. Changes in the economic environment, the reshaping of consumer confidence and the updating and iteration of channel technology have brought unprecedented challenges and opportunities to the market. Therefore, if the brand wants to stand out in the fierce market competition, it must find clues and ideas from the data, deeply understand the needs and preferences of consumers, and constantly innovate and upgrade to conform to the development trend of The Times and win the favor and trust of consumers.
On December 26, 2024, IMedia Consulting held the "IMedia New Consumption Ceremony and 2024 Zhang Yi Annual Speech" in Guangzhou, and Zhang Yi, CEO and chief analyst of IMedia Consulting, deeply analyzed the future tuyair and industry trends around 2024-2025 China's new consumption trend insight, and pointed out the direction of development in 2025 for enterprises with data. The event brings together global economic observers, entrepreneurs and investors to discuss the way forward for new consumer industries.
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