2020年5月29日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1全球及中国跨境电商运营数据及典型企业分析研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对跨境电商的行业发展和运营进行深度分析,通过对中国B2B、B2C两大类跨境电商的运营数据和企业案例分析,以及用户的跨境电商购物行为调研,剖析中国跨境电商行业的当前状况,并且本报告还关注到东南亚、拉美等跨境电商发展较快的地区,通过对全球总体态势的总结,预判2020-2021年中国跨境电商的发展趋势。艾媒咨询分析师认为,疫情对跨境电商有一定的影响,但总体而言跨境电商仍将保持增长态势。目前跨境电商市场的竞争非常激烈,并且已经开始从中国向东南亚、拉美等地区扩张,加上用户的消费态度变化,跨境电商企业重点从过去的山寨、无品牌的产品转变为品牌竞逐。
The epidemic has a huge impact on the global economy and trade, and cross-border e-commerce companies are also generally faced with many problems such as cancellation or extension of on-hand orders, difficulties in signing new orders, and poor logistics and transportation. iiMedia Research believe that cross-border e-commerce has received policy support and has also cultivated a large number of user markets. Although cross-border e-commerce will be subject to some objective impact in the short term, cross-border e-commerce will remain in the long run Increase vitality.艾媒报告|2020中国独角兽TOP100榜单及标杆企业研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:乂学教育-松鼠Ai 1对1,每日优鲜,美菜网,微医,联影医疗,快手,云从科技,滴滴出行,小鹏汽车,菜鸟网络,苏宁金融,柔宇科技,奇安信;其他提及企业/品牌:阿里巴巴,腾讯,京东,蚂蚁金服,京东数科,橙行智动,字节跳动 ,智者天下,度小满,小桔科技,商汤科技,喜马拉雅,地平线,陆金所,云杉世界,搜车网 ,满帮集团,云从科技,深兰科技 ,威马汽车,银联商务,车和家,大疆创新,微医云,小船出海,悦易网络,微众银行,优必选,猿力教育,寒武纪元,比特大陆,柔宇科技,行吟信息,拜腾汽车,小屋信息 ,优客工场,准时达,车好多,自如,智车优行,依图科技,葆扬投资,彬讯科技,钱大妈,一起作业,呯嘭智能,涂鸦科技,奥比中光,洋码头,麒麟合盛,途家在线,密境和风,图森未来,蚂蜂窝,纳恩博,悦畅科技,特斯联,新潮传媒,优行科技,第四范式,碳云智能,同盾科技,一点网聚,云知声,随手科技,八戒网络,数梦工场,首约科技,小马智行,虫极科技,联易融,诺禾致源,魅族,博鳌纵横,找钢网,圆心科技,影谱科技,氪空间,越海全球,花旺在线,快跑信息,丰巢科技,医云科技,淘友天下,华云数据,沪江教育,酒仙网,易动纷享,羽扇智,适赫物流,辣妈帮,贝贝集团,斑马网络,初速度,汇通天下,连尚网络
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国独角兽TOP100企业中,地域方面,北京、上海和深圳分别出现39、20和15家独角兽企业,总占比达74%;行业领域方面,人工智能与电商零售领域的独角兽企业发展较为迅速,上榜企业达33家。受益于新兴技术以及庞大的消费人群,与大众消费相关的独角兽企业发展较快,数量占到46%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在2020年新冠疫情的影响下,中国宏观经济下行压力加剧,独角兽企业也将面临全新的机遇和挑战,一方面不少独角兽企业将受益于国家新老基建投资以及内需扩容提质等政策刺激快速发展,另一方面在全球经济增速放缓的情况下独角兽企业也将面临更激烈的竞争,生存发展压力加剧。
Among the unicorn TOP100 companies in China in 2020, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen have 39, 20, and 15 unicorn companies accounted for 74% of the total; in the field of industry, unicorn companies in the field of artificial intelligence and e-commerce retail developed rapidly, with 33 companies on the list. Benefiting from emerging technologies and a large consumer population, unicorn companies related to mass consumption have developed rapidly, accounting for 46% of the total. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that under the influence of the new crown epidemic in 2020, China's macroeconomic downward pressure will increase, and unicorn companies will also face new opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, many unicorn companies will benefit from national infrastructure Policies such as investment and domestic demand expansion and quality spur rapid development. On the other hand, with the global economic growth slowing down, unicorn companies will also face more intense competition and intensify the pressure on survival and development.艾媒报告|2019中国网络互助发展专题研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近八成的网络互助参与者对网络互助计划表示满意,仅有1.7%的参与者表示比较不满意。网络互助的出现,为低收入家庭提供健康保障,缓解因患重病带来的经济压力,另一方面也能一定程度上满足精神需求,互联网巨头纷纷入局网络互助行业,用户规模不断扩大。
目前中国商业保险覆盖率较低,社会医保在赔付金额和覆盖疾病类型上又未能达到商业保险的规模,居民的普惠保障需求旺盛,网络互助产品凭借低门槛和公益性逐渐获得下沉市场的青睐。且随着政府监管的趋严、企业积极创新,网络互助行业迎来新的高速发展期。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,95.2%的网络互助参与者月均支付金额低于10元,参与者满意程度高。网络互助产品一方面为需求人群提供低成本的医疗保障;另一方面,互助的形式也满足帮助他人的精神追求。网络互助的低门槛、低成本特点,使其能够对下沉城市和更多低收入人群实现覆盖,逐渐成为群众医疗保障重要一环。
