数据显示,2020年中国考生规模达到1071万人,较2019年增长40万人,人数规模创历史新高。考生竞争压力大,高考志愿填报难度高。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调查数据显示,超四成中国高考关注者将专业选择作为填报时的首要考量因素。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着信息技术和交通设施的不断进步,异地工作、异地实习等都成为可能,因此专业本身的选择对学生未来的职业发展影响最大。
In 2020, the number of Chinese college entrance examination candidates reached 10.71 million, and the difficulty of applying for college entrance examinations has further increased. According to the survey data of iiMedia Research, over 40% interviewees regard professional choice as the primary consideration. iiMedia Research believes that with the continuous improvement of information technology and transportation facilities, off-site work and off-site internship are all possible, so the choice of major itself has the greatest impact on the future career development of students.艾媒报告|2020H1后疫时代全球呼吸机等医疗器械产品监测及企业案例报告
2020年4月21日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1后疫时代全球呼吸机等医疗器械产品监测及企业案例报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对全球范围内的医疗器械产品进行全面分析,并且报告聚焦于疫情问题下的呼吸机、额温枪等医疗器械,具体针对美敦力、GE医疗、迈瑞医疗、万孚生物、鱼跃医疗和乐普医疗等典型案例分析,对2020-2021年医疗器械行业发展进行趋势预判。特别在全球新冠肺炎疫情的严峻情势下,呼吸机、额温枪等医疗器械需求猛增,飞利浦、美敦力等西方医疗器械企业快速提高产量,以支持抗疫工作的迫切需求;同时,中国呼吸机等医疗器械企业的海外业务量有明显增长。艾媒咨询分析师认为,全球疫情势必带动医疗器械行业发展,但中国企业应当在保证自身产品质量的基础上抓住机遇,实现业务出海。
According to the data, the global medical device market has continued to increase in size since 2016, and the global medical device market is expected to reach USD 477.4 billion in 2020. Especially under the influence of the New Crown epidemic, the global demand for medical equipment such as ventilators and oxygen concentrators has increased dramatically. Overseas orders for Chinese medical device companies have skyrocketed. Within a certain period, the concept stocks of ventilator in the A-share market have risen.艾媒报告|2019年12月-2020年1月中国医疗器械行业运行及上市公司双月度报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌包括:Mavidon,Titan Medical,Aspire Capital Fund,CentriMag,汇桥资本集团,联影医疗技术集团,医达极星,大博医疗,安捷伦,润扬医疗器械,迈瑞医疗,乐普医疗,威高医用,华大基因,安图生物,健帆生物,鱼跃医疗,京东方科技,美亚光电,东软集团,祥生医疗,硕世生物,佰仁医疗,爱博诺德,伟思医疗,安必平,林华医疗,拱东医疗,天智航,三友医疗,赛科希德等。
截至 2020 年 1 月 31 日 24:00,国家卫生健康委员会公布全国确诊病例 11791 例,重症病例 1795 例。短期来看,预计疫情将继续持续一段时间。肺炎疫情期间,病毒检测带动试剂盒需求增加;病毒治疗带动医用设备及医用耗材需求增加。部分医疗器械企业有望构成业绩增厚。
As of 24:00 on January 31, 2020, the National Health Commission announced 11791 confirmed cases and 1795 severe cases. In the short term, the outbreak is expected to continue for some time. During the pneumonia epidemic, virus detection drives demand for kits; virus treatment drives demand for medical equipment and supplies. Some medical device companies are expected to increase their performance.艾媒报告 |2019中国K12在线教育行业研究报告
在政策鼓励、AI技术进步的环境下,K12在线教育的市场规模进一步扩大。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,目前在线学科辅导仍然是K12在线教育的主要需求,超过八成的在线教育用户是为了进行学科辅导,英语和数学是在线学科辅导中最热门的两个学科。超过六成的K12在线学科辅导用户认可成绩提升效果。除了学科辅导,K12素质教育这一个细分市场也开始受到在线教育平台的关注。K12兴趣教育课程中编程最受欢迎(占比22.8%),其次是绘画和声乐等课程。虽然在线教育行业发展逐渐成熟,但K12在线教育在各线城市的认知程度仍存在差异,一线城市的用户比例(50.4%)远高于二三线城市(分别为35.6%和21.1%)。面对三四线城市广阔的发展市场,未来行业将呈现下沉式的发展趋势。K12在线教育也正处在协调配合线下教育的调整期,将通过线上线下教育的融合更好地解决在线教育教学进度难以跟进和课堂氛围缺乏等痛点。
The market scale of K12 online education will be further expanded in the future, where there existed the supporting policies and advanced AI technology. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, online subject tutoring is still the main demand of K12 online education users. Over 80% of online education users were subject tutoring users. Among all the subjects, English and Math were the two most popular subjects. More than 60% of K12 online education users were satisfied with the achievement enhancement effect of online subject tutoring. In spite of online subject tutoring, online education industry started to pay attention to the market segment of the quality education. K12 programming was the most popular extracurricular lesson, accounting for 22.8%. The followings were painting and vocal music. Although the online education industry was growing to be gradually mature, there were still differences in the cognitive level of K12 online education in various cities. The proportion of K12 online education users in first-tier city (50.4%) was significantly higher than the proportions of the second and third-tier cities (35.6% and 21.1% respectively). Facing the large amounts of development opportunities in third-tier and fourth-tier cities, the industry is showing a downward trend. At the same time, K12 online education industry was adjusting itself to cooperate with the offline education, and trying to solve to the pain points of having difficulties in following up the progress and lacking of real class atmosphere.艾媒报告 |2019中国中小学校外辅导市场与课业负担状况专题调查报告
Although the state has carried out a major rectification of the education industry in 2018, problems such as uneven distribution of educational resources, single teaching methods and uneven off-campus tutoring still exist. In 2018, the academic pressure on Chinese primary and middle school students is still heavy, and the pressure on parents is increasing. The holiday has become the “third semester“. According to the data of iiMedia Research, half of the students spend 3-4 hours on homework during school, most of the primary and secondary school students have academic tests every week during school, most of the parents of primary and secondary school students insist on off-campus tutoring, and the off-campus tutoring takes up nearly half of the time in holidays. In the future, the “Internet + education“ and virtual reality will help the inclusive education. The ministry of education will continue to issue policies to relieve pressure. Schools and parents will work together to help students grow up healthily and happily.艾媒报告|2018中国在线教育行业白皮书
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2020年中国在线教育用户规模将达2.96亿人。在线教育的突出优势在于灵活便捷、资源丰富,并且结合AI、VR、AR等技术满足用户多元化、个性化的需求,弥补了传统线下教育存在的不足和缺陷。84.9%的在线教育用户认可线上线下结合的教育模式。艾媒咨询分析师认为,人工智能技术的发展将推动个性化在线教育普及。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed,It is estimated that the scale of online education users in China will reach 296 million in 2020. The outstanding advantages of online education are flexible and convenient, rich in resources, and combined with AI, VR, AR and other technologies to meet the diversified and personalized needs of users, making up for the shortcomings and shortcomings of traditional offline education. 84.9% of online education users recognize the online and offline education model. In the future, the development and application of artificial intelligence technology will promote the popularization of personalized online education.
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