随着付费自习室的逐步推广,用户市场对付费自习室的接受程度会逐渐增强,付费自习室的用户结构将由原来单一的白领、学生逐步演变成各种用途、各种需求的用户群体。调研数据显示,付费自习室用户近7成为非学生用户群体,并且48.6%的用户到付费自习室做求职准备。然而,新冠疫情对付费自习室的冲击较大,付费自习室的用户增长放缓。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年和2020的用户规模增速分别为170.6%和34.8%,增幅收窄。但随着疫苗注射人群规模扩大,预计2021年付费自习室的用户恢复快速增长趋势,用户规模超过500万人,增幅为74.4%。
With the gradual promotion of the paid study room, the user market will gradually enhance the acceptance of the paid study room. The user structure of the paid study room will gradually evolve from the original single white-collar workers and students to the user groups with various uses and needs. According to the survey data, nearly 7% of the paid study room users become non student users, and 48.6% of them go to the paid study room to prepare for the job. However, the impact of COVID-19 on the tuition study room is relatively large, and the growth of users in the tuition learning room is slowing down. According to the data of iimedia research, the growth rate of user scale in 2019 and 2020 will be 170.6% and 34.8% respectively, and the growth rate will narrow. However, with the expansion of vaccination population, it is estimated that in 2021, the number of users in paid study rooms will return to the trend of rapid growth, with the number of users exceeding 5 million, an increase of 74.4%.艾媒咨询|2021中国新业态商业发展趋势分析报告
In the first three quarters of 2020, the value added of high tech manufacturing above scale increased by 5.9 percent, the value added of equipment manufacturing increased by 4.7 percent, and investment in high tech increased by 9.1 percent and 2.8 percentage points. In the first three quarters, the online retail sales of physical goods increased by 15.3% year-on-year, one percentage point faster than in the first half of the year, and accounted for 24.3% of the total retail sales of social consumer goods. Under the impact of the epidemic, the momentum of industrial transformation and development has accelerated significantly, the new momentum represented by the Internet economy has grown against the trend, and new business forms and new models such as online shopping and live streaming of goods have continued to heat up, the emerging demand for online work, long-distance consultation and online education is very strong, and industries that are just in need, such as mothers and babies, old-age care and medical beauty, are also bursting out with new vitality in the epidemic with the help of new marketing models, it has played an active role in promoting the prevention and control of epidemic situation, ensuring the livelihood of residents and promoting economic growth.艾媒咨询|2020年中国艺人经纪市场发展现状及典型企业分析报告
Under the influence of the development of mobile Internet technology, the changing needs of users and the emergence of various new online audio-visual formats, the core of artists has been further expanded, and celebrities, online celebrities and virtual idols have emerged one after another, and gradually to the diversification of the direction of development, the artist market competition is more intense. According to the data, China's talent brokerage market will reach 100 billion yuan in 2020, with an average annual growth rate of 30% over the next five years.艾媒咨询|2020H1中国母婴新零售行业研究报告
新冠疫情的爆发激发了母婴行业对转型升级紧迫性、重要性的认知,成为了线上线下加速融合的助推器。目前连锁母婴品牌的线下发展已经呈现出一定的分化,少数品牌凭借轻资产扩张模式取得了亮眼表现。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在母婴消费品质升级的长期趋势下,线下实体母婴门店在逐步品牌化、连锁化的同时也将延伸线上业务,通过线上服务增强顾客粘性。而对于布局线上的母婴企业,疫情期间以直播为代表的线上营销方式起势正猛,有望走向常态化。艾媒咨询分析师认为,供需侧的变化加速了母婴产业线上线下融合, 母婴新零售体系日趋完善。在母婴新零售业态不断发展的过程中,持续升级产品服务,才是母婴新零售企业长续经营的关键。