At present, the coverage rate of commercial insurance is relatively low in China, and the scale of social medical insurance fails to reach the scale of commercial insurance in terms of compensation amount and types of diseases covered. Residents have a strong demand for mass medical security, and online mutual assistance products gradually win favor in the sinking market due to the low threshold and public welfare. Moreover, with the government's stricter regulation and enterprises' active innovation, the online mutual assistance industry has ushered in a new period of high-speed development. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 95.2 percent of online mutual assistance participants paid less than 10 yuan per month on average, with high satisfaction. On the one hand, online mutual assistance products can provide low-cost medical security for people in need. On the other hand, the form of mutual assistance also satisfies the spiritual pursuit of helping others. With the characteristics of low threshold and low cost, network mutual assistance can cover sinking cities and more low-income groups, and gradually become an important part of mass medical security.
This report mainly summarizes and analyzes the current status of the development model of the knowledge payment industry in China. It monitors the background of the industry development, industry core data, and important links in the knowledge payment industry chain. Research on paid user behavior (sample size 1750), and focus on different types of knowledge payment platforms such as acquisition, fluency in English, Zhihu, Himalayan, etc. as a typical business situation analysis, interpret the overall development trend of the industry and study its business operations Model, predicting the development trend and operating model of China's knowledge payment industry in 2021.艾媒报告|2019年中国人工智能年度专题研究报告
中国人工智能产业增长快速,预计2030年中国人工智能核心产业规模将突破10000亿元。数据的沉积、算法的优化和算力的提升为人工智能技术的商业化应用奠定了坚实基础。越来越多传统行业借助人工智能技术进行转型升级,并受到大众的广泛关注。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,人工智能与金融、安防、医疗、教育等领域的融合发展成为大众的重点关注领域,37.8%的受访者表示最了解人工智能在金融领域的应用;39.3%的受访者最期待人工智能在医疗领域的应用;66.8%的受访者对人工智能未来发展表示看好。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着人工智能领域细分化和专业化程度的不断提升,人工智能商业化进程将会提速,但快速发展携带而来的信息安全风险以及道德伦理问题不容忽视。
China's artificial intelligence industry is growing rapidly. It is expected that the scale of China's artificial intelligence core industry will exceed 100 billion yuan in 2030. The deposition of data, the optimization of algorithms, and the enhancement of computing power have laid a solid foundation for the commercial application of artificial intelligence technology. More and more traditional industries rely on artificial intelligence technology for transformation and upgrading, and they have attracted widespread attention. According to iiMedia Research data, the integrated development of artificial intelligence and finance, security, medical care, education and other fields has become the focus of attention of the public. 37.8% of the respondents said they knew the application of artificial intelligence in the financial field best; 39.3 % Of the respondents are most looking forward to the application of artificial intelligence in the medical field; 66.8% of the respondents are optimistic about the future development of artificial intelligence. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that with the continuous improvement of the segmentation and specialization of the artificial intelligence field, the commercialization of artificial intelligence will accelerate, but the information security risks and ethical issues brought about by rapid development cannot be ignored.【1999-2019特别专题】中国互联网发展20年盘点专题报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年,中国数字经济规模已达31.3万亿元,占GDP比重34.8%,数字经济已成为当前产业发展增量引擎。新中国成立70周年,回望中国经济发展历程,互联网的发展谱写了瞩目的篇章。中国互联网经历了探索成长期、快速发展期、成熟繁荣期,由PC互联网走向移动互联网,由2G走向5G。1999年中华网赴美上市,向全球宣告了中国互联网行业的崛起,同时以网易、搜狐、新浪为代表的中国门户网站模式的萌芽,也预示着中国互联网真正站起来了。2009年中国3G商用开启移动互联时代,互联网步入快速发展期。2013年中国移动互联网开始迈向4G时代。“互联网+”理念代表着一种新的经济形态,互联网技术+创新思维成中国经济社会创新的驱动力量。中国互联网激烈的竞争角逐中产生了一批如腾讯视频、知乎、酷我音乐、京东、淘宝、携程、支付宝、百度搜索、腾讯云、旷视科技等标杆企业。经过了20年的发展,中国互联网产业将不断扩展,包括智能终端、工业机器人、自动驾驶、企业服务等产业顺势不断升级。随着5G网络的推行,新经济产业运转也将重新迎来创新潮流。
