电子签名技术作为帮助企业降本提效的有利武器,受益于国家政策的支持和引导,被越来越多企业接受和认可。在极度追求效率的物流行业,电子签名技术正在快速渗透。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,58.9%的物流受访企业表示使用过电子签名服务;认为电子签名服务可协助“运单实时流转”和“规范收货签章”的受访物流企业分别占54.3%、42.9%;半数以上受访企业认为电子签名服务有效提高了物流业务的时效性以及客户体验。艾媒咨询分析师认为,传统物流企业将在新技术、新模式、新力量的推动下,加速推进信息化变革,借此迈入高质量发展的新阶段。在这场变革浪潮中,信息化技术将进一步解放物流企业的生产力,助力企业提升经营效率和服务价值,而电子签名作为企业信息化变革的基础设施将率先普及和发展。
As a beneficial weapon to help enterprises reduce costs and improve efficiency, electronic signature technology has benefited from the support and guidance of national policies and is accepted and recognized by more and more enterprises. In the logistics industry, which pursues efficiency, e-signature technology is rapidly penetrating. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 58.9% of logistics enterprises surveyed said they have used e-signature services; 54.3% and 42.9% of logistics enterprises surveyed believe e-signature services can help "real-time flow of waybill" and "standardize receipt and signature" respectively; more than half of the enterprises surveyed believe e-signature services have effectively improved the timeliness of logistics business and customer experience. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that traditional logistics enterprises will be driven by new technology, new models, new forces, accelerate the information technology change, so as to enter a new stage of high-quality development. In this wave of change, information technology will further liberate the productivity of logistics enterprises and help them to improve operational efficiency and service value, while electronic signatures will take the lead in popularizing and developing as the infrastructure for enterprise information technology change.艾媒咨询|2021中国电子签约行业人力资源场景应用专题研究报告
随着数字经济的快速发展,电子签约行业迎来有利发展环境。2020年,中国电子签名合同签署次数已达到506亿次。自2020年3月人社部印发《人力资源社会保障部办公厅关于订立电子劳动合同有关问题的函》以来,北京、沈阳、山东、云南、杭州等多个省市陆续制定电子劳动合同推广计划,并进行试点研究,推广劳动合同电子化管理,纸质劳动合同正逐步进入电子化数字化时代。相比传统劳动合同,电子劳动合同具有提升效率、灵活便捷、安全性高、降低成本、数字化程度高、可远程操作的优势。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,48.9%的受访企业会在人力资源场景中使用电子签约服务,超三成受访企业在在人力资源领域的年均电子合同签署量在500-1000份之间, 52.2%的受访企业意在通过电子签约形式实现节约成本的目的,48.7%的受访企业希望能够提高合同安全性。
With the rapid development of digital economy, the electronic contract signing industry ushers in a favorable development environment. In 2020, the number of electronic signature contracts signed in China has reached 50.6 billion. Since the Ministry of human resources and social security issued the "letter of the general office of the Ministry of human resources and social security on issues related to the conclusion of electronic labor contract" in March 2020, Beijing, Shenyang, Shandong, Yunnan, Hangzhou and other provinces and cities have successively formulated electronic labor contract promotion plans and carried out pilot studies to promote the electronic management of labor contract. Paper labor contract is gradually entering the electronic digital era. Compared with the traditional labor contract, electronic labor contract has the advantages of improving efficiency, flexibility and convenience, high security, reducing costs, high degree of digitization, and remote operation. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 48.9% of the enterprises interviewed will use E-contract signing services in the human resources scene, and more than 30% of the enterprises interviewed have signed 500-1000 e-contracts in the field of human resources, 52.2% of the respondents intend to achieve the purpose of cost saving through electronic contract signing, and 48.7% of the respondents hope to improve the contract security.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国快销食品行业发展现状及消费者行为洞察报告
快销食品行业是推动国内外经济双循环的重要环节。当前,快销食品也积极追求健康化、品质化、高端化的发展趋势,并且积极利用直播、短视频等模式催化线上经济的发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)分析认为2019年中国休闲食品行业市场规模达到10556亿元,同比增长6.10%,预计2020年将超过11000亿元。
The fast-moving food industry is an important link in promoting the double cycle of domestic and foreign economies. At present, fast-moving foods are also actively pursuing the development trend of health, quality and high-end, and actively use live broadcast, short video and other modes to catalyze the development of the online economy. According to iiMedia Research's analysis, the market size of China's snack food industry reached 1,055.6 billion yuan in 2019, an increase of 6.10% year-on-year, and it is expected to exceed 1,100 billion yuan in 2020.艾媒咨询|2020年中国电子签名零售制造领域应用专题报告
