随着线上娱乐发展以及音频技术的创新,以及线上音频社交的逐渐兴起,在线音频行业受到广大用户的关注。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国在线音频用户规模达5.7亿人,预计2022年整体用户规模达到6.9亿人。目前,在线音频行业正向全生态发展,内容布局也不断拓展广泛,未来在线音频行业将逐渐精细化,头部平台将更有机会提供优质资源,在未来竞争中获得先机。
With the development of online entertainment, the innovation of audio technology and the gradual rise of online audio social networking, the online audio industry has attracted the attention of the majority of users. According to iimedia research, the number of online audio users in China will reach 570 million in 2020, and the overall number of users is expected to reach 690 million in 2022. At present, the online audio industry is developing towards the whole ecology, and the content layout is also expanding widely. In the future, the online audio industry will be gradually refined, and the head platform will have more opportunities to provide high-quality resources and take the lead in the future competition.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国在线音频行业研究报告
经过多年发展,中国在线音频行业覆盖用户规模不断扩大。且基于音频的伴随性特点,在线音频平台覆盖的中高收入和年长用户群体较多。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国在线音频40岁以上用户占比11.9%,月收入在10000以上的用户比例也达到27.5%。面对该部分人群,在线音频平台需要输出更多优质内容,用户方面,目前超九成受访在线音频用户也表示有必要提升目前音频平台栏目的内容质量。面对用户诉求,现阶段主流在线音频平台积极推出优质栏目和科教文化内容,同时延伸其他载体渠道的经典IP,让用户能够在音频渠道接触更多优质内容。
After years of development, China online audio industry covers a growing number of users. Based on the accompanying characteristics of audio, online audio platform covers more high-income and elderly users. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 11.9% of China online audio users are over 40 years old, and 27.5% of the users have monthly income of more than 10000. For these users, the online audio platform needs to produce more high-quality content. In terms of users, more than 90% of the online audio users interviewed also said that it is necessary to improve the content quality of the current audio platform columns. In the face of user demands, the mainstream online audio platform at this stage actively promotes high-quality columns and scientific, educational and cultural content, and extends the classic IP of other carrier channels, so that users can contact more high-quality content in the audio channel.艾媒报告|2020中国新冠肺炎疫情正负影响行业及典型企业业绩影响分析报告
2020年2月24日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国新冠肺炎疫情正负影响行业及典型企业业绩影响分析报告》,主要对受2020年疫情影响的典型行业进行盘点分析,并选取典型企业代表进行业绩影响分析。利好企业代表选取三七互娱、荔枝、金山办公,利空企业代表选取中国国旅、南方航空、鄂武商A等。结合企业以往经营情况,预测新冠肺炎对其2020Q1业绩影响。数据显示,春节七天假期内,iOS畅销榜 Top10-60 的游戏流水总量同比增幅超 100%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,疫情引发的“宅经济”利好游戏行业,流水大幅增加对一度季度业绩形成有力支撑,预计部分头部游戏公司业绩增长有望超过50%,给予“非常乐观”评级。
On February 24, 2020, iiMedia Research, a world-renowned third-party data mining and analysis agency for the new economy industry, released the “Analysis of the Impact of 2020 China's Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia on Industry and Enterprise Performance”, mainly analyzes the typical industries affected by the epidemic situation in 2020, and selects representatives of typical enterprises for performance impact analysis. The analysis shows that Sanqi Interactive Entertainment, LIZHI, and WPS office are selected for representatives of enterprises under positive influence, and China International Travel Service, China Southern Airlines and Wuhan Department Store are selected for representatives of enterprises under negative influence. The novel coronavirus pneumonia was predicted to predict its 2020Q1 performance based on the past business situation. Data show that during the seven-day holiday period of the Spring Festival, the top 10-60 games on iOS best-selling games increased by more than 100% year-on-year. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the "home economy" triggered by the NCP is good for the gaming industry, and the substantial increase in flow has strongly supported the quarterly results. It is expected that the performance of some leading game companies will exceed 50%, giving them a “very optimistic” rating.艾媒报告|2019-2020年中国在线音频专题研究报告
中国在线音频行业迎“耳朵经济”蓬勃发展新时期。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计到2020年,中国在线音频用户规模将达5.42亿。2020年“耳朵经济”有望进一步激发,内容生态建设仍是发展之关键。
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示, 2019年中国在线音频市场用户规模达4.89亿人,随着在线音频平台的资源投入和品质内容供给,2020年“耳朵经济”有望进一步激发。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在线音频行业发展核心仍然是内容生态的建设,未来三到五年内,内容建设将持续推进,日益向细分化、场景化发展。内生于用户年轻态、热衷表达的UGC模式,将不同于知识付费背景下的PGC模式,由用户参与、携手主播共建内容生态,具有更灵活、更人性化的特点,在优质内容驱动下将更高效赋能行业发展。此外, 5G技术的发展将进一步加速,在线音频行业若能顺利迎接5G+物联网的时代变革,未来在线音频将有望开辟出新的发展空间。
Data from iiMedia Research shows that the number of users in China's online audio market reached 489 million in 2019. With the resource input and quality content supply of online audio platforms, the “ear economy“ is expected to be further stimulated in 2020. Imedia consulting analysts believe that the core of the development of the online audio industry is still the construction of content ecology, in the next three to five years, content construction will continue to promote, increasingly to a fine differentiation, scene development. The UGC model with young users and keen expression will be different from the PGC model under the background of knowledge payment, with users' participation and co-construction of content ecology by anchors. It will be more flexible and more user-friendly, and will be more efficient in enabling the development of the industry driven by high-quality content. In addition, the development of 5G technology will be further accelerated. If the online audio industry can successfully embrace the era change of 5G+ Internet of things, it is expected to open up new development space for online audio in the future.
