iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询)数据显示,过去6年保健品行业市场规模保持两位数的增速,至2019年,市场规模约达2227亿元,2021年有望突破3300亿元。随着健康消费观念提升,养生需求从“银发一族”逐渐往“年轻一代”扩散。此外新兴科技与行业融合将推动产品和服务升级,为行业发展带来利好。消费者方面,超四成的受访者将产品品牌作为其购买时首要考虑因素,其中43.8%的消费者是自发购买保健品的,另外消费者对保健品行业的信心逐渐恢复,五成受访者看好保健品行业发展,超七成受访消费者认为保健品行业合规性有所提高。艾媒咨询分析师认为,目前保健品行业呈较好发展态势,但与此同时保健品行业同质化竞争激烈,在消费人群的扩大化、细分化的趋势下,企业需要通过加强品牌建设和精细化管理,提升产品及服务品质,更好适应市场变化。
According to the data of iiMedia Research,in the past 6 years, the market size of the health products industry has maintained a double-digit growth rate. By 2019, the market size will be approximately 222.7 billion yuan, which is expected to exceed 330 billion yuan in 2021. With the upgrading concept of healthy consumption, the demand for health care has gradually spread from the “silver-haired people” to the “younger generation”. In addition, the integration of emerging technologies and industries will promote the improving of products and services, bringing benefits to the development of the industry. In terms of consumers, over 40% of the interviewees regard product brand as their primary consideration when purchasing. 43.8% of consumers purchase health products spontaneously. In addition, consumer confidence in the health care product industry has gradually recovered. Nearly 50% of the respondents are optimistic about the development of the health care product industry, and over 70% of the consumers believe that the compliance of the health care product industry has improved. Besides, consumer confidence in the health care product industry has gradually recovered. Nearly 50% of the respondents are optimistic about the development of the health care product industry, and over 70% of the interviewed consumers believe that the compliance of the health care product industry has improved. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the current health care industry is showing a good development trend, but at the same time, under the trend of expanding and subdividing consumer groups ,the homogenization of the health care industry is fiercely competitive. Enterprises need to enhance the quality of products and services by strengthening brand building and refined management to better adapt to market changes.艾媒报告|2020年“罗永浩直播带货首秀”热点监测报告
艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统显示,罗永浩直播首秀吸引了广泛关注,关键词“罗永浩”的热度在4月1日直播当天飙升,网络热度指数峰值达到2419,“罗永浩口误”,“罗永浩鞠躬”等话题也拥有较高的网络热度。经过充分预热并借助名人效应,直播累计观看人数超4800万人,达到1.7亿元交易额,订单量超90万件,且转化交易效果明显。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,关注罗永浩直播的网民七成为80/90后,六成认为罗永浩更适合带货消费电子类产品,超六成网民因好奇观看直播,超五成对直播表示满意。艾媒咨询分析师认为,罗永浩此次直播将推动中国直播电商行业的普及和发展,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国直播电商行业市场规模大且增长迅速,2019年市场规模达到4338亿元,受此次直播和疫情的影响,预计市场规模将大幅提升至9160亿元。同时长期来看,为提升转化率,电商直播应注意品牌口碑和商品质量。
As the data of iiMedia Public Opinion Monitoring system showed, Yonghao Luo's First E-Commerce Livestreaming show attracted wide attention. The Internet heat index of keyword "Luo Yonghao" soared on the day of the show on April 1, and the peak of the index reached 2419. "Luo Yonghao misreading", "Luo Yonghao bowed" and other topics also has a high degree of Internet heat index. After fully warming up and taking advantage of the celebrity effect, the cumulative number of the E-Commerce Livestreaming show viewers exceeded 48 million, and the show reached a transaction volume of 170 million yuan, which order volume exceeded 9 miillion and conversion transaction effect was obvious. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, over 70% of netizens who followed Yonghao Luo's E-Commerce Livestreaming show are 20 to 40 years old, 60% believed that Yonghao Luo is more suitable for selling consumer electronics products, over 60% watched live broadcast because of curiosity, and over 50% expressed satisfaction with the E-Commerce Livestreaming show. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that Yonghao Luo's E-Commerce Livestreaming show will promote the popularization and development of China's Livestreaming E-Commerce industry. According to data from iiMedia Research, China's Livestreaming E-Commerce industry has a large and rapidly growing market, which reached 433.8 billion yuan in 2019. Affected by the live broadcast and the COVID-19 epidemic, the market size is expected to increase to 916 billion yuan. At the same time, in the long run, in order to improve the conversion rate, E-Commerce Livestreaming show should pay attention to brand reputation and product quality.艾媒报告|2019中国电子发票行业研究报告
