2020年2月24日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国新冠肺炎疫情正负影响行业及典型企业业绩影响分析报告》,主要对受2020年疫情影响的典型行业进行盘点分析,并选取典型企业代表进行业绩影响分析。利好企业代表选取三七互娱、荔枝、金山办公,利空企业代表选取中国国旅、南方航空、鄂武商A等。结合企业以往经营情况,预测新冠肺炎对其2020Q1业绩影响。数据显示,春节七天假期内,iOS畅销榜 Top10-60 的游戏流水总量同比增幅超 100%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,疫情引发的“宅经济”利好游戏行业,流水大幅增加对一度季度业绩形成有力支撑,预计部分头部游戏公司业绩增长有望超过50%,给予“非常乐观”评级。
On February 24, 2020, iiMedia Research, a world-renowned third-party data mining and analysis agency for the new economy industry, released the “Analysis of the Impact of 2020 China's Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia on Industry and Enterprise Performance”, mainly analyzes the typical industries affected by the epidemic situation in 2020, and selects representatives of typical enterprises for performance impact analysis. The analysis shows that Sanqi Interactive Entertainment, LIZHI, and WPS office are selected for representatives of enterprises under positive influence, and China International Travel Service, China Southern Airlines and Wuhan Department Store are selected for representatives of enterprises under negative influence. The novel coronavirus pneumonia was predicted to predict its 2020Q1 performance based on the past business situation. Data show that during the seven-day holiday period of the Spring Festival, the top 10-60 games on iOS best-selling games increased by more than 100% year-on-year. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the "home economy" triggered by the NCP is good for the gaming industry, and the substantial increase in flow has strongly supported the quarterly results. It is expected that the performance of some leading game companies will exceed 50%, giving them a “very optimistic” rating.艾媒报告|2019中国特卖经济发展研究报告
本研究报告涉及企业/品牌/案例:唯品会,TJX,Rue La La,TJ Maxx,Vente-privée,Gilt Groupe,Zulily,Amazon,Myhabit,Bed Bath & Beyond ,Hudson‘s Bay Company ,One Kinds Lane,brands4friends ,eBay,聚美优品,聚尚网,蜜芽,小雨伞,淘宝,鲸特卖,京东,当当,蘑菇街,佳品网,俏物悄语,奥特莱斯广场,尚品网,年糕妈妈
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2019中国特卖市场交易规模将继续保持增长的态势,达到15432.58亿元。在供给侧品牌商库存压力持续加大,需求侧消费者消费升级并回归理性的背景下,中国特卖市场定位于以服饰穿戴类为主的大众消费品,满足了下行周期的市场需求,成为抗周期的最佳商业模式之一。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,74.4%的受访特卖用户表示会关注服饰鞋包折扣优惠情况,消费者对服饰箱包个性化需求高,其折扣更容易激发消费欲望。同时,为了更好的触达消费者,中国特卖电商采用多渠道发展,线上入驻社交平台,线下积极布局奥特莱斯,为消费者提供多样化购物方式。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the transaction amount of China flash sale market is expected to keep growing and reach 1543.258 billion yuan in 2019. Under the circumstance that the inventory pressure of manufacturers keeps increasing as well as consumption upgrades and returns to rationality, China flash sale market is positioned at the mass consumer goods, which are mainly composed of clothing and apparel, meeting the demand in the downward cycle and becoming one of the best business models to resist the cycle. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 74.4% of the interviewed flash sale consumers show that they always pay attention about the discount of clothing, shoes and bags. Consumers have higher personalized demand for clothing, shoes and bags, so their discount is more likely to stimulate the consumers’ shopping desire. What’s more, in order to provide consumers with diversified shopping ways and reach consumers better, China flash sale platforms sale by multiple channels, using social networking platforms online and actively developing outlets offline.艾媒报告|2019中国互联网群体经济用户与消费行为研究报告
截至2019年6月,中国互联网普及率已经达到61.2%,网民规模突破8.5亿人,整体发展进入成熟阶段。与此同时,互联网整体人口红利基本消失,各企业开始将竞争的焦点转移至垂直群体市场。群体经济市场消费者具有同类特点,对于企业而言,其推广成本更低、收益更明显、商业模式更加清晰。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年预计她经济市场规模将达4.8万亿元、老年市场总体规模达4.6万亿元,小镇青年、Z世代、单身人群群体规模超亿人,各类群体经济均进入万亿级市场。但不同群体间需求差异也十分明显,新中产人群追求品质生活,而Z世代人群个性化消费需求则更为明显,垂直群体对产品适配性要求高,因此服务各群体市场的产品也需要更具针对性。
By June 2019, China Internet Penetration Rate has reached 61.2%, and the scale of netizens has exceeded 850 million, and the development of Internet industry has entered a mature stage. Meanwhile, the bonus of general netizens basically disappeared, and the enterprises began to shift the focus of competition to the vertical demographic-oriented market. The consumers of demographic-oriented market have similar characteristics. For enterprises, the promotion cost would be lower, the revenue would be higher, and the business model would be clearer. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in 2020, the market scale of She-conomy in China is expected to reach 4.8 trillion yuan, the overall scale of elderly market is expected to reach 4.6 trillion yuan. The population size of town youth, generation Z, and singles exceeds 100 million respectively. The economy of different demographic groups have entered the market of trillion level. However, the demand difference among different groups is obvious. The new middle class pursue quality life, while the personalized consumption demand of generation Z is more obvious. The vertical demographic groups have high requirements for product adaptability, and therefore the products serving each demographic group market also need to be more targeted.艾媒报告|2019年中国城市商圈发展深度洞察与分析报告
地区经济、交通运输和旅游业的发展促进中国城市商圈繁荣发展,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)监测发现,广东地区对商圈的关注度最高,高收入企业白领是中国一线城市商圈主要消费者;非一线城市在交通运输和旅游业的带动下,也步入商圈快速发展阶段。但值得注意,由于中国商圈的高速发展,商业业态同质化现象严重、商圈客群粘性低等可能成态同质化现象严重是制约商圈进一步发展的主要问题。
Under the influence of the improvement of Chinese residents' consumption level, the diversification of transportation modes and the continuous prosperity of tourism, China's urban business district has developed rapidly. China's first-tier cities have densely distributed business districts, and there are a large number of core business districts. The shops in the business circle are densely populated and the transportation is convenient. The number of non-first-tier cities is small, but driven by economic development, transportation and tourism, the non-first-tier cities develop rapidly. According to iiMedia Research, the concentration index of Chengdu's business district is the highest, reaching 138.0, followed by Chongqing and Shanghai, which business circle intensity indexes are 133.6 and 102.3 respectively. At present, the Chinese urban business district has experienced the traditional department store period and the shopping mall period, and has now entered the period of large-scale commercial complex, forming a multi-center, multi-level, networked business circle distribution pattern. However, at this stage, China's urban business district still has problems such as serious homogenization of commercial formats, low attraction of business districts, and low customer density in the business circle. In the future, transformation and upgrading, consumers’ demands and the construction of a “smart business circle” are important directions for the development of urban business districts.艾媒舆情|2020中国“新冠”疫期企业租金减免事件商情舆情监测分析报告
During the Spring Festival of 2020, the continuation of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic will gradually affect the consumer sector. Residents on long holidays generally reduced their outings, consumer flows such as business and catering dropped sharply, and shops were also under rent pressure.