Data from iiMedia Research shows that in 2018, China's digital economy has reached 31.3 trillion yuan, accounting for 34.8% of GDP. Digital economy has become an engine for industrial development. During the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, looking back at the course of China's economic development, the Internet has written a remarkable chapter. China's Internet has experienced a period of exploration, rapid development, and maturity and prosperity, from PC Internet to mobile Internet and from 2G to 5G. In 1999, china.com went public in the United States, which announced the rise of China's Internet industry to the world. Meanwhile, the budding of China's portal website model represented by NetEase,SoHu and Sina also indicated that China's Internet really stood up. In 2009, China's 3G started the era of mobile Internet in commercial use, which means the Internet entered a period of rapid development. In 2013, China's mobile Internet began to move towards 4G era. The concept of “Internet plus“ represents a new economic form. Internet technology and innovative thinking has become the driving force of China's economic and social innovation. In the fierce competition of China's Internet, a number of outstanding enterprises have emerged, such as Tencent Video, Zhihu, Kuwo Music,JD, taobao, Ctrip, Alipay, Baidu Search, Tencent cloud, KuangShi technology and so on. After 20 years of development, China's Internet industry will continue to expand, including smart terminals, industrial robots, autonomous driving, enterprise services and other industries continue to upgrade. With the implementation of 5G network, the operation of new economy industry will also usher in a new trend of innovation.艾媒报告 |2019上半年中国共享充电宝行业研究报告
本报告研究设计企业/品牌/案例:街电,未来科技,云充吧,怪兽充电,小电,飞毛腿,ZMI,Panasonic, tuyo,TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, 租电
2019上半年,共享充电宝行业发展状况良好,未来仍有巨大的发展空间。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,共享充电宝品牌主要的合作伙伴是餐馆等餐饮行业的商家,其次是酒店、旅店等住宿场所的商家。获得分成和与同行竞争者保持一致是大部分商家表示与共享充电宝合作主要原因。此外,35.6%商家对合作的共享充电宝品牌表示满意,42.2%商家持中立态度。艾媒咨询分析师认为,由于5G带来设备耗电量增加,共享充电宝需求将进一步爆发。随着用户的迅速增长,安全保障需加以重视并继续提升。同时,共享充电宝企业还应积极探索多元化盈利渠道,充分发挥入口功能,并且加速建立自己的资源优势。艾媒咨询分析师预测,共享充电宝行业的资源将进一步往头部企业整合。
In the first half of 2019, the shared-charge treasure industry has been developing well. There is still huge room for development in the future.According to iiMedia Research, the main partners of the shared-charge treasure enterprises are restaurants and other catering businesses, followed by hotels and other accommodation places.The main reasons why most businesses cooperate with the shared-charge treasure are to get the profit and keep in line with the competitors.In addition, 35.6 percent of merchants are satisfied with the shared-charge treasure enterprises, while 42.2 percent are neutral. IiMedia consulting analysts believe that demand for shared-charge treasure will explode further due to the increased power consumption of devices brought by 5G.With the rapid growth of users, security needs to be paid attention to and continue to improve.At the same time, shared-charge treasure enterprises should actively explore diversified profit channels, give full play to the entrance function, and accelerate the establishment of their own resource advantages. Iimedia consulting analysts predict that the resources of the shared-charge treasure industry will further integrate into the head enterprises.艾媒报告 |2019Q1中国移动支付市场研究报告
