随着经济的不断发展以及中西方饮食文化的交融,消费者对调味食品的需求越来越多元化。此外,健康饮食观念的普及使得消费者更加注重调味食品的营养成分和健康属性,为中国调味食品行业的发展提供了巨大机遇。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国调味食品行业市场研究报告》数据显示,2024年中国调味食品消费者选购产品时主要关注的因素是口感口味和质量安全,分别占比47.4%、43.9%。当前,调味食品的主要销售渠道是线下商超和综合电商平台,其他销售渠道正在被逐渐渗透。随着健康理念在消费者选购产品时逐渐占据重要地位,调味食品行业正迎来以低钠低糖为核心理念的新消费需求。此外,拓宽销售渠道和推广渠道也将成为企业强化市场地位的新机遇。
With the continuous development of economy and the integration of Chinese and western food culture, consumers' demand for flavored food is becoming more and more diversified. In addition, the popularity of the concept of healthy eating makes consumers pay more attention to the nutritional composition and health attributes of flavored foods, which provides great opportunities for the development of China's flavored food industry. According to the latest Research Report on the Development of China seasoning food industry market research report in 2024 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, It is expected that in 2024, the scale of China's condiment market will reach 687.1 billion yuan. In 2024, the main factors that Chinese consumers pay attention to when purchasing products are taste, taste and quality and safety, accounting for 47.4% and 43.9% respectively. At present, the main sales channels of flavored food are offline supermarkets and integrated e-commerce platforms, and other sales channels are gradually being penetrated. As the health concept gradually occupies an important position in the purchase of products by consumers, the flavored food industry is ushering in new consumer demand with low sodium and low sugar as the core concept. In addition, broadening sales channels and promotion channels will also become a new opportunity for enterprises to strengthen their market position.艾媒咨询|2020年中国网络综艺行业热点及平台发展分析报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年下半年,主流平台网络综艺题材方面,观察体验类综艺节目热度不减,音乐、选秀竞技类节目战火延续,电商、时尚的兴起,潮流综艺迎来小高潮,直播带货格外火热,直播带货节目也同步落地开花。
iiMedia Research data show that in the second half of 2020, the mainstream platform network variety variety theme, observation experience class variety show heat, music, talent show competitive programs continue to fight, the rise of e-commerce, fashion, the trend of variety shows a small climax, live with goods extra hot, live delivery programs also synchronized flowering.艾媒咨询|2020H1中国电子竞技市场运行监测报告
在电子设备及现代信息技术的高速发展下,中国电子竞技市场规模不断扩大,在2019年达到982.2亿元,预计到2020年达到1095.6亿元。其中,得益于爆款游戏的打造,移动端电竞成为了电竞产业发展的主要驱动力,用户规模预计在2020年达到3.75亿人。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,63.6%的受访网民希望加强本土电竞产业建设,并有79.8%的受访网民支持打造“本土化”电子竞技战队,体现出民众电竞观念的进一步渗透。在“新冠疫情”爆发的背景下,电子竞技产业通过创新技术的应用及云上电竞馆等商业模式的探索来应对疫情所带来的挑战,在提升用户体验的同时为行业创造更大的商业价值。
Driven by the rapid development of electronic devices and modern information technology, the scale of the China E-Sports market has enlarged continually, which has reached 98.22 billion RMB in 2019, and is expected to reach 109.56 billion RMB in 2020. Meanwhile, benefited from the making of various hit games, mobile E-Sports has become the main driven force of the development of the whole E-Sports industry, and the user scale is expected to reach 37.5 billion in 2020. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 63.6% of the interviewed users wish to improve the construction of local E-Sports industry, and 79.8% of the interviewed users support to build local E-Sports teams, which showed a further penetration of E-Sports awareness of the citizens. Within the background of “COVID-19”, the E-Sports industry faced the challenge of the pandemic crises by applying creative technology and exploring new business models such as “E-Sports stadium on cloud”, which both improved the users’ experience and created extra business value for the industry.艾媒报告|2020年中国疫情影响下的“宅经济”发展及投资逻辑分析报告
2020年2月21日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国疫情影响下的“宅经济”发展及投资逻辑分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年新冠病毒影响下的中国经济发展投资逻辑进行分析,特别对疫情利好的“宅经济”以及利空行业进行深度分析,以快递行业、在线娱乐、生鲜电商、在线教育、在线医疗、在线办公等行业案例,深入探究运行模式和发展趋势。2019年,21.3%宅家网民线上消费占总消费的比例在61%以上,宅家网民对线上消费依赖程度较高;77.1%宅家网民主要通过线上渠道进行娱乐,其中最受欢迎的是影视音乐,占比48.2%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,中国“宅经济”业态早已形成,但在2020年新春新冠状病毒疫情影响下,居民防疫隔离增加了宅在家里的时间,线上消费、线上娱乐需求增加,使得“宅经济”成为当前重要的经济发展模式。
In 2019, 21.3% of home netizens' online consumption accounted for more than 61% of total consumption, and home netizens rely heavily on online consumption; 77.1% of home netizens mainly used online channels for entertainment, the most popular of which Film and television music accounted for 48.2%. iiMedia Researchh analysts believe that China's "House Economy" format has long been formed, but under the influence of the New Year coronavirus epidemic in 2020, the quarantine of residents will increase the time spent at home, and online consumption and online entertainment demand will increase "House economy" has become an important economic development model.艾媒报告|2019-2022中国医疗器械市场大数据及标杆企业运行监测报告
Compared with the global medical device market, the structure of China's medical device market has been optimized in the past three years, but the structure is still seriously unbalanced. In the early Chinese medical device market, low-end products accounted for nearly 70% of the proportion, while high-end products accounted for only about 30%, while the international medical device market accounted for 55% of high-end products and 45% of low-end products. Such as Xinhua Medical, Dean Diagnostics, Lepu Medical, Yuyue Medical, etc. actively explore the high-end market and seek to develop. iiMedia Research analysts believe that high-end, intelligent and family-oriented are the three most significant trends in the development of China's medical device industry due to the impact of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, 5G and other technologies. In particular, medical big data, high-end medical imaging equipment, home medical equipment, smart portable medical equipment and other fields will be of great concern.
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