国民消费水平的提升、消费场景的拓宽以及“他经济”的崛起都有力促进了中国香水市场空间的扩容,香水赛道迅猛发展。2023年中国香水市场规模已达207亿元,预计2029年有望达到515亿元。产业链分布上,上游的全球香料香精市场仍处于国外寡头垄断的格局,市场呈现高度集中化。而中游市场上,国际知名品牌仍占主流地位,中国本土品牌也不断涌现。下游渠道上,香水电商渠道销量表现强势,线下体验店将为未来品牌重要布局。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国香水行业研究及消费者洞察报告》数据显示,中国近七成香水消费者为女性,50毫升与30毫升规格的香水产品最受市场欢迎,选择占比分别为36.3与20.0%。目前,香水的消费场景正在拓宽,香水的使用不再囿于社交与工作的场合,而是更多地被视为一种情绪上的“悦己体验”。相关品牌应紧跟消费热点,开发具有情绪疗愈功能的香水产品,增加产品使用的仪式感和悦己价值,从而满足消费者对情绪体验与生活品质的追求。
The improvement of people's living standards, the expansion of consumption scenarios, and the rise of the "him economy" have all contributed to the expansion of China's perfume market, driving the perfume industry to grow rapidly. In 2023, the scale of China's perfume market reached 20.7 billion yuan, and is expected to reach 51.5 billion yuan by 2029.In terms of the industrial chain distribution, the upstream global fragrance and flavor market is still dominated by foreign oligopolies, with a highly concentrated market. In the middle stream market, international well-known brands still occupy the mainstream position, while Chinese domestic brands are also emerging. In the downstream channel, the online perfume channel has strong sales performance, and offline experience stores will be an important layout for future brands. According to the latest report on the 2024-2025 China Perfume Industry Research and Consumer Insights released by iiMedia Research (iiMedia Research), a global new economy industry third-party data mining and analysis institution, nearly 70% of Chinese perfume consumers are women, and the 50ml and 30ml specifications of perfume products are the most popular in the market, with a choice ratio of 36.3% and 20.0%, respectively. Currently, the consumption scenarios of perfume are expanding, and the use of perfume is no longer limited to social and work occasions, but is increasingly seen as a "self-indulgent experience" in terms of emotions. Relevant brands should follow consumer trends and develop fragrances with emotional healing functions to increase the sense of ritual and self-indulgence in product use, thereby meeting consumers' pursuit of emotional experiences and quality of life. -
艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年全球及中国香料香精行业运行大数据与投资价值分析报告
随着中国居民生活水平的提高与消费结构的升级,日化、食品等行业在下游需求的推动下得到了持续发展,进而为香料香精产业链的上游和中游企业提供广阔的市场空间和机遇。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年全球及中国香料香精行业运行大数据与投资价值分析报告》数据显示,2023年中国香料香精行业市场规模为439亿元,同比增长2.6%。未来在国家和政府的大力支持下,中国香料香精行业凭借原料优势、成本优势与多样化的市场需求,向着高端化、数字化、绿色化的方向发展,预计2026年中国香料香精行业市场规模有望突破500亿元。
With the improvement of Chinese residents' living standards and the upgrading of consumption structure, the daily chemical, food and other industries have been continuously developed under the impetus of downstream demand, which provides a broad market space and opportunities for the upstream and midstream enterprises of the fragrance and flavor industry chain. iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, recently released the "2024-2025 Big Data and Investment Value Analysis Report of the Global and China Fragrance and Flavor Industry" data shows that the market size of China's fragrance and flavor industry in 2023 is 43.9 billion yuan. Year-on-year growth was 2.6 per cent. In the future, with the strong support of the state and the government, China's flavor industry with raw material advantages, cost advantages and diversified market demand, towards high-end, digital, green direction, is expected to 2026 China's flavor industry market size is expected to exceed 50 billion yuan.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that In the future, with the strong support of the state and the government, China's fragrance industry will develop in the direction of high-end, digital and green by virtue of raw material advantages, cost advantages and diversified market demand. -