本报告涉及企业/品牌包括:微信支付,支付宝,花呗,蚂蚁财富,芝麻信用,网商网,腾讯理财通,小微企业贷,微粒贷借钱,微众银行,网商银行,RiverPay,PayPal,亚马逊,Facebook,google ,阿联酋清算有限公司
得益于支付宝、微信支付等产品的发展成熟,中国移动支付发展成熟度在全球具有领先优势。移动支付已成为中国网民支付的主要方式。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国移动支付用户规模达到6.59亿人,每月移动支付金额占总支出比例超过75%的用户达到43.6%,“无现金时代”有望实现。目前支付宝、微信支付双寡头主导中国第三方移动支付市场,二者交易规模市场总占比超过九成。其中线下生活场景微信支付占优势,线下小额扫码支付偏好使用微信支付的用户达54.9%;线上电商场景则由支付宝占优势,线上大额扫码支付偏好使用支付宝的用户达到64.9%。发达城市与下沉城市移动支付用户需求存差异,三四线城市用户线上线下都更爱用微信支付,占比分别为58.6%和72.5%;而一二线城市用户线上支付偏好用支付宝的比例则高达72.0%。未来移动支付企业对于市场的争夺将更加聚焦于场景的争夺上,在下沉市场的竞争也是未来的关注重点。
With the maturity of products such as Alipay and WeChat payment, China Mobile payment market development maturity has a leading position in the world. Mobile payment has become the main method of payment by Chinese netizens. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the number of mobile payment users in China reached 659 million in 2018, and the monthly mobile payment accounted for 43.6% of the total expenditure. The “no cash era” is expected to be realized. At present, Alipay and WeChat payment duopoly dominate China's third-party mobile payment market, and their market transaction size exceeds 90% of total maket. Among them, WeChat payment is dominant in the offline life scene, it is 54.9% of users who prefer to use WeChat payment in the offline small scan code payment; the online e-commerce scene is dominated by Alipay, it is 64.9% of users who prefer to use Alipay in the online large amount of scan code payment. The demand for mobile payment users in developed cities and sinking cities is different. Users in third- and fourth-tier cities prefer to use WeChat payment online and offline, accounting for 58.6% and 72.5% respectively; while online payment preferences for users in first- and second-tier cities use Alipay. The ratio is as high as 72.0%. In the future, the competition for mobile payment companies will focus more on the competition for the scene. The competition in the sinking market is also the focus of the future.艾媒报告 |2019年中国酒店行业发展监测与商业投资决策分析报告
2018-2019年,中国酒店业在数量规模和档次上保持着金字塔形的市场结构。iiMedia Reserach(艾媒咨询)大数据监测显示,服务大众市场的比例达到92.6%,体现了酒店业服务大众消费的民生属性。这一时期,以旅游为主要场景的在线短租平台也逐渐获得消费者青睐。酒店行业结构将逐步完善成熟,投资者应针对不同档次酒店的发展特点,考虑酒店对市场投入的差异策略等因素进行投资。
The 2017 hotel industry's profit rate was only 1%, down 9.1% from the previous year, and the hotel industry is building new business and transforming into a large accommodation industry. iiMedia Reserach Big data monitoring shows that in 2018, the overall supply of Chinese hotels in the room growth rate reached 10.2%, the mid-end hotel rooms with 15.7% supply growth rate of the first hotel in all grades. At the same time, tourism as the main scene, Airbnb as the representative of the online short-rent platform gradually won the favor of consumers. At present, mid-end hotel has become the main body of development, the development of high-end hotels will pay more attention to the subdivision of personal consumption needs, to provide personalized and high-quality services. At the same time, the residential sharing model with Chinese characteristics will continue to innovate and develop. Investors should be in view of the development characteristics of different grades of hotels, consider the hotel on the market input of the difference strategy and other factors to invest.
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