This report mainly summarizes and analyzes the current status of the development model of the knowledge payment industry in China. It monitors the background of the industry development, industry core data, and important links in the knowledge payment industry chain. Research on paid user behavior (sample size 1750), and focus on different types of knowledge payment platforms such as acquisition, fluency in English, Zhihu, Himalayan, etc. as a typical business situation analysis, interpret the overall development trend of the industry and study its business operations Model, predicting the development trend and operating model of China's knowledge payment industry in 2021.艾媒报告 |2019上半年中国在线音频市场研究报告
在线音频是指通过网络流媒体播放、下载等方式收听的音频内容,主要包括有声读物、网络电台、语音直播、互动娱乐等形式。随着在线音频内容的进一步开放,以及用户场景需求得到进一步挖掘,在线音频市场有望保持稳定快速增长态势。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国在线音频市场用户规模达4.25亿人。预计到2020年,中国在线音频用户规模将达5.42亿。2019上半年中国有过半网民使用过在线音频APP,其中常收听语音直播的人群比例为46.2%。在这些用户中,主播的声音、直播内容的质量是用户比较关注的因素。另外,多数语音直播听众在收听时有过付费行为,语音直播内容付费有着较大的潜力。但是内容违规和版权问题依旧是行业痛点,市场竞争格局也愈发激烈。未来在线音频市场将会继续加强优质内容和内容生态的打造,借助技术的发展,深耕用户场景需求,使业务更加多元化
Online audio refers to audio content listened through network streaming media, including audio books, network radio, audio live broadcast, interactive entertainment and other forms.With the further opening of online audio content and the further mining of user scenarios, the market of online audio is expected to maintain a steady and rapid growth. According to iiMedia Research, China's online audio market had 425 million users in 2018.China's online audio users are expected to reach 542 million by 2020.More than half of China's Internet users have used online audio apps in the first half of 2019, and 46.2% of them often listen to voice broadcast.Among these users, the sound of anchors and the quality of live broadcast content are the factors that users pay more attention to.In addition, most listeners of voice broadcast have paid for listening, so there is great potential to pay for the content of voice broadcast.However, content violations and copyright issues are still pain points in the industry, and the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce.In the future, the online audio market will continue to strengthen the creation of high-quality content and content ecology, with the help of the development of technology, deeply explore the needs of user scenarios, and make the business more diversified.艾媒报告 |2019Q1中国在线音频市场研究报告
本报告涉及企业/品牌包括:喜马拉雅,荔枝,蜻蜓FM,考拉FM,酷我听书,企鹅FM,凤凰FM,氧气听书,酷听网,淼淼学校,小米科技,张德芬空间,美播客Himalaya Media,大西洋资本集团,SIG,懒人听书,精锐教育,探探,知乎
2018年大力扶持文化产业的发展,为在线音频行业创造了良好的政策环境,加上一系列社会环境变化也为在线音频行业的发展带来机遇。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国在线音频用户规模达4.25亿,在2017年基础上增长22.1%。相较于移动视频、移动阅读行业,通过音频载体输出内容的在线音频行业呈现更快发展势头,在线音频行业也向垂直市场和社交化方向进行探索。2018年,中国14岁以下人口规模达2.47亿人,人群规模整体较2017年增加超过1300万人,儿童音频市场消费潜力引巨头关注。此外,2019年第一季度中国社交APP用户偏年轻化,同期在线音频用户24岁以下占比33.5%。95后用户正在成为社交主力军,面对日益年轻化的社交主力军,传统的社交模式无法满足其社交需求,这为音频行业进军社交领域提供了机遇。随着各主流音频平台在细分市场布局加强,未来在线音频行业竞争将更趋激烈。
In 2018, the national policy strongly supported the development of the cultural industry, creating a good policy environment for the online audio industry, and a series of changes in the social environment also brought opportunities for the development of the online audio industry. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of online audio users in China reached 425 million in 2018 with an increase of 22.1% from 2017. Compared with the mobile video and mobile reading industries, the online audio industry that making content in the form of audio is showing a faster development trend. The online audio industry is also exploring the vertical market and socialization direction. In 2018, population under the age of 14 in China reached 247 million people. The overall scale of the population increased by more than 13 million compared with 2017. The consumer potential of the children's audio market has attracted attention. In addition, in the first quarter of 2019, Chinese social APP users were young, while online audio users under the age of 24 has also accounted for 33.5%. The post-1995 users are becoming the main force of socializing. In the face of the increasingly young social mainstream, the traditional social model can not meet their social needs, which provides an opportunity for the audio industry to enter the social field. As the mainstream audio platforms are strengthened in the market segment, the competition in the online audio market will become more intense in the future.艾媒报告 |2019中国在线音频市场研究报告
近年来在线音频平台大力发展知识付费,以喜马拉雅、蜻蜓FM为代表的在线音频平台打造了各种知识付费节,带来经济效应的同时创造了巨大的社会效应。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年在线音频用户规模突破4亿,增速达22.1%,相较于移动视频及移动阅读行业,呈现较快增速。超六成受访用户表示愿意付费成为在线音频平台会员,在线音频会员付费前景可观。
According to iiMedia Research, online audio users exceeded 400 million in size in 2018, with a growth rate of 22.1%. Compared with the mobile video and mobile reading industries,it shows a rapid growth rate. More than 60% of the respondents expressed their willingness to pay to become members of the online audio platform, while about 30% of the respondents expressed uncertainty. There is a promising prospect for online audio members to pay. iiMedia Consulting Analysts believe that with the further standardization of copyright content, more and more IP adaptation will emerge. Online platforms tend to be characterized, differentiated and subdivided, and business models become more mature and diversified.
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