The outbreak of coVID19 has aroused the awareness of the urgency and importance of transformation and upgrading in the maternal and infant industry, which has become a booster for accelerating the integration of online and offline industries. At present, the offline development of chain maternal and infant brands has presented a trend of differentiation, and a few brands have made a bright performance by virtue of the assetlight expansion mode. iiMedia consulting analyst believes that under the long-term trend of upgrading the consumption quality, offline brick-and-mortar stores for mothers and infants will gradually become branded and chain-store. Meanwhile they would extend their online business and using online services to enhance customer stickiness. For online maternal and child enterprises, the online marketing represented by live broadcast during the epidemic is gaining momentum and is expected to be normalized. iiMedia consulting analyst believes that the changes on the supply and demand side have accelerated the online and offline integration of the maternal and infant industry. The new maternal and infant retail system is becoming more and more complete. In the process of the development of maternal and infant new retail business, the continuous upgrading of products and services is the key.艾媒咨询|2020H1付费自习室行业发展现状与消费趋势调查分析报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调查数据显示,超七成消费者对付费自习室持认可态度,然而在体验过付费自习室的用户中,有62.9%的消费者体验过不止一家。艾媒咨询分析师认为,当前付费自习室的消费习惯还没有完全形成,后续如何进一步培育消费市场,留住并且尽量提升用户消费频率,是行业亟需解决的重要问题。
According to the iiMedia Research survey, more than 70% of consumers approve of paid self-study rooms, while 62.9 per cent of those who have experienced paid self-study rooms have experienced more than one. iiMedia Research believes that the current pay-for-study room consumption habits have not yet been fully formed, how to further cultivate the consumer market, retain and maximize the frequency of user consumption, is the industry urgently need to solve the important issues.艾媒咨询|2020H1中国直播电商行业主播职业发展现状及趋势研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:谦寻文化,青藤文化,Drama TV。
2020年5月27日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1中国直播电商行业主播职业发展现状及趋势研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对在直播电商行业的主播情况进行深度分析,剖析主播薪酬、主播能力、主播与MCN机构博弈等的关键信息,总结当前的主播发展业态并且预判2020-2021年中国直播电商行业主播职业发展趋势及风险。艾媒咨询分析师认为,“门槛低”“薪资高”“需求大”,电商直播行业持续吸引大量人才加入赛道,带货主播行业竞争激烈。但商家或者MCN机构主要通过隐性能力严格筛选综合能力强的高效性人才,因而并非所有网红都能胜任。
During the outbreak, the mainity industry generated a large recruitment demand. But from the professional structure, waist anchors occupy the majority, they grew up on a meagre base salary to live and red slow, psychological pressure. Moreover, the main broadcaster generally faces no traffic, traffic but no sales, sales but not money and other difficulties, the need for relevant government departments to issue a certain industry norms to promote the long-term professional development of the industry.艾媒报告|2019年12月中国母婴行业运行状况及头部企业月度监测报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:巴拉巴拉,全棉时代,帮宝适,NIKE,DAVE&BELLA,好孩子,可优比,Moony,贝因美,辉山乳业,阿里云,蒙牛,浙江一鸣,Gerber/嘉宝,Little Freddie/小皮,Heinz/亨氏,Earth’s best/爱思贝,Happy baby/禧贝,Engnice/英氏,Bellamy’s/贝拉米,方广,Eastwes/伊威,RIVSEA/禾泱泱,bio island,Childlife/童年时光,Nemans/纽曼思,Baby Ddrops,BIOSTIME/合生元,Nature’s Way,Eric Favre,CULTURELLE/康萃乐,Autili/澳特力,Ostelin,佳贝艾特,卡洛塔妮,可瑞康,御宝,蓝河,百跃谱恩,圣元圣特拉慕朵拉小羊,羊羊100,和氏,爱他美,启赋,a2,美素佳儿,飞鹤,美赞臣,雅培,惠氏,诺优能,君乐宝,雅培菁智有机,惠氏启赋蕴萃,Healthy times 爱斯时光,飞鹤臻稚,Alra宝贝与我,Neolac悠蓝,蒙牛瑞哺恩,Hipp喜宝,澳优淳璀
随着二孩政策的全面开放、消费升级和她经济崛起,母婴产业发展势头迅猛。本报告主要通过月子中心、婴儿食品、母婴购物、亲子教育四方面对母婴产业进行热点监测及数据分析。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年,中国月子中心数量可达4439家,但母婴电商获得投融资金额和数量均为近四年最低值。分析师认为,母婴各细分行业负面新闻不断,需要进一步加强行业规范和监管力度,以提升产业竞争力。
With the full opening of the two-child policy, the upgrading of consumption and the rise of her economy, the mother and infant industry is developing rapidly. This report mainly conducts hot spot monitoring and data analysis on the mother and infant industry through four aspects: the confinement center, baby food, mother and baby shopping, and parent-child education. According to iiMedia Research, in 2019, the number of monthly child centers in China can reach 4,439, but the amount and number of investment and financing for mother and baby e-commerce are the lowest in nearly four years. Analysts believe that the negative news in the various mother and infant sub-sectors continues, and it is necessary to further strengthen industry norms and supervision in order to enhance industrial competitiveness.
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