2023年中国在线餐饮外卖行业市场规模为15254亿元,预计2027年达到19567亿元,在线餐饮外卖行业规模持续增大。随着一二线城市外卖市场的逐渐饱和,众多餐饮品牌开始将目光投向下沉市场,未来外卖市场规模的增长动力将更多地来源于三线及以下城市和乡镇地区。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国乡镇外卖市场消费趋势调查报告》数据显示,外卖正在逐步融入乡镇居民的日常生活,超七成的乡镇消费者每周点外卖的频率在3次以上;消费者在使用乡镇外卖平台时常遇到的问题有食品质量问题(50.4%)和配送延迟问题(51.7%)。为了争夺市场份额,各平台纷纷加大投入,提升服务质量,优化用户体验,乡镇外卖平台正逐步向多元化服务方向发展,除了传统的餐饮服务外,平台还开始涉足日用品、医疗用品等其他领域的配送服务。
In 2023, the market size of China's online food delivery industry reached RMB 1,525.4 billion, and it is projected to reach RMB 1,956.7 billion by 2027, indicating a continuous expansion of the online food delivery industry. As the food delivery market in first- and second-tier cities gradually becomes saturated, numerous catering brands have begun to shift their focus to the lower-tier markets. The future growth momentum of the food delivery market will increasingly stem from third-tier cities and below, as well as towns and villages. According to the latest "Survey report on consumption trend of rural take-out market in China in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, food delivery is gradually becoming an integral part of the daily lives of rural residents, with over 70% of rural consumers ordering food delivery more than three times a week. Common issues encountered by consumers when using rural food delivery platforms include food quality concerns (50.4%) and delivery delays (51.7%). To compete for market share, various platforms have increased investments, enhanced service quality, and optimized user experience. Rural food delivery platforms are gradually evolving towards diversified services, expanding beyond traditional catering services to include delivery of daily necessities, medical supplies, and other products.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国电商“双十一”消费大数据监测报告
“国补”政策与 “双十一”大促周期拉长,共同激发了2024年“双十一”消费热潮。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构 iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国电商“双十一”消费大数据监测报告》数据显示,2024年参与“双十一”活动的消费主力为26-29岁年轻群体,占比34.1%;“双十一”活动中购买量最多的TOP3商品类别为生活日化、服装鞋帽和美妆护肤,“悦己消费”、消费分层等需求趋势凸显;延时发货(44.0%)和假优惠(42.7%)是消费者“双十一”消费体验中的短板。2024年双十一周期提前,旨在抢占市场先机,但也导致消费者购物疲劳和商家物流压力的增加。电商平台竞争从价格战转向经营战,通过细分人群与购物场景,升级服务支持商家。未来,竞争态势和策略调整还将继续深化和演变。
The "National Subsidy" policy and the extended "Double Eleven" promotion period have jointly stimulated the consumer fervor for "Double Eleven" in 2024. According to the latest " China's e-commerce "Double Eleven" consumption big data monitoring report in 2024" released by iiMedia Research (a third-party data mining and analysis institution for the global new economy industry), the main consumers participating in the 2024 "Double Eleven" event were young people aged 26-29, accounting for 34.1%. The top three product categories purchased during the "Double Eleven" event were daily necessities, clothing and footwear, and beauty and skincare products, highlighting trends such as self-indulgent consumption and consumption segmentation. Delayed delivery (44.0%) and fake discounts (42.7%) were the weak links in consumers' "Double Eleven" shopping experience. The 2024 "Double Eleven" cycle started earlier to seize market opportunities, but it also led to increased shopping fatigue among consumers and logistical pressures on merchants. Competition among e-commerce platforms shifted from price wars to operational battles, upgrading services to support merchants through audience segmentation and shopping scenarios. In the future, the competitive landscape and strategic adjustments will continue to deepen and evolve.艾媒咨询|2024年中国家政服务行业发展状况及消费洞察报告
近年来,中国出台了一系列相关政策来促进家政服务行业发展。2024年3月,国家发展改革委等部门发布《促进家政服务业提质扩容2024年工作要点》,聚焦家政服务“提质”,建设“巾帼家政”服务品牌、建设“工益家政”服务品牌来增加家政服务需求交易量。此外,三孩政策的放开,使得家政服务的潜在需求增加,为行业创造了较大的发展空间。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国家政服务行业发展状况及消费洞察报告》数据显示,已婚已育的女性成为家政消费群体的主力军,随着家政服务的多元化发展,传统的线下消费渠道和线上渠道成为家政服务行业的重要获客途径。消费渠道线上化驱动着各大家政品牌数字化转型升级。
In recent years, China has introduced a series of relevant policies to promote the development of the domestic service industry. In March 2024, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the "Key Points of Promoting the Quality Improvement and Expansion of homemaking Service Industry in 2024", focusing on "improving the quality" of homemaking service, building the service brand of "female homemaking" and the service brand of "industrial housekeeping" to increase the demand and transaction volume of homemaking service. In addition, the liberalization of the three-child policy has increased the potential demand for domestic services and created a large space for the development of the industry The latest "2024 China's domestic service industry development status and consumption insight report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, according to the married women become the main force of domestic consumer groups, with the diversified development of domestic service, traditional offline consumption channels and online channels become an important way of domestic service industry. Online consumption channels are driving the digital transformation and upgrading of all political brands.艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年全球及中国香料香精行业运行大数据与投资价值分析报告
随着中国居民生活水平的提高与消费结构的升级,日化、食品等行业在下游需求的推动下得到了持续发展,进而为香料香精产业链的上游和中游企业提供广阔的市场空间和机遇。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年全球及中国香料香精行业运行大数据与投资价值分析报告》数据显示,2023年中国香料香精行业市场规模为439亿元,同比增长2.6%。未来在国家和政府的大力支持下,中国香料香精行业凭借原料优势、成本优势与多样化的市场需求,向着高端化、数字化、绿色化的方向发展,预计2026年中国香料香精行业市场规模有望突破500亿元。
With the improvement of Chinese residents' living standards and the upgrading of consumption structure, the daily chemical, food and other industries have been continuously developed under the impetus of downstream demand, which provides a broad market space and opportunities for the upstream and midstream enterprises of the fragrance and flavor industry chain. iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, recently released the "2024-2025 Big Data and Investment Value Analysis Report of the Global and China Fragrance and Flavor Industry" data shows that the market size of China's fragrance and flavor industry in 2023 is 43.9 billion yuan. Year-on-year growth was 2.6 per cent. In the future, with the strong support of the state and the government, China's flavor industry with raw material advantages, cost advantages and diversified market demand, towards high-end, digital, green direction, is expected to 2026 China's flavor industry market size is expected to exceed 50 billion yuan.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that In the future, with the strong support of the state and the government, China's fragrance industry will develop in the direction of high-end, digital and green by virtue of raw material advantages, cost advantages and diversified market demand.艾媒咨询|2024年中国大学生消费行为调查研究报告
大学生群体对互联网的深度参与使得大学生成为最具潜力和活力的消费主体之一,挖掘大学生群体的消费需求有利于品牌创新营销策略触达目标群体。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国大学生消费行为调查研究报告》数据显示,中国在校大学生数量呈增长趋势,2023年中国高等教育在学总规模达到4763万人,41.1%的大学生月均收入在1501-2000元,预计2024年中国在校大学生的年度消费规模约为8500亿元,消费潜力大。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着社会的发展和时代的变迁,当代大学生的精神文化需求日益多样化和个性化。当物质生活得到基本满足后,他们会更加注重精神层面的追求和满足,因而对运动健身、游戏、密室逃脱和剧本杀等娱乐休闲项目表现出较高的兴趣。
The in-depth participation of college students in the Internet makes college students become one of the most potential and dynamic consumer subjects. Tapping the consumer demand of college students is conducive to the brand innovation marketing strategy to reach the target group. According to the latest "Investigation and Analysis Report on Consumption Behavior of Chinese College Students in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, the number of college students in China shows a growing trend. In 2023, the total number of college students in China will reach 47.63 million, and the average monthly income of 41.1% of college students will be between 1501 and 2000 yuan. It is expected that the annual consumption scale of college students in China will be about 850 billion yuan in 2024, with great consumption potential. Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that with the development of society and the changes of The Times, the spiritual and cultural needs of contemporary college students are increasingly diversified and personalized. When the material life is basically satisfied, they will pay more attention to the pursuit and satisfaction of the spiritual level, so they show a higher interest in sports and fitness, games, escape rooms and script killing entertainment and leisure projects.艾媒咨询|赵一鸣零食店消费行为洞察及行业趋势报告(2024)
2023年中国零食集合店市场规模为809亿元,预计2027年有望达到1547亿元。其中,赵一鸣零食成为高知名度品牌,截至2024年6月,赵一鸣零食门店数量已超过6000家。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《赵一鸣零食店消费行为洞察及行业趋势报告(2024)》数据显示,商品品质好(56.6%)和商品种类多(49.2%)是消费者选择赵一鸣零食的主要原因;赵一鸣零食店的消费者在购买零食时展现出多样化的偏好,熟食特产以64.9%的购买率位居榜首,其次是调味面制品(46.5%);此外,消费者指出赵一鸣零食店存在店内知名品牌零食较少(60.8%)和店面分布过于集中(59.4%)的问题。通过直供模式与数智化仓配体系,赵一鸣零食能够快速响应市场变化。但面对品牌扎堆的市场环境,赵一鸣零食正面临同质化竞争和价格战等多重严峻挑战,需在激烈竞争中寻找差异化定位,加强品牌建设。
The market size of China's snack aggregator stores reached RMB 80.9 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach RMB 154.7 billion by 2027. Among them, Zhao Yiming Snack has emerged as a highly recognized brand, with over 6,000 stores as of June 2024. According to the latest "Insight into Zhao Yiming's Snack Shop Consumer Behavior and Industry Trends Report (2024) " released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, high-quality products (56.6%) and a diverse range of products (49.2%) are the primary reasons why consumers choose Zhao Yiming Snacks. Consumers at Zhao Yiming Snacks stores exhibit diverse preferences when purchasing snacks, with cooked food specialties topping the list at a purchase rate of 64.9%, followed by seasoned noodle products (46.5%). Additionally, consumers have pointed out issues such as a lack of well-known brand snacks in stores (60.8%) and overly concentrated store locations (59.4%) at Zhao Yiming Snacks.Through its direct supply model and digital-intelligent warehouse and distribution system, Zhao Yiming Snacks is able to respond swiftly to market changes. However, in the face of a crowded market with numerous brands, Zhao Yiming Snacks is confronted with formidable challenges such as homogenized competition and price wars. It needs to find a differentiated positioning amidst fierce competition and strengthen its brand building efforts.艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年中国企业出海发展研究白皮书
近年来,在数字化技术推动下,中国经济已步入高质量发展的新时代,应经济转型升级需求,越来越多的中国企业开始将目光投向海外市场,寻求更广阔的发展空间。2024年11月,国务院印发的《关于促进外贸稳定增长的若干政策措施》提出九个方面促进外贸平稳发展,中国企业出海已成时代发展必然趋势。在全球经济一体化的大背景下,中国企业出海不仅是为应对国内市场的饱和和竞争压力,更是为了在全球范围内优化资源配置,提升企业的国际竞争力。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国企业出海发展研究白皮书》数据显示,2024年前三季度中国货物贸易进出口总值达32.33万亿元,同比增长5.3%,总体趋势稳中向好。尽管面临全球需求收缩、供给冲击、预期转弱三重压力,中国外贸进出口仍展现出较强韧性,助力中国外贸实现新的突破,增强企业出海信心。艾媒咨询分析师认为,愈多企业正加速从“爆款打造”向“品牌延伸”转型,寻求品牌效应,通过打造有辨识度的品牌与消费者建立更为紧密的联系和拥有更稳固的市场份额。目前,中国企业“走出去”正以价值链为导向,不断建立自上而下、步调统一的全球化战略及适应全球化经营的运营模式,出海企业经营朝合规化、精细化、本土化方向发展。
In recent years, driven by digital technology, China's economy has entered a new era of high-quality development.Because of the needs of economic transformation and upgrading, more and more Chinese enterprises have begun to seek a broader space for development in overseas markets. In November 2024, the "Several Policies and Measures on Promoting Stable Growth of Foreign Trade" issued by The State Council proposed nine aspects to promote stable development of foreign trade, and Chinese enterprises to go overseas has become an inevitable trend of the development of The Times. In the context of global economic integration, Chinese enterprises go overseas not only to cope with the saturation and competitive pressure of the domestic market, but also to optimize the allocation of resources on a global scale and enhance the international competitiveness of enterprises. According to the latest "White paper on the development of Chinese enterprises going overseas from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, data show that in the first three quarters of 2024, the total value of China's import and export of goods is 32.33 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.3% year-on-year, and the overall trend is stable and good. Despite the triple pressures of shrinking global demand, supply shocks, and weakening expectations, China's foreign trade imports and exports have shown strong resilience, helping China's foreign trade achieve new breakthroughs and enhancing enterprises' confidence in going overseas. The iiMedia consulting analysts believe that more and more enterprises are accelerating the transformation from "explosive creation" to "brand extension", seeking brand effect, and establishing a closer relationship with consumers and having a more stable market share by creating recognizable brands. Nowadays, Chinese enterprises "going out" is guided by the value chain, and constantly establish a top-down, unified globalization strategy and an operating model that ADAPTS to global operations, and the management of overseas enterprises is developing in the direction of compliance, refinement and localization.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国头皮疗养行业发展趋势分析报告
随着现代生活节奏加快、压力增大,头皮问题逐渐增多,消费者对于头皮疗养产品的需求日益增长。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国头皮疗养行业发展趋势分析报告》数据显示,2023年中国护发产品市场规模达到620.90亿元,同比增长3.4%,预计2025年将达691.07亿元。随着居民对头皮健康问题的日益重视,头皮疗养行业有望得到新的发展。
With the acceleration of the pace of modern life and the increase of pressure, scalp problems are gradually increasing, and the demand of consumers for scalp therapy products is growing. According to the latest "Analysis report on the development trend of China's scalp therapy industry from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market size of China's hair care products will reach 62.09 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 3.4%. It is expected to reach 69.11 billion yuan by 2025. With the increasing attention of residents to scalp health problems, scalp therapy industry is expected to get new development.艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国旅拍市场消费行为洞察分析报告
随着人们生活水平的提高和旅游消费观念的转变,旅拍作为一种融合旅游与摄影的新兴服务模式,近年来在市场上迅速崛起。它不仅满足了人们在旅行过程中记录美好瞬间的需求,还为游客提供了具有专业水准的摄影作品,成为旅游市场的新热点。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国旅拍市场消费行为洞察分析报告》数据显示,53.70% 的消费者将记录旅行中的美好瞬间作为旅拍首要目的,这体现出旅拍在满足消费者情感诉求与记忆留存方面的核心价值,也意味着旅拍行业应着重突出拍摄服务的纪念意义,提升消费者在旅行中的情感体验。而古迹 / 遗址、古典园林等历史人文景观以 54.37% 的占比成为旅拍首选,表明消费者对历史文化景观兴趣极高,这背后是大众对文化底蕴的追求。艾媒咨询分析师认为,旅拍市场作为旅游和摄影行业的新兴细分领域,具有广阔的发展前景和巨大的市场潜力。尽管目前面临着一些挑战,但随着市场的不断成熟、行业规范的逐步完善,以及技术的不断创新,旅拍市场将迎来更加健康、有序的发展。
With the improvement of people's living standard and the change of tourism consumption concept, travel photography, as a new service model integrating tourism and photography, has risen rapidly in the market in recent years. It not only meets the needs of people to record beautiful moments in the process of travel, but also provides tourists with professional photography, which has become a new hot spot in the tourism market. According to the latest "Analysis report on China travel photography market consumer behavior in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, 53.70% of consumers will record the beautiful moments of travel as the primary purpose of travel photography. This reflects the core value of travel photography in satisfying consumers' emotional demands and retaining memories, and also means that the travel photography industry should focus on the commemorative significance of shooting services to enhance consumers' emotional experience in travel. Historical and cultural landscapes such as monuments/sites and classical gardens became the first choice for travel photography with 54.37%, indicating that consumers have a high interest in historical and cultural landscapes, which is behind the public's pursuit of cultural heritage. Analysts of IIMedia Consulting believe that the travel photography market, as an emerging segment of the tourism and photography industry, has broad development prospects and huge market potential. Although currently facing some challenges, with the continuous maturity of the market, the gradual improvement of industry norms and the continuous innovation of technology, the travel auction market will usher in a more healthy and orderly development.艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国密室逃脱行业消费行为调查数据
密室逃脱作为一种新兴的线下娱乐业态,近年来市场规模不断扩大,其受欢迎程度持续攀升。消费群体也日益多元,市场正不断拓展受众边界。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国密室逃脱行业消费行为调查数据》数据显示,消费者更期待密室逃脱游戏带来的氛围体验,占比达到33.61%。同时,超过一半的密室逃脱消费者(58.40%)愿意向朋友推荐店铺和主题,这表明密室逃脱行业具有较强的口碑传播潜力。密室逃脱行业在技术创新、消费体验升级和市场拓展方面展现出巨大潜力,未来有望成为娱乐市场中的重要组成部分。但密室逃脱行业也面临一些挑战,如游戏类型和内容的同质化问题。消费者对游戏类型的多样化和内容升级有较高期待,商家需要在剧情设计和谜题难度上不断创新。
As an emerging offline entertainment business format, the market scale of escape rooms has been continuously expanding in recent years, and their popularity has been steadily rising. The consumer group has also become increasingly diverse, and the market is constantly expanding its audience boundaries. According to the latest "Survey data on consumer behavior in China's escape room industry in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, consumers are more expecting the atmosphere experience brought by escape room games, accounting for 33.61%. At the same time, more than half of the escape room consumers (58.40%) are willing to recommend the store and theme to their friends, which indicates that the escape room industry has strong word-of-mouth communication potential. The escape room industry shows great potential in technological innovation, consumption experience upgrading and market expansion, and is expected to become an important part of the entertainment market in the future. However, the escape room industry also faces some challenges, such as the homogenization of game types and content. Consumers have high expectations for the diversification of game types and the upgrading of content, and merchants need to continuously innovate in plot design and puzzle difficulty.
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