电子签名技术可有效保障印章、信息安全,提高异地在线签署效率。电子签名是企业的数字化进程里重要的环节,在市场需求和政策利好等推动下,2020年中国电子签名服务认知普及和应用推广明显增强。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,超九成零售制造领域受访用户感知到其所在企业使用电子签名服务频率较2019年明显增加,认为使用频率增加五成以上的占比达41.6%。
Electronic signature technology can effectively guarantee seal and information security, and improve the efficiency of online signing in different places. Electronic signature is an important link in the digitalization process of enterprises. Driven by market demand and favorable policies, the awareness and application of electronic signature services in China will increase significantly in 2020. According to data from iiMedia Research, over 90% of the surveyed users in the retail manufacturing sector perceive that their companies use electronic signature services more frequently than in 2019, and 41.6% believe that their use frequency has increased by more than 50%.艾媒咨询|2020年中国5G手机网民体验及态度调查报告
5G手机在2020年开始迅速扩大在市场的话语权。2020年截至7月,中国5G手机出货量累计达到7750.8万部,占智能手机总出货量的44.2%;上市5G新机型累计119款,占总上市机型的46.5%。而2019年全年5G手机出货量及上市新机型分别仅为1376.9万部及35款。5G手机在市场渗透率的上升最主要因素还是在于各大厂商跟进新款产品的时候转向5G赛道,导致消费者在购买新机时被动接受5G手机产品。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,受访用户购买5G手机最主要原因在于正常更替手机,占比41.6%。而非5G手机用户中,73.3%认为现阶段大众没有购买5G手机的必要。5G手机目前未体现出明显优于其他主流智能手机的特性,相反,5G通信套餐价格昂贵、商用城市较少,均使置换5G手机的性价比较低,阻碍其市场普及。未来只有从需求端出发激发消费者刚需,将5G在通信传输方面的优势在智能手机体现,同时挖掘能够依靠5G手机搭载的杀手级应用产品,才能加速5G手机普及。
5G smartphone rapidly expand its discourse power in the market in 2020. YTD 5G smartphone shipments were 77.508 million units, represented 44.2% of the total shipment. The total number of new models were 119, accounting for 46.5% of the total new models. Comparatively, total 5G smartphone shipments and new models released in 2019 were 13.769 million and 35. The main reason for the increase of 5G mobile smartphone market penetration is that the major manufacturers turn to compete in the 5G market when they released the new products, which led to consumers’ passively acceptance 5G smartphone. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 41.6% of the interviewees purchased 5G smartphone because of the normal replacement of the mobile phones. However, 73.3% of non-5G smartphone users think that it is not necessary for the public to buy 5G smartphone at this stage. At present, 5G mobile smartphone do not show obvious advantages over other mainstream smartphones. On the contrary, the high traffic pricing of 5G smartphone and the lack of commercial cities make the replacement of 5G smartphone with low cost performance, and thus hinder its market popularization. In the future, only by standing from the demand side, reflecting the advantages of 5G in communication transmission in smartphones, and developing killer application that can only rely on 5G smartphones, can we accelerate its popularization.艾媒咨询|2019中国电子签名行业专题报告
随着数字化进程的加速落地,多政府部门先后提及加强和深化电子签名技术应用,同时伴随企业人力成本的增加,增大对电子签名的诉求,进一步加速电子签名技术的普及。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,电子签名的行业平均使用渗透率接近10%,尤其在人力资源、房地产、物流、制造等领域提升较快,其中合同与协议是电子签名签署的最主要文件类型。近六成用户使用电子签名频率超过100次/周,且普遍表示,电子签名相对于传统签名降本提效功能显著。与此同时,数据安全也广受企业重视,仅四成用户认为自身信息安全得到了100%的保障。艾媒咨询分析师认为,区块链,人工智能等新技术的融合,拓宽了电子签名服务范围,市场集中度也会进一步提升,同时,合规安全能力将成厂商核心壁垒,考核标准逐渐趋严。
With the accelerated implementation of the digitalization process, many government departments have mentioned strengthening and deepening the application of electronic signature technology. At the same time, with the increase in enterprise labor costs, the demand for electronic signature has increased, and the popularity of electronic signature technology has been further accelerated. According to the data of iiMedia Research ,the average penetration rate of electronic signature industry is close to 10%, especially in the fields of human resources, real estate, logistics, manufacturing, etc., where contracts and agreements are the most important documents signed by electronic signatures Types.Nearly 60% of users use electronic signatures more than 100 times a week, and it is generally stated that electronic signatures have significant cost-reduction and efficiency improvements compared to traditional signatures. At the same time, data security is also widely valued by enterprises, and only 40% of users believe that their information security is 100% guaranteed. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that the integration of new technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence has broadened the scope of electronic signature services, and the market concentration will be further improved. At the same time, compliance security capabilities will become the core barrier for manufacturers, and the assessment standards will gradually become stricter .艾媒报告|2019中国电子签名安全专题研究报告
