艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国水果市场消费行为分析报告
水果作为人们日常生活中不可或缺的食品,其市场规模庞大且持续增长。随着消费者健康意识的提升、生活水平的提高,以及物流和保鲜技术的发展,水果市场呈现出多元化、高品质化的发展趋势。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国水果市场消费行为分析报告》数据显示,53.06% 的消费者表达出购买意愿,这一占比最高,彰显出强劲的消费需求。在水果品类选择上,口感和风味更佳的有机或绿色认证水果备受青睐,占比达49.91%,契合当下消费者对高品质生活的追求。而在关注点方面,42.54% 的消费者将提升安全性、减少农药残留视为关键,凸显出食品安全问题在消费者心中的核心地位。这意味着水果行业在未来发展中,需着重优化品质,扩大有机、绿色水果的供应,严格把控农药残留,以此满足消费者需求,抢占市场先机。艾媒咨询分析师认为,水果市场作为一个庞大且充满活力的市场,具有广阔的发展前景。在消费升级和技术创新的推动下,水果市场将朝着健康、品质、便捷、多样化的方向发展。
As an indispensable food in People's Daily life, fruit has a large and growing market. With the improvement of consumers' health awareness, the improvement of living standards and the development of logistics and preservation technology, the fruit market has shown a diversified and high-quality development trend. According to the latest "Analysis Report on China fruit market Consumption behavior in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, 53.06% of consumers expressed their intention to buy, which accounts for the highest proportion, highlighting strong consumer demand. In the selection of fruit categories, organic or green certified fruits with better taste and flavor are favored, accounting for 49.91%, which is in line with the current consumers' pursuit of high-quality life. In terms of concerns, 42.54% of consumers regard improving safety and reducing pesticide residues as the key, highlighting the core position of food safety issues in the minds of consumers. This means that in the future development of the fruit industry, it is necessary to focus on optimizing the quality, expanding the supply of organic and green fruits, and strictly controlling pesticide residues in order to meet consumer demand and seize market opportunities. Imedia Consulting analysts believe that the fruit market, as a large and dynamic market, has broad prospects for development. Driven by consumption upgrading and technological innovation, the fruit market will develop in the direction of health, quality, convenience and diversification.艾媒咨询|2020H1中国直播电商行业主播职业发展现状及趋势研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:谦寻文化,青藤文化,Drama TV。
2020年5月27日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1中国直播电商行业主播职业发展现状及趋势研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对在直播电商行业的主播情况进行深度分析,剖析主播薪酬、主播能力、主播与MCN机构博弈等的关键信息,总结当前的主播发展业态并且预判2020-2021年中国直播电商行业主播职业发展趋势及风险。艾媒咨询分析师认为,“门槛低”“薪资高”“需求大”,电商直播行业持续吸引大量人才加入赛道,带货主播行业竞争激烈。但商家或者MCN机构主要通过隐性能力严格筛选综合能力强的高效性人才,因而并非所有网红都能胜任。
During the outbreak, the mainity industry generated a large recruitment demand. But from the professional structure, waist anchors occupy the majority, they grew up on a meagre base salary to live and red slow, psychological pressure. Moreover, the main broadcaster generally faces no traffic, traffic but no sales, sales but not money and other difficulties, the need for relevant government departments to issue a certain industry norms to promote the long-term professional development of the industry.艾媒报告|2019-2024年中国月子中心行业市场需求与投资规划分析报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,自2013年的17.8亿元到2018年的142.2亿元,中国月子中心的市场规模年均复合增长率在50%左右。结合中国当前人口生育率情况来看,2021年后人口生育率可能有下降趋势,因此,月子中心的市场规模也会受到影响,但仍将保持近300亿元的市场规模。此外,艾媒咨询(iiMedia Research)调研显示,2019年,约有42.32%的消费者对国内的月子中心比较满意或非常满意。艾媒咨询分析师认为,目前月子中心正处于蓬勃发展阶段,预计未来一段时间仍保持增长趋势;但是由于行业水平参差不齐,并且还没有形成完备的市场监管标准,因此在2019-2020年月子服务行业会处于调整期,增速放缓。
According to iiMedia Research, from 1.78 billion yuan in 2013 to 14.22 billion yuan in 2018, the average annual compound growth rate of the market scale of China's monthly child center is about 50%. In view of China's current fertility rate, the population fertility rate may decline after 2021. Therefore, the market size of Yuezi Center will also be affected, but it will still maintain a market size of nearly 30 billion yuan. In addition, a survey by iiMedia Research shows that in 2019, about 42.32% of consumers are satisfied or very satisfied with the domestic month center. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that the current month child center is in a booming stage and is expected to maintain a growth trend in the future; however, due to the uneven level of the industry and the lack of complete market regulatory standards, it is expected The confinement service industry will be in an adjustment period and the growth rate will slow down.艾媒研报 |恒安嘉新:深耕网络空间安全前景可期,客户高集中产业链话语权弱
With the complexity of the cyberspace security situation, traditional information security continues to evolve toward cyberspace security. New Internet technologies, new applications and new models such as 5G, cloud computing, big data, industrial Internet, artificial intelligence, etc. have emerged, incurring new requirements for network security. New regulatory requirements of the industry also drive the rapid development of the security market, and the network security market has broad prospects. In 2018, China's network information security market reached 49.52 billion yuan, at a growth rate of 20.9%, and China's network security investment level is still far below the global average. It is estimated that by 2021, the scale of Chinese network information security market is expected to exceed 90 billion yuan. As a security enterprise with three major telecom operators and other high-quality customers as well as strong shareholder background, Eversec Technology enjoys certain resource advantages in the face of new opportunities brought by 5G. But the rapid development of information technology also means complex and changeable network security requirements and higher technology iteration risks. At the same time, the financial pressure faced by the company also needs to be solved.