大学生群体对互联网的深度参与使得大学生成为最具潜力和活力的消费主体之一,挖掘大学生群体的消费需求有利于品牌创新营销策略触达目标群体。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国大学生消费行为调查研究报告》数据显示,中国在校大学生数量呈增长趋势,2023年中国高等教育在学总规模达到4763万人,41.1%的大学生月均收入在1501-2000元,预计2024年中国在校大学生的年度消费规模约为8500亿元,消费潜力大。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着社会的发展和时代的变迁,当代大学生的精神文化需求日益多样化和个性化。当物质生活得到基本满足后,他们会更加注重精神层面的追求和满足,因而对运动健身、游戏、密室逃脱和剧本杀等娱乐休闲项目表现出较高的兴趣。
The in-depth participation of college students in the Internet makes college students become one of the most potential and dynamic consumer subjects. Tapping the consumer demand of college students is conducive to the brand innovation marketing strategy to reach the target group. According to the latest "Investigation and Analysis Report on Consumption Behavior of Chinese College Students in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, the number of college students in China shows a growing trend. In 2023, the total number of college students in China will reach 47.63 million, and the average monthly income of 41.1% of college students will be between 1501 and 2000 yuan. It is expected that the annual consumption scale of college students in China will be about 850 billion yuan in 2024, with great consumption potential. Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that with the development of society and the changes of The Times, the spiritual and cultural needs of contemporary college students are increasingly diversified and personalized. When the material life is basically satisfied, they will pay more attention to the pursuit and satisfaction of the spiritual level, so they show a higher interest in sports and fitness, games, escape rooms and script killing entertainment and leisure projects. -
随着经济的不断发展与健康消费理念深入人心,消费者对茶饮的需求逐渐从传统调味包装茶转向无糖茶、养生茶等。消费者对产品附加值及健康化的需求,以及茶饮市场产品构成变革共同促进了茶饮料行业的发展。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国茶饮料行业发展及消费洞察报告》数据显示,2023年中国新式茶饮市场规模达3333.8亿元,同比增长13.5%;养生茶饮市场规模为411.6亿元,同比增长27.3%;无糖饮料市场规模达401.6亿元,同比增长101.2%,随着健康消费趋势凸显,茶饮料相关产品市场规模将进一步扩大。2024年,49.3%的中国茶饮料消费者通过内容分享平台了解包装茶饮品牌,46.9%的消费者偏好零糖零卡零脂类包装茶饮。随着健康消费趋势凸显,无糖低糖产品受到众多消费者青睐,无糖茶将进一步扩充市场容量,为茶饮料行业提供新增量。
With the continuous development of the economy and the concept of healthy consumption, consumers' demand for tea drinks has gradually shifted from traditional flavored packaged tea to sugar-free tea and health tea. Consumers' demand for added value and health of products, as well as changes in the composition of tea market products, have jointly promoted the development of tea beverage industry. According to the latest Research Report on the Development of China Tea Beverage Industry Development and Consumption Insight Report from 2024 to 2025 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, the market size of China's new tea drink will reach 333.38 billion yuan, an increase of 13.5% in 2023. The market size of health tea drink was 41.16 billion yuan, an increase of 27.3%; Sugar-free beverage market size reached 40.16 billion yuan, an increase of 101.2%, with the health consumption trend highlighted, tea beverage related products market size will further expand, is expected to 2025 new tea market size of 374.93 billion yuan. In 2024, 49.3% of Chinese tea beverage consumers learned about packaged tea brands through content sharing platforms, and 46.9% of consumers preferred zero-sugar, zero-calorie and zero-fat packaged tea drinks. With the prominent trend of healthy consumption, sugar-free and low-sugar products are favored by many consumers, and sugar-free tea will further expand the market capacity and provide new additions to the tea beverage industry. -
艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国电商“双十一”消费大数据监测报告
“国补”政策与 “双十一”大促周期拉长,共同激发了2024年“双十一”消费热潮。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构 iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国电商“双十一”消费大数据监测报告》数据显示,2024年参与“双十一”活动的消费主力为26-29岁年轻群体,占比34.1%;“双十一”活动中购买量最多的TOP3商品类别为生活日化、服装鞋帽和美妆护肤,“悦己消费”、消费分层等需求趋势凸显;延时发货(44.0%)和假优惠(42.7%)是消费者“双十一”消费体验中的短板。2024年双十一周期提前,旨在抢占市场先机,但也导致消费者购物疲劳和商家物流压力的增加。电商平台竞争从价格战转向经营战,通过细分人群与购物场景,升级服务支持商家。未来,竞争态势和策略调整还将继续深化和演变。
The "National Subsidy" policy and the extended "Double Eleven" promotion period have jointly stimulated the consumer fervor for "Double Eleven" in 2024. According to the latest " China's e-commerce "Double Eleven" consumption big data monitoring report in 2024" released by iiMedia Research (a third-party data mining and analysis institution for the global new economy industry), the main consumers participating in the 2024 "Double Eleven" event were young people aged 26-29, accounting for 34.1%. The top three product categories purchased during the "Double Eleven" event were daily necessities, clothing and footwear, and beauty and skincare products, highlighting trends such as self-indulgent consumption and consumption segmentation. Delayed delivery (44.0%) and fake discounts (42.7%) were the weak links in consumers' "Double Eleven" shopping experience. The 2024 "Double Eleven" cycle started earlier to seize market opportunities, but it also led to increased shopping fatigue among consumers and logistical pressures on merchants. Competition among e-commerce platforms shifted from price wars to operational battles, upgrading services to support merchants through audience segmentation and shopping scenarios. In the future, the competitive landscape and strategic adjustments will continue to deepen and evolve. -
The rising awareness of healthy eating among the population has greatly boosted the market demand for yam products. As a nutritious ingredient with health benefits, yam products are favored by more and more consumers due to their ease of consumption and health value. The high demand for yam powder for a long period of time has attracted many participants, coupled with the slow growth of the industry leading to intense competition for market share, increased competition within the yam powder track, a larger number of competitors with roughly equal competitive forces, as well as competitors offering roughly the same products or services, making it difficult to reflect significant differences, the new track of instant yam slices has begun to rise in the face of intense competition in the yam powder track. -
月饼是中国传统美食,吃月饼是中秋节最重要的仪式之一。近年来,月饼的消费场景越趋日常化,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2023年中国月饼销售规模达271.3亿元,同比增长11.3%,2025年有望增至332.8亿元。中国月饼行业的生产趋于标准化、规范化以及传统节日氛围的强化、国民购买力的增强都是市场需求扩大的因素。未来随着直播电商、外贸出口、品牌定制、跨界联动等新趋势的出现,月饼市场将迎来新增长点。
Mooncakes are a traditional Chinese delicacy, and eating mooncakes is one of the most important rituals of the Mid-Autumn Festival. In recent years, the consumption scenario of mooncakes has become more and more everyday. iiMedia Research (iMedia Consulting) data shows that the sales scale of Chinese mooncakes reached 27.13 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 11.3% year-on-year, and is expected to increase to 33.28 billion yuan in 2025. The production of China's mooncake industry tends to be standardised and regulated, the strengthening of the traditional festival atmosphere and the strengthening of the national purchasing power are all factors for the expansion of market demand. In the future, with the emergence of new trends such as live e-commerce, foreign trade exports, brand customisation and cross-border linkages, the mooncake market will usher in new growth points. -
艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国00后暑假文娱活动分析报告
随着暑假的到来,文娱行业迎来了消费的高峰期,各类线上线下文娱活动备受欢迎,对于00后群体,他们成长于物质条件相对富足的年代,在暑假中对精神娱乐需求旺盛,悦己消费意愿更强。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国00后暑假文娱活动分析报告》数据显示,中国居民在教育、文化和娱乐领域的消费支出比例波动明显,2023年教育、文化和娱乐领域的消费支出比例达到10.8%。
With the arrival of the summer vacation, the entertainment industry has ushered in the peak of consumption, and all kinds of online and offline entertainment activities are very popular. For the post-00s, they grew up in the era of relatively rich material conditions, and have strong demand for spiritual entertainment during the summer vacation, and are more willing to enjoy themselves. According to the latest "Analysis Report on China's post-00s Summer Recreational Activities in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the proportion of Chinese residents' consumption expenditure in the fields of education, culture and entertainment fluctuates significantly. In 2023, the proportion of consumer spending in the fields of education, culture and entertainment will reach 10.8%.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that the post-00s are more inclined to participate in diversified recreational activities, including watching movies/TV series/variety shows, listening to music, playing games, seeing short videos, browsing social software/social forums and watching animation,etc.,and have a strong willingness to consume. -
随着酸菜鱼、水煮鱼等热销单品市场渗透率的稳步攀升,以及预制菜市场的蓬勃发展,鱼片全产业链正迎来前所未有的发展新机遇。日前,全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)发布了《2024年中国鱼片行业消费洞察研究报告》。报告数据显示,2023年中国鱼片加工市场规模已达122.4亿元,预计未来几年将以20%左右的速度持续增长,到2028年有望突破300亿元大关。中国鱼片加工行业企业数量众多,生产水平参差不齐,市场集中度偏低。随着行业的深入发展,鱼片加工行业将进入洗牌期,并朝着标准化、规模化、品牌化的方向不断迈进。具备出色的供应链能力和品牌优势的企业,未来竞争力将更加凸显。
艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年全球及中国新能源汽车行业消费趋势监测与案例研究报告
全球汽车电动化转型趋势愈演愈烈,各国正加速布局新能源汽车产业,全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构 iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年全球及中国新能源汽车行业消费趋势监测与案例研究报告》数据显示,随着科技的发展和燃油车成本的上升,新能源汽车的消费需求逐渐增加,推动了厂商产品力提升和新能源汽车销量的快速增长。数据显示,2023年中国新能源汽车市场规模为11.5千亿元,同比增长16.2%,2025年有望达到23.1千亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,中国市场需求强劲符合长期发展趋势,市场规模的高增长有望持续发展。消费者对新能源汽车的续航历程和安全性能有更高期望,长续航、轮胎安全、自动泊车成为消费者在购车时重点考虑的方面。随着新能源汽车配套设施逐步完善和一线市场增速放缓,下沉市场成为新能源车新发展机遇。
Global automotive electric transformation trend intensified, countries are accelerating the layout of new energy automobile industry, the global auto industry third-party data mining and analysis institutions “iiMedia Report | Monitoring and case study report of global and Chinese new energy vehicle industry from 2024 to 2025”according to data with the development of science and technology and the rising cost of fuel vehicles, new energy vehicles consumer demand is gradually increased, promote the manufacturer product force and the rapid growth of new energy vehicle sales.Data show that in 2023, China's new energy vehicle market size is 1.15 billion yuan, year-on-year growth of 16.2% and is expected to reach 2.31 billion yuan in 2025. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that the strong Chinese market demand is in line with the long-term development trend, the high growth of market size is expected to continue to develop. Consumers have higher expectations for the endurance process and safety performance of new energy vehicles. Long endurance, tire safety and automatic parking have become the key aspects that consumers consider when buying cars. With the gradual improvement of supporting facilities for new energy vehicles and the slowdown of the growth rate of the first-line market, the sinking market has become a new development opportunity for new energy vehicles.
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