Under the influence of the Covid-19 epidemic, China has introduced a policy of "suspending classes and not stopping schools", which has accelerated the penetration rate of the online education industry. With the increase in national disposable income, the development of Internet penetration has brought a new round of growth in the online education industry. In 2020, the number of online education users is expected to reach 351 million, and the online education market is expected to exceed 480 billion RMB. Under the new growth, the online education industry has new innovative directions in the fields of teaching models, access channels, and technological empowerment. In terms of teaching mode, double-teacher live broadcast of large classes is the main course form of major online education institutions. On the basis of ensuring the scale of courses, efficient use of teacher resources has formed a good business profit model. Secondly, offline education institutions affected by the epidemic have also turned to online development and innovated the OMO model. With the vigorous development of artificial intelligence technology, the online education industry effectively uses AI technology to empower teaching, which not only improves teaching quality and experience, but also effectively reduces its customer acquisition cost through self-developed intelligent teaching hardware and intelligent answering services in order to acquire a nice operational efficiency.艾媒咨询|2020上半年中国在线少儿英语教育行业研究报告
政策门槛的提升加速了行业的整合,疫情带来了新的发展机遇,中国在线青少儿英语行业迎来新发展,2020年中国在线少儿英语教育市场规模达到4858亿元,预计到2021年底市场渗透率将达到37%,2022年将达51%。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,53.6%的受访者更倾向于选择AI趣味互动课,49.2%的受访者会选择游戏教学课,在线少儿英语教育用户倾向于选择兼顾互动性和趣味性的教学方式,从而提升少儿对于学习的兴趣和学习效果。未来,在线少儿英语教育市场格局将趋于纺锤形,行业分化愈发明显,头部机构将利用自身优势抓住机遇,迎来一波新的高速增长机会。随着在线教育下沉,本地化网校将迎来崛起,地域龙头布局本地化网校,OMO 混合服务模式将愈发普遍。
The increase in policy thresholds has accelerated the integration of the industry and the epidemic has brought new development opportunities. China's online English education for children industry has ushered in new developments. In 2020, China's online English education for children market will reach 485.8 billion yuan. It is expected that the market penetration rate will reach 37% by the end of 2021 and 51% in 2022. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 53.6% of respondents are more inclined to choose AI fun interactive courses, and 49.2% of respondents would choose game teaching courses, which implies that and China's online English education for children users tend to choose a teaching method that takes into account both interactive and interesting teaching methods, thereby enhancing children’s learning Interest and learning effect. In the future, the online English education for children market will tend to be a spindle shape, and industry differentiation will become more apparent. Head institutions will use their own advantages to seize opportunities and usher in a new wave of high-speed growth opportunities. With the sinking of online education, regional leaders will deploy localized online schools, and the OMO hybrid service model will become more common.艾媒咨询|后疫情时代中国在线教育行业研究报告
在后疫情时代下,中国在线教育的市场规模受疫情正面刺激不断扩大,中国在线青少儿英语市场规模在2020年第一季度达260亿元,用户规模约580万人,市场渗透率达22%。在线教育市场红利也吸引了大量资本,2019年融资总额达115亿元。报告显示,提升产品质量吸引用户并促进高效运营是在线教育行业的优势,同时应抓住下沉市场潜力大和技术革新的机遇来迎接挑战。在后疫情时代下,随着政策的支持和5g、AI等技术的推动,中国在线教育的市场规模进一步扩大,根据iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2020年中国在线教育市场规模将达到4858亿元。截至2020年4月,中国在线青少儿英语市场规模达260亿元,用户规模约580万人,市场渗透率达22%。经过疫情期在线教育的爆发式增长,在用户习惯不断养成的背景下,预计到2021年底,中国在线青少儿英语市场渗透率将达到37%,2022年将达51%。近年来,在线教育市场红利吸引了越来越多的投资注入,2019年,中国在线教育行业共发生融资事件150起,融资总额达115亿元。由于2020新冠疫情的正面刺激,中国在线教育行为和习惯得以普及,尤其是K12阶段和职业教育阶段两个方面市场将得到巨大的释放,展现出巨大的市场前景,2025年中国在线教育市场规模有望超8000亿元。报告分析显示,在线教育行业需提升产品质量吸引用户并促进高效运营,抓住下沉市场潜力大和技术革新的机遇,迎接中国在线教育行业发展的挑战。
During the post-epidemic period, with the support of policies and the promotion of 5G, AI and other technologies, the market scale of China's online education is further expanded. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the market scale of China's online education is expected to reach 485.8 billion yuan in 2020. By April 2020, China's online youth English market has reached 26 billion yuan, with about 5.8 million users and a market penetration rate of 22%. After the explosive growth of online education during the epidemic period, it is estimated that the penetration rate of Online English for young children in China will reach 37% by the end of 2021 and 51% by 2022 under the background of the continuous formation of user habits. In recent years, the dividend of online education market has attracted more and more investment. In 2019, China's online education industry witnessed a total of 150 financing events with a total financing amount of 11.5 billion yuan. Thanks to the positive stimulus of coVID-19 in 2020, online education behaviors and habits become more and more popular in China. In particular, the market of K12 and vocational education will be greatly released, showing a huge market prospect. By 2025, the size of China's online education market is expected to exceed 800 billion yuan. According to the analysis of the report, the online education industry needs to improve product quality to attract users and promote efficient operation, seize the opportunity of potential sinking market and technological innovation to meet the development challenges of China's online education industry.艾媒咨询|2020年中国网络综艺行业热点及平台发展分析报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年下半年,主流平台网络综艺题材方面,观察体验类综艺节目热度不减,音乐、选秀竞技类节目战火延续,电商、时尚的兴起,潮流综艺迎来小高潮,直播带货格外火热,直播带货节目也同步落地开花。
iiMedia Research data show that in the second half of 2020, the mainstream platform network variety variety theme, observation experience class variety show heat, music, talent show competitive programs continue to fight, the rise of e-commerce, fashion, the trend of variety shows a small climax, live with goods extra hot, live delivery programs also synchronized flowering.
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