2020年中国早教行业市场规模达3038亿元,同比增长13.6%,预计2021年市场规模将达到3276亿元。首先是中国早教行业宏观环境的利好,政府在相关政策法规中多次提及发展早教教育。同时,社会对优质人才的需求以及国民早教意识的提高,使得国民在教育上的投资占比逐年提高,进而推动着早教行业的发展。其次,人工智能等技术的融合应用也为早教行业带来革新。随着疫情后中国经济的复苏,市场需求将推动早教行业的规模进一步扩大,行业在资本市场的投融资热度也将有所上升。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近半数早教内容集中于对儿童兴趣方面的培养,主要包括音乐、书法与艺术等。其中,64.1%的家长注重课程内容的丰富性与专业性,55.7%的家长表示重视早教机构的师资力量和品牌。中国早教行业相比国外仍有较大差距,市场发展潜力巨大。伴随着新一代父母对子女教育重视程度的提升,早教市场规模将大幅度上升。
The market size of China's early childhood education industry in 2020 will reach 303.8 billion yuan, an increase of 13.6% year-on-year. It is expected that the market size will reach 327.6 billion yuan in 2021. The first is the favorable macro environment of China's early childhood education industry. The government has repeatedly mentioned the development of early childhood education in relevant policies and regulations. At the same time, the society's demand for high-quality talents and the increasing awareness of national early education have caused the proportion of national investment in education to increase year by year, which in turn promotes the development of the early education industry. Secondly, the integrated application of artificial intelligence and other technologies has also brought innovation to the early education industry. With the recovery of China's economy after the epidemic, market demand will promote the further expansion of the early education industry, and the industry's investment and financing enthusiasm in the capital market will also increase. According to data from iiMedia Research, nearly half of early education content focuses on the cultivation of children's interest, mainly including music, calligraphy and art. Among them, 64.1% of the parents paid attention to the richness and professionalism of the course content, and 55.7% of the parents stated that they valued the strength and brand of early education institutions. Compared with foreign countries, China's early education industry still has a big gap, and the market has great potential for development. As the new generation of parents pay more attention to their children's education, the scale of the early education market will increase substantially.艾媒咨询|2020年9-10月中国母婴行业运行及上市公司双月报告
Data shows that the current maternity clothing products are mostly concentrated in the price range below 30 yuan, and breastfeeding bras have also begun to become popular products. iiMedia Research believes that currently pregnant women are still more inclined to buy cheap products. However, with the continuous increase of post-95 mothers and the continuous change of user concepts, high-end and functional products will become the mainstream in the future.艾媒咨询|2020H1中国母婴新零售行业研究报告
新冠疫情的爆发激发了母婴行业对转型升级紧迫性、重要性的认知,成为了线上线下加速融合的助推器。目前连锁母婴品牌的线下发展已经呈现出一定的分化,少数品牌凭借轻资产扩张模式取得了亮眼表现。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在母婴消费品质升级的长期趋势下,线下实体母婴门店在逐步品牌化、连锁化的同时也将延伸线上业务,通过线上服务增强顾客粘性。而对于布局线上的母婴企业,疫情期间以直播为代表的线上营销方式起势正猛,有望走向常态化。艾媒咨询分析师认为,供需侧的变化加速了母婴产业线上线下融合, 母婴新零售体系日趋完善。在母婴新零售业态不断发展的过程中,持续升级产品服务,才是母婴新零售企业长续经营的关键。
The outbreak of coVID19 has aroused the awareness of the urgency and importance of transformation and upgrading in the maternal and infant industry, which has become a booster for accelerating the integration of online and offline industries. At present, the offline development of chain maternal and infant brands has presented a trend of differentiation, and a few brands have made a bright performance by virtue of the assetlight expansion mode. iiMedia consulting analyst believes that under the long-term trend of upgrading the consumption quality, offline brick-and-mortar stores for mothers and infants will gradually become branded and chain-store. Meanwhile they would extend their online business and using online services to enhance customer stickiness. For online maternal and child enterprises, the online marketing represented by live broadcast during the epidemic is gaining momentum and is expected to be normalized. iiMedia consulting analyst believes that the changes on the supply and demand side have accelerated the online and offline integration of the maternal and infant industry. The new maternal and infant retail system is becoming more and more complete. In the process of the development of maternal and infant new retail business, the continuous upgrading of products and services is the key.艾媒咨询|2020年中国“新奶爸”消费行为及发展趋势分析报告
Unlike the image of the seriously rigid older father, the young "new milk dad" of the 80s and 90s has different characteristics and consumption concepts. iiMedia Research believes that at this stage of the live e-commerce industry has become a mouth, and in April 2020 Taobao live APP male and female users in the proportion of basically flat, 25-40 years of users reached 50.7%, to a certain extent reflects the "new milk dad" group has been accustomed to the emerging live-streaming e-commerce consumption model, and as one of its main consumption forms.艾媒咨询|2020年5-6月中国直播电商行业运行数据监测双月报告
During the 2020 618 Shopping Festival, the e-commerce platforms recorded a new high. iiMedia Research believes that live e-commerce led the 618 shopping festival consumption frenzy, Taobao live with its online platform and head anchor traffic resources, in the live e-commerce industry in the leading position, but with more and more platforms into the market, live e-commerce industry competition is becoming more intense.艾媒报告| 2020年中国妈妈群体行为洞察报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年中国新生婴儿规模达到1465万,预计2020年分娩的妈妈群体达到1530万。这部分妈妈群体中,90后人群已成妈妈群体主力。在家庭育儿方面, 妈妈群体是家庭育儿的主力, 而父亲在家庭孕育中的角色担当也在逐步提升。而这对亲子社交、孕育知识获取、母婴产品购买等有着巨大需求的年轻妈妈群体,更依赖于互联网渠道。伴随着需求细分,单一的运营模式开始转向多元服务发展,艾媒咨询分析师认为,移动母婴平台,尤其是母婴综合社区,拥有海量专业孕育知识,并为妈妈群体提供交流互动平台,更易受到妈妈群体的青睐。
According to iiMedia Research, 14.65 million babies were born in China in 2019, and 15.3 million mothers are expected to give birth in 2020. In this part of the mother group, the post-90s crowd has become the main force of the mother group. In terms of family child-rearing, the mother group is the main force of family child-rearing, and the father's role in family pregnancy is also gradually improving. This group of young mothers, who have a huge demand for parent-child social contact, acquisition of pregnancy knowledge and purchase of maternal and infant products, are more dependent on Internet channels. With the demand segmentation, the single operation mode starts to change to the development of multiple services. According to the analysts of iiMedia consulting, the mobile mother and baby platform, especially the comprehensive community of mother and baby, has a large amount of professional gestation knowledge and provides an interactive platform for the mother group, which is more favored by the mother group.艾媒报告|2020H1中国婴幼市场运行状况及消费行为调研报告
2020年5月6日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1中国婴幼市场运行状况及消费行为调研报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对食品、用品、服务等婴幼儿市场的各个细分领域运行状况进行市场分析,并且通过1017名用户的问卷调研对以及消费行为进行了考察,结合飞鹤、美赞臣、爹地宝贝等企业的案例分析,判断2020-2021年中国婴幼行业的发展趋势。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着收入的提升,意味着消费群体有了更多支出的空间,中国居民的婴幼儿相关消费能力增强,对婴幼儿产业有一定的利好作用。但是由于收入水平有限且支出种类多,宝妈在婴幼儿产品的支出中则保持谨慎的态度,但是消费金额高的人群占比在将来会有增加。
Infant industry consumption is just in need, with a huge consumer group. The impact of the new crown epidemic on the infant and child industry segmentation is different. In terms of APP, the average number of monthly active users bred by Mom.com in January 2020 reached 17.514 million, an increase of 2.47% month-on-month; and the infant and childcare industry received a significant impact. The market size in 2020 is expected to decline by 60%.艾媒报告|2020年1-2月中国母婴行业运行状况及企业商情动态月度报告
During the epidemic, the top three most downloaded APP types among mother groups were news, maternal and child vertical, and social. In January 2020, the mother-and-baby app with the largest monthly active population was conceived by Maoma.com, with a total of 17,514,400 people, an increase of 2.47% from the previous month.艾媒报告|2019-2020年中国新零售产业研究报告
Data show that the retail scale of China's social consumer goods has steadily increased, reaching 41.2 trillion yuan in 2019. The proportion of online retail sales has also continued to rise. In 2019, online retail sales reached 10.6 trillion yuan, accounting for 25.7% of total retail sales of consumer goods. Driven by consumption upgrades and emerging technologies, the new retail industry is booming, and the trillion-dollar market is accelerating. At present, the new retail industry is accelerating the integration of online and offline, new marketing is emerging endlessly, and the overall characteristics of omnichannel, digitalization, and community are presented. The new retail ecosystem consisting of data, supply chain, logistics, payment, and finance has been continuously improved, prompting the rapid development of a variety of new retail formats for segments, categories, and markets, and a number of more new retail benchmarking company with development potential. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that new retail challenges and opportunities coexist. In the short term, the dividends of the growth of the Internet population are exhausting, and competition in the industry is becoming increasingly fierce. It places higher requirements on upstream and downstream players in the new retail industry chain to test marketing capabilities and refined operation capabilities. In the long term, it will use emerging information technologies such as 5G, big data, and artificial intelligence Means, new and old retail companies will be given more capabilities, the overall efficiency of the industry is expected to increase significantly, and the market size will also accelerate.艾媒报告|2020-2021年中国口罩行业市场状况与趋势研究报告
2020年2月19日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020-2021年中国口罩行业市场状况与趋势研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对中国口罩行业的发展现状以及产业链细分领域进行深度分析,以欣龙控股、兴诺科技、阳普医疗等口罩企业为典型进行商情分析,深入探究运行模式和发展趋势。近几年中国口罩产业产值及产量均保持约10%的高速稳定增长,而2020年的新冠病毒疫情,令口罩从非必备常态的产品转变为必备的临时防护用品,预计2020年口罩将领跑中国防护用品领域。然而艾媒咨询分析师认为,2020下半年至2021年,口罩行业可能面临严重的产能过剩问题,如何通过提高口罩品质、品牌价值以增加口罩产品的附加值和出口海外的竞争力是行业发展的关键。
In recent years, the output value and output of China's mask industry have maintained a rapid and stable growth of about 10%. The COVID-19 epidemic will transform masks into necessary temporary protective supplies in 2020. However, iiMedia Consulting remind that from the second half of 2020 to 2021, the mask industry may face serious overcapacity. How to increase the quality of masks and brand value to increase the added value of mask products and the competition for export overseas that is the key to the development of the industry .
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