当前数字经济已经成为中国经济发展的新动能,推动传统领域进行数字变革的呼声日渐高涨。电子发票作为中国税务信息化的重要载体以及帮助企业实现数字化转型的有效工具,其推广和应用势在必行。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年全国电子发票开具数量为32.7亿张,较2017年增长了257.1%,预计2021年将接近500亿张。超六成受访网民对电子发票有所了解,使用率超过三成,且整体满意度较高。在使用场景方面,电商平台是最主要的线上场景,餐厅是最常使用的线下场景。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在政策力推、技术发展、资本支持下,电子发票将会加速渗透,具备较高技术实力和服务能力的玩家有望率先发展,行业马太效应逐渐形成。
At present, the digital economy has become a new driving force of China's economic development, and the voice of promoting digital transformation in traditional fields is growing. As an important carrier of China's tax informatization and an effective tool to help enterprises realize digital transformation, the promotion and application of electronic invoice is imperative. According to the data of iiMedia Research, the number of e-invoices issued nationwide in 2018 was 3.27 billion, an increase of 257.1% compared with 2017, and it is expected to be close to 50 billion in 2021. More than 60% of the netizens interviewed have some knowledge of electronic invoice. Although the utilization rate is less than 30%, the overall satisfaction is high. In terms of use scenarios, e-commerce platform is the most important online scenario, while restaurant is the most commonly used offline scenario. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that under the support of policy promotion, technology development and capital, e-invoice will accelerate penetration, and players with high technical strength and service ability are expected to take the lead in development, and the Matthew effect of the industry is gradually formed.艾媒研报|石头科技:势能转换初见成效,自主发展仍待时日
在政策、经济、技术、人口等因素的驱动下,服务机器人行业快速发展,并呈现出比比工业机器人更为广阔的市场空间。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计到2020年,中国服务机器人年销售额将超过300亿元。扫地机器人在整个服务机器人市场是非常重要的一个细分领域,产品相对成熟,竞争也较为激烈。市场参与者包括新兴服务机器人公司、传统家电公司、互联网公司以及各种创业公司等,目前在国内主流电商平台上销售的智能扫地机器人品牌已近 200 个,其中头部品牌效应较为明显。石头科技作为专注于智能清洁机器人领域的科技企业,在小米集团的协助下快速发展,并于2017年开始推出自有品牌,为公司营收增长注入新动能。2018年石头科技营收30.5亿元,其中自有品牌贡献过半。虽然石头科技在业务发展方面有所调整,但想要完全脱离小米实现自主发展还需要时间。
Driven by factors such as policy, economy, technology and population, the service robot industry has developed rapidly and presents a broader market space than industrial robots. According to iiMedia Research, it is estimated that by 2020, the annual sales of service robots in China will exceed 30 billion yuan. Sweeping robots are a very important segment in the entire service robot market. The products are relatively mature and the competition is fierce. Market participants include emerging service robot companies, traditional home appliance companies, Internet companies, and various startup companies. Currently, there are nearly 200 smart sweeping robot brands sold on mainstream domestic e-commerce platforms, of which the head brand effect is more obvious. As a technology company specializing in intelligent cleaning robots, Roborock has developed rapidly with the assistance of Xiaomi Group. In 2017, it launched its own brand and injected new momentum into the company's revenue growth. In 2018, Roborock's revenue was 3.05 billion yuan, of which half of its own brands contributed. Although Roborock has made adjustments in its business development, it will take time to completely realize its independent development from Xiaomi.艾媒报告 |2019年中国直销行业发展状况与政策舆论环境监测报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌包括:权健、华林酸碱平、无限极、然健环球、康宝莱、天狮、佳莱、绿之韵集团、铸源、和治友德、康婷、清晨、玫琳凯、金诃藏药、炎帝生物、NATURES SUNSHINE、安利、完美、隆力奇、尚赫
2018年,权健、无限极、康宝莱等负面舆情频发令直销行业再次成为舆论焦点。2019年1月1日,国家将继续加大直销行业处罚力度,15家直销企业被商务部勒令整改。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,直销违规事件影响了69.6%消费者的相关选购需求,其中,30.4%消费者表示再也不会购买涉案企业商品。短期看来,直销行业持牌企业增长率将放缓,同时直销行业中的母婴、保健品类产品监管将加强。
The latest data of the State Administration for industry and Commerce show that in 2017, the National Chamber of Commerce, industry and market supervision total 52 cases of direct sales violations, a fine of 32 million yuan. Among them, false publicity has become the most common business problem in the operation of direct selling enterprises. 2018 to Quanjian, Infinity, Compaulay, health Global, waring acid and alkali equality of a number of direct sales enterprises suspected of violations, contusion the purchase confidence of 69.6% of consumers. Among them, abandoning the purchase of all products involved in the Enterprise (30.4%) and abandoning the purchase of direct selling industry involved in the category (41.3%) became the choice of the majority. In the future, the regulatory environment will be further tightened, with the growth of licensed companies slowing. At the same time, the reform of direct selling enterprise management mode becomes an inevitable requirement.
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