With the rapid development of the Internet industry, enterprises' security requirements for electronic contract signing are increasingly upgraded, and security issues have become the focus of the industry. The state also issued relevant policies and regulations to regulate the overall development of the industry, the healthy development of e-commerce and China's electronic signature industry security upgrade. In the process of electronic contract signing, electronic contract services include real-name authentication, contract signing, data storage and judicial execution. Legal effectiveness and security are the key to the services. Qualification authentication and core technology enable the development of enterprises. At present, China's third-party electronic signature service platform has entered the integration stage as a whole, and the relevant operation qualification and regulatory documents have been gradually improved and improved. Electronic signature enterprises need to rely on leading technological innovation advantages to break through, enhance the strength of enterprise research and development, in the future to be able to stand firm in the industry. In market competition, sign on, law is the head enterprise such as major will get the favour of more enterprise user.艾媒报告 |2018-2019中国电子签名行业专题研究报告
2019年,随着电子签名行业政策法规和相关行业标准的不断完善,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,51.1%的企业用户在电子签约年均投入超过五万,系统稳定性、平台的合规性与安全性是企业用户在选择电子签名平台时所考虑的重要因素。2018年,上上签继续领跑行业,在B2B供应链、人力资源市场以及房屋租赁市场均表现出色,占据了35.8%的市场份额。艾媒咨询分析师认为,电子签名作为打通企业数字化转型的重要一环,在数字化转型战略持续推动下,将逐渐成为企业发展的“刚需”。
In 2019, with the continuous improvement of policies and regulations of electronic signature industry and related industry standards, according to iiMedia Research, 51.1% of enterprise users spend more than 50,000 yuan annually on electronic signature. System stability, platform compliance and security are important factors for enterprise users to consider when choosing electronic signature platform.In 2018, Shangshangqian continued to take the lead in the industry, with a 35.8% market share in the B2B supply chain, human resources market and housing rental market.Ai Media Consulting Analysts believe that as an important part of digitalization transformation, electronic signature will gradually become the rigid demand of enterprise development under the continuous promotion of digitalization transformation strategy.艾媒研报 |2019H1海底捞运行状况与行业趋势研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示, 2018年中国餐饮收入市场规模首次超过4万亿元,其中火锅市场占比不足15%,预计2020年火锅市场规模有望突破7000亿元。与中国中式餐饮市场类似,火锅餐厅市场亦属高度分散。海底捞作为中国火锅行业龙头企业,2018年营收总额为169.7亿元,市占率仍然偏低。为提升市场份额,海底捞加速在全球范围内扩张,2018年公司新增200家餐厅,门店总数达466家,较2017年增加了70.7%,中国内陆以外地区门店数量较2017年增长89.5%。公司表示仍要加大力度进行扩张,也会努力研发新品拓展收入来源。未来,海底捞的品牌力借助快速的扩张以及优秀的营销能力将进一步提升,但其面临的产品品质管理、成本控制以及跨区域经营的挑战也会加剧。
According to iiMedia Research, the market size of China's catering revenue exceeded 4 trillion yuan in 2018, of which the hot pot market accounted for less than 15%. It is expected that the size of the hot pot market will exceed 700 billion yuan in 2020. Similar to the Chinese food and beverage market, the hot pot restaurant market is also highly fragmented. As the leading enterprise in China's hot pot industry, Haidilao has a total revenue of 16.97 billion yuan in 2018, and its market share is still low. In order to increase market share, Haidilao accelerated its expansion in the world. In 2018, the company added 200 restaurants, with a total of 466 stores, an increase of 70.7% compared with 2017. The number of stores outside China's inland areas increased by 89.5% compared with 2017. The company said that it still needs to increase its efforts to expand, and will also strive to develop new products to expand its income sources. In the future, Haidilao's brand strength will be further enhanced by rapid expansion and excellent marketing capabilities, but its product quality management, cost control and cross-regional management challenges will